Title: Taxonomic Chauvinism
1Taxonomic Chauvinism
- And the methodologically challenged
2Taxonomic Chauvinism
Taxonomic Chauvinism refers to the bias present
in scientific studies when warm blooded and
charismatic animals are given preference.
- Taxonomy the system of naming and organizing
animals into ordered systems.
3Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
4Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Low investment studies will be at a distinct
5(No Transcript)
6Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
7Lack of standardized taxonomy- Lack of
standardized methodology-
- Studies more difficult
- Studies more expensive
- Studies less popular
8Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
9- Difficulties in researching can carry into the
publishing of studies - Weaker data
- Weaker conclusions
- Unreliable results
10Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
Papers are not published
11Papers are not published
- Manuscript rejections
- Poor writing
- Weak conclusions
- Difficulties finding publishers
12Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
13Chauvinism Circle
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Poikiothermic Biotic groups are unpopular
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Biotic groups lack Taxonomic Standardization
Money for the project has been wasted
Money for the project has been wasted
Research is more difficult
Research is more difficult
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Results are unreliable, inconclusive, or
Papers are not published
Papers are not published
14Breaking the Circle
The only effective way of overcoming the bias
against certain unpopular study groups is to
identify their roll in the ecosystem
Ian Birnbaum, Journalism Major, Freshman