Title: The Executive Budget Process
1The Executive Budget Process
2Public Budgeting Two Very Different Approaches
- Budgeting as a management tool
- Top-down emphasis
- Rational, analytic
- Focuses on
- Process
- Technique
- Budgeting as a political power struggle
- Bottom-up
- Incremental, political
3The Executive Budget Process
- A direct result of the late-19th century reform
movement - A bottom-up development
- Designed to improve accountability while
respecting separated powers/checks balances
4The Executive Budget Process, cont.
- Today, there are many ways of doing it
- And more ways of describing it
- The description of the executive budget process
on the following slides works, - So do other schemes
5The Executive Budget Process
- Budgeting occurs during a four stage cycle
- Different actors are important in each stage
- Different processes take place at each stage
- Different issues lie at the heart of each stage
6So, What Are These Stages?
- Preparation submission
- Approval
- Execution
- Audit
7Preparation Submission What Who?
- Executive branch
- Call for requests
- From Chief Executive
- Initial preparation of requests
- By line managers (often at a relatively low level)
8Preparation Submission What Who, cont.
- Reviews
- Agency
- Central Budget Office
- Chief Executive
9Preparation Submission Key Issue
- How much to ask for?
- Executive needs prior legislative approval in
financial matters - Reform movement aimed at fixing accountability at
the top levels of executive branch
10Preparation Submission Key Issue, cont.
- Considerations
- Efficiency, effectiveness, etc.
- Political considerations (especially those of
elected chief executive) - Past performance
- Expected future needs
- Inter-agency conflict
11Approval What Who?
- Legislature
- Committees
- Hearings
- Mark up
- Full body
- Conference
- Sometimes, not always
- Only in bicameral legislatures
12Approval What Who, cont.
- Executive branch agencies
- Testimony, etc. at hearings
- Depends on level of government
- Rules of the game are important
- Lobbying (often referred to by some other name
when done by the executive branch) - Chief executive
13Approval Key Issue
- How much to give them?
- A fundamental feature of American
constitutionalism the legislature holds the
purse strings - Only the legislature may levy taxes
- Only the legislature may appropriate funds
14Approval Key Issue, cont.
- Considerations
- Boundary maintenance
- Legislators own political agendas
- Logrolling
- Efficiency, effectiveness, etc.
15Execution What Who?
- Spending the money
- Key actors are
- Line agencies
- All others
16Execution What Who, cont.
- Monitoring controlling that expenditure
- Executive branch control agencies
- Central Budget Office (BOB, OMB, etc.)
- Internal audit
- Legislature
- Oversight
- Legislative auditors
17Execution Key Issues
- Compliance
- With the will of the legislature
- Budget is a law (enforceable)
- Husbanding resources
- Preventing expenditure of an entire years
appropriation in less than a year, often by means
of an - Allotment system
18Execution Key Issues, cont.
- Control
- Preventing over expenditure, unauthorized
expenditure, theft, graft, etc. by - A priori controls
- Creation of a paper trail (to facilitate a post
audit) - Internal auditors
19Audit What Who?
- Legislature
- Power of the purse strings
- They are reported to
- Executive branch agencies
- They are the ones audited
20Audit What Who?
- External auditor
- Independence from audited agencies is important,
so as to - Avoid undue influence (or appearance of such)
- May be accomplished by
- Independent election
- Location in legislative branch
- Higher level government may audit lower level
- Hiring private audit (CPA) firm
21Audit Key Issues
- Compliance
- Were monies expended per the approved budget?
- Are executive branchs end-of-year financial
statements fair and accurate statements of the
governments financial condition
22Audit Key Issues, cont.
- Efficiency
- Could less have been spent to accomplish same
results? - Effectiveness
- Did expenditures accomplish their intended
23Scrambled Budget Cycles
- Actually, government agencies are frequently in
two, sometimes three, stages at once - Execution preparation
- Execution audit
- Execution, preparation, audit
24(No Transcript)