Title: CSIG 09 Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists
1CSIG 09Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for
- August 10-14, 2009
- San Diego
2Welcome and Introductions
3Institute Format
- Day 1
- Introduction to geoinformatics
Cyberinfrastructure, Earth Science research, and
education - Days 2, 3, 4
- AM Plenary talks on science and related
technologies - Different theme each dayEarthScope,
OpenTopography, Data Integration and Viz
Framework - PM Build and Education Tracks
- Day 5
- Round-table discussions, planning for
collaborations, etc.
5AcknowledgementsCSIG 09 Faculty
- Dr. Lee Allison, Arizona Geological Survey
- Prof. Ramon Arrowsmith, ASU
- Dr. Yehuda Bock, SIO
- Ryan Clark, AZ Geologic Survey
- John Graham, San Diego State U.
- Dr. Deborah Kilb, SIO
- Karen Kirk
- Dr. Chris Miller, Purdue
- Dr. Susan Eriksson, UNAVCO
- Dr. Fabian Walter, SIO
- Ilkay Altintas
- Chris Crosby
- Dr. Sriram Krishnan
- Dr. Kai Lin
- John Moreland
- Dr. David Nadeau
- Viswanath Nandigam
- Margaret Smeekens
6AcknowledgementsGEON Team
- Prof. Ramon Arrowsmith
- Sandeep Chandra, SDSC
- Chris Crosby
- Prof. Ann Gates, UTEP
- Prof. Randy Keller, Oklahoma
- Kai Lin
- John Moreland
- David Nadeau
- Charles Meertens, UNAVCO
- Viswanath Nandigam
- Margaret Smeekens
- Brad Wallet, Oklahoma
- Choonhan Youn, SDSC
- National Science Foundation
- CSIG has been funded each year as a supplement to
GEON, since 2004 - GEON is funded by the NSF under grant 0722449
- Breakout groups
- Facilities
- Lunch
- Presentations will be put online
- CSIG Dinner, Thursday, Dec 13th, Great Hall
- The cyberinfrastructure initiative is an
attempt to provide explicit investments in IT for
science engineering research and education - From NSFs Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st
Century Discovery, www.nsf.gov/od/oci/ci-v7.pdf,
July 20, 2006 - The comprehensive infrastructure needed to
capitalize on dramatic advances in information
technology has been termed cyberinfrastructure. - integrates hardware for computing, data and
networks, digitally-enabled sensors,
observatories and experimental facilities - an interoperable suite of software and
middleware services and tools... - Investments in interdisciplinary teams and
cyberinfrastructure professionals with expertise
in algorithm development, system operations, and
applications development are also essential - In 1999, the PITAC released the seminal report
ITR-Investing in our Future, prompting new and
complementary NSF investments in CI projects,
such as the Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) and
international Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
(iVDGL) and the Geosciences Network, known as
- A vision for Geoinformatics, from the NSF
Workshop on Envisioning a National Geoinformatics
System for the United States Denver, March 2007 - a future in which someone can sit at a terminal
and have easy access to vast stores of data of
almost any kind, with the easy ability to
visualize, analyze and model those data.
12GeoinformaticsFrom David Lambert, NSF
EAR/GEOPresentation at GEON Annual Meeting, 2005
13A Use Case for GEON
- A user request of the form
- For a given region (i.e. lat/long extent, plus
depth), return a 3D structural model with
accompanying physical parameters of density,
seismic velocities, geochemistry, and geologic
ages, using a cell size of 10km
14GEON Objectives
- Make data, tools, applications
- and communities
- easily accessible online
- Provide an integration environment for 3D and 4D
data integration
15Portal-based Science EnvironmentsSupport for
resource sharing and collaborations
16EarthScope Data Portal
- San Diego
- Seattle
- Boulder
- Potsdam
17CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System, HIS
- Data Discovery, Data Access, Data Publication
18GEON Portalportal.geongrid.org
- Generic Capabilities
- Search
- Workbench
- Dynamic map services, map integration
- Applications
- Paleo database integration
- LiDAR data access and data processing
- SYNSEIS Online access to computational modeling
system - Gravity and Magnetic database for US
19A Tour of GEON and OpenTopography Portals
20 Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System Source
Dr. Deborah Crawford, Chair, NSF CI Working
- Application Domains
- Geosciences, Engineering,
- Environmental Sciences, Physics,
- Astronomy, Archaeology,
- Neurosciences, Biomedicine,
DevelopmentTools Libraries
Education and Training
Discovery Innovation
Middleware Services
21Community Cyberinfrastructure Projects
Friendly Work-Facilitating Portals Authentication
- Authorization Auditing - Resource Discovery -
Workflows - Visualization - Analysis
DevelopmentTools Libraries
Ecological Observatories (NEON)
Biomedical Informatics (BIRN)
High Enegy Physics (GriPhyN)
Ocean Observing (ORION)
Geosciences (GEON)
Earthquake Engineering (NEES)
Middleware Services
Source Prof. Mark Ellisman, UC San Diego
Distributed Computing, Instruments and Data
22GEON Background
- Initiated in 2002 as a 5-year NSF ITR (IT
Research) project - Collaboration among 12 PI institutions and number
of other organizations - Distributed network of GEON nodes
- Provides a standardized software platform
- Provides a machine outside the local environment
(for hosting data, software tools, and
applications for remote access - Can be centrally administered
- Funded now under the NSF Earth Sciences (EAR)
Geoinformatics program
23GEON as a Virtual Organization (VO)
- Multiple participants
- Distributed sites
- Participants are from different administrative
domains - Policies, rules, systems of the VO may be
different than those of the participating
organizations - ? requires agreement on some basics to enable
data sharing