Title: Christian Counselling as Soul Care
1Christian Counselling as Soul Care
- PA 220 Counselling 1
- Prairie Bible College
- Instructor Kal Szucs
2Soul Care Introduction
- Resurgence of the concept of soul in common
practice of psychotherapy - Scriptural Understanding juch
- CL Breath of Life/Combined with the body. Also
referred to personality - LXX used 900 mostly translating Nephesh
that which makes a body a living being. - Can also refer to emotionality
- Sometimes contrasted with body
- NT 101x mostly in Gospel Narratives
- Seat of life whole natural being
- Inner life personality, conscious self
Involves caring for the whole person, reflecting
the convictions of the Christian community, and
embodying biblical values.... The world of
Christian soul care covers the gamut of helping
approaches. There will be differences in our
approaches, goals, training and expertise, but
the work we do will be similar in its commitment
to bring honor to Jesus Christ and helping each
counselee find the peace, direction, and
stability that are ultimately found in him. This
work-Christian soul care-is the core of what
Christian counsellors are called to do. Gary
6Conclusions - Benner
- Done to one another the neighbor love
- Done in a moral context
- Concerned about community, not just individuals
- Medium is dialogue, context is relationship
- Addresses the whole person, not just one aspect,
i.e. spiritual - Not restricted to certain groups, i.e.
- Maturity in Christ vs. Personal Fulfillment
- Wisdom from Revelation vs. Science Imagination
- Transformation vs. Adjustment
- Spiritual Formation vs. Pragmatism
- Absolute vs. Circumstantial
Professional Counsellors
Pastoral Counsellors
Lay Caregivers