Title: Utah Science Olympiad
1Utah Science Olympiad
2Website to Remember
- This website is the Utah Science Olympiad Home
Page - All the information you need is posted on this
website, so visit OFTEN - http//departments.weber.edu/sciencecenter/Science
3What is a Team?
- Team Roster is the overall team
- Consists of 15 members with up to 6 alternates
- http//departments.weber.edu/sciencecenter/Science
Olympiad/finalregistration.htm - The team roster is due the Thursday before
Science Olympiad State Competition Day (March) - Subgroup (team) consists of the different
participants in an event - For example Pentathlon requires 4 team members to
4How to Register a Team
- Go to the website
- http//departments.weber.edu/sciencecenter/Science
Olympiad/registration.htm - Dont need to know names of students on team
roster to register - Can register any time before January 30th (a late
fee will be applied if registered after December
15) - When team is registered a team number is assigned
(B 1-36 or C 1-36) and manual is given
5Second Team
- A second team can be registered after December
15th IF THERE IS SPACE. (NO LATE FEE for second
teams) - A second team is a JV team
- Manuals are available mid-September
- One manual per team registered registration fee
- Extra manuals may be purchased for 10 each
- Manuals include
- Event descriptions and rules
- Number of team members allowed to participate in
each event - Materials required/allowed for each event
- Rules change EVERY year
- Never give students rules from an old manual
- Changes to rules are in bold
8Rules Continued
- Events added or changed are posted on the website
- Rule clarifications can be received by e-mailing
Dr. Ohlhorst directly - sohlhorst_at_weber.edu
- Or a link is posted on the website (e-mail me
questions) - After Dr. Ohlhorst has received clarification
from Event Coordinator, the answer is posted on
the website for all to see
- http//departments.weber.edu/sciencecenter/Science
Olympiad/Olympiadpage.htm - Schedules are different depending on division
- B Division link is in the second column, and C
Division is in the third column - Assigned time events are events that teams are
assigned a specific time based on team number - Online sign up events are events that time slots
are signed up for - This will be available 2 weeks before competition
and is only available once per team-NO changes
will be made
10Events Participating In
- About 4 weeks before the competition day event
participation sheet must be filled out - This gives us an idea of how many teams to plan
for in each event - If there is potential to compete in an event then
state competing - Please dont say you will compete in everything
unless you really intend to - Don't say you are not competing and then show up
to the event
11How the Competition Day Works
- Registration
- First floor Lind Lecture Hall (LL)
- ONLY COACHES may check in/register a team
- This is where team roster is finalized, photo
release forms and code of conduct (signed by all
coaches, participants, and parents) are turned in - Items picked up are
- Coaches Registration Packet
- Including teams wristbands
- Science Olympiad pins for team
12B-Division Medaling Wristband
13C-Division Medaling Wristband
14B-Division Alternates Wristband
15C-Division Alternates Wristband
16How the Competition Day Works Continued
- Team members go to base camp rooms (These are
assigned by us) - Middle School teams are in Lind Lecture (LL)
- High School teams are in Dee Events Center
- If space allows then requests can be made for
base camp room changes (First come first served)
17How to Compete in an Event
- To enter an event you MUST have the following
- Voucher (given to event coordinator as students
enter event) - Medal
- Non-Medal
- JV
- Wristband
- Required materials (LISTED IN MANUAL)
B-Division Non-Medal Voucher
B-Division JV Non-Medal Voucher
B-Division Medal Voucher
C Division-Medal Voucher
C Division- Non-Medal Voucher
C Division-JV Non-Medal Voucher
20Vouchers Continued
- Vouchers are sent to you in the Coaches Packet
that is mailed the end of February - 20 Medal vouchers
- 6 Non-Medaling vouchers
- Place a label on the voucher including
- Names of team members competing
- Event Name
- Pronunciation of names (if needed)
21When and Where Event Info
- Events are located in
- Dee Events Center
- Union Building
- Lampros Hall
- Science Lab (SL)
- Lind Lecture Hall (LL)
- Map of campus can be found at
- http//www.weber.edu/WeberStateMap/OgdenCampusMap.
html - Allow time to get to events from other events or
from base camp - WSU Buses will be available to transport students
from the different event locations
22When and Where Event Info Continued
- Schedule includes
- Event times
- Locations
- Teams that compete in specific time slots
- Times available for Sign-Up events
- Each school can only send one team to each event,
unless there is a JV team from that school, in
which case they will compete in the same time
slot (only one team will compete for medals) - Some events may not let you enter after the
designated start time so be early
23Other Information
- Food
- Sometimes food is available on campus included
in the Coaches Packet is a list of food places
near Weber State - Activities (not necessarily offered every year)
- Bowling-Wildcat Lanes
- Movie-Wildcat Theater
- Ice Skating-Ice Sheet
- Clean up base camp rooms
- Garbage bags are provided
24Awards Ceremony
- Assigned seats based on division, B division on
one side, C division on the other - Placements for EACH event are read from Eighth
Place to First Place - Pin design winner is recognized
- Sportsmanship award is given
25After Science Olympiad
- Fill out Science Olympiad Reflection Sheet
- This needs to be filled out in order to receive
the certificates for your team and or medals if
your team was unable to attend the awards
ceremony - After we receive your Reflections Sheet we will
mail a packet with certificates, medals, and
overall ranking data sheet for your team