Title: Securing Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
1Securing Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Against Data
Injection Attacks Using Firewalls Jun Cheol Park
Advisor Prof. Sneha Kumar Kasera School of
Computing, University of Utah
As attackers are increasing, of required
firewalls is stable in random topologies with 100
- We propose to secure an ad hoc network against
data injection attacks by placing firewall
functions at strategic node locations. We develop - Near-optimal algorithm to determine where to
place the firewall functions. - Architecture to provide a provable attack
detection mechanism.
Data Injection Attack Protection
Our problem is how to locate firewall functions
at minimal number of nodes while maximizing their
efficiency. Most of attacked links can be
protected only with a few firewall nodes (e.g.,
two nodes 2 and 9).
Proving attackers
We develop a hybrid architecture where a base
station is a dependable entity in conjunction
with ad hoc networks nodes attach keyed-MACs of
timestamp and node id using shared secret keys
(Kib) with a marking probability p.
Our problem is analogous to K-coverage Problem F
S1, S2, , Sn, Si a set of elements in a
universal set U, and w(u) is the weight of an
element u. Q Which K subsets of F maximize the
weight of the union of selected subsets? A
NP-hard, therefore we use a variant of K-coverage
approximate algorithm.
K-coverage Approximate algorithm Input F F,
C , I for (i0, iltK i) select Si
to maximize W(Si ? C) C C ? Si I I ? i
F F- Si Output C is a near-optimal
solution and I is an associated index set.
More detailed Information
Please, refer to our paper published in IEEE WCNC
2007 at http//www.cs.utah.edu/jcpark