Title: iMOVE Presentation
1Building Pathways to Success through
German-American Partnerships for Innovative
Solutions in Workforce Training
NAWB Forum 2006 Washington D.C., 27 February 2006
- Global Challenges for Economies and Workforce
Development - Challenges for Workforce Development in the U.S.
- Current and Future Requirements
- Workforce Development in Germany
- Benefits of American-German Partnerships
- iMOVE Bringing People Together
3Global Challenges for Economies and Workforce
- Globalisation
- Developments in ICT
- Increasing international competition
- Structural change from industrial to knowledge
society - Changing industries Proliferation of products,
accelerating product cycles, fast change in
production technologies, growing consumer
interest in quality - Changing of jobs and workplaces (less lower
skilled jobs) - Demand for higher, more complex skills
- Increasing demand for continuing training
4Challenges for Workforce Development in the U.S.
- End of babyboom generation
- Focus on academic education
- Low esteem of vocational/technical education and
training (low income, minority students/ blue
collar jobs) - No national school-to-work system
- Insufficient cooperation between industry and
education system - Skills shortage (labor) in high growth industries
- Traditional mass production system (narrowly
defined jobs) - Lack of comprehensive skills
5Current and Future Requirements
- Demand driven solutions characterised by
flexibility, fast responsiveness to market shifts
and continuous innovation - Increased cooperation between industry and
education system - Shift from narrowly defined jobs to a
broad/conceptual understanding of work place and
environment - No separation between learning and working
- More work-based learning/training
- Delivering complex, higher skills
6Workforce Development in Germany
- Focus on vocational/technical education and
training (65) - National VET system with national standards
- Industry demand driven
- Cooperation between industry, education system
- Cooperative training
- Focus on practical experience
- Workbased learning and training
- Comprehensive range of knowledge and skills
(technical, problem-solving, ability to
transfer/apply skills, teamwork, communication,
7Benefits of American-German Partnerships
- Exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas and
solutions - Learn and benefit from eachother
- Putting complimentary strengths together
- Develop joint programs and solutions
- Overcome shortcomings in both systems
- Establish strategic/business relationships
- Enter eachothers market
- Enter international markets together
8iMOVE Bringing People Together
- An initiative of the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research - Our goals
- Support internationalisation of German training
providers - Promote international cooperation between German
training providers and partners abroad - Inform about training and workforce development
in Germany - Build bridges between those who need and those
who provide training or those looking for
partners -
9Our Services
- Seminars and workshops to network and get
information on issues related to
internationalisation - Trade missions abroad with visits to ministries,
companies and education/training organisations - Cooperation exchanges abroad with B2B talks with
potential business partners - Common booths at trade fairs abroad
- Online information- and communication platform
- Multilingual training database
- Market reports
10Our Online Service
- www.imove-germany.de
- Profiles of more than 180 training providers
- Information available in 7 languages Arabic,
Chinese, English, French, German, Russian,
Spanish - Co-operation exchange
- Link collection
- Information on iMOVE activities worldwide
12International Activities and Cooperation in...
- China
- Egypt
- Estonia
- India
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Oman
- Poland
- Russia
- Thailand
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
Cooperation exchanges in China and Russia
14- Thank you for listening!
- Any questions???
- Come and talk to us at booth 15-17
15Contact Sabine Gummersbach-Majoroh Director iMOVE
at the Federal Institute for Vocational
Education and Training Robert-Schuman-Platz
3 D-53175 Bonn Tel. 49 (0)228/ 107-1767 Fax
49 (0)0228/ 107-2895 Email info_at_imove-germany.de
Website www.imove-germany.de