Title: Slave Revolts in a Hemispheric Perspective
1Slave Revolts in a Hemispheric Perspective
2What is a slave revolt?
A struggle for Freedom
3Analyzing Slave Insurrections
4General Conditions
- Master-Slave Relationship-absenteeism
depersonalization - Economic Distress Famine
- Large Slave-holding Units-100 to 200 hundred
- Split in the Ruling Class-warfare or political
- Blacks heavily outnumbered Whites
- African born outnumbered American born
- Social Structure Black Leadership-autonomous
development - Geographical, Social Political
Environment-terrain opportunity for colony
518th century shift in Slave Revolts
From securing freedom to overthrowing slavery as
a social system
6Saint Dominigue
First Successful Slave Revolt in Modern Era Case
Study for Understanding the problems faced by
European colonies during age of Revolutions
8Historical Setting
Wake of French Revolution Demographics
Uneven Divided White Population Bureaucrats grand
s blancs petit blancs Divided Black
Population gens de couleur slaves
9White Supremacy
Kept mulattos out of power created an
atmosphere of violence, contempt, fear
10Slave Society
Not ready to incorporate liberty, equality,
fraternity Ideology of French Revolution clashed
with Saint Domingue
11Power Struggle
Class Struggle Racial Confrontation Slave
12Three Part Analysis
Chronological development may be analyzed in
three racially marked periods.
13European Colonists wanted to part of Revolution
at home
Wanted self-rule so they spread the ideas of
revolution but Declaration of Man was a threat to
their colonial order grands petit blancs
14Armed struggle of the Mulattoes
Vicent Oge Defeated but France Responded Political
Rights to gens de couleur
15Slaves Ignored but Not Deaf or Blind
16Slave Uprising
Boukman Dutty Tousaint LOuverture
17Burning, Killing Looting to Destroying colonial
regime and ultimately win freedom gaining
18Emancipation secured in 1793 Toussaint becomes
governor general Defeats mulatto resistance
19Napoleon sends military expedition to take the
colony back Toussaint captured Dessalines takes
over Military Skills Yellow Fever Victory 1803
20Impact on the Americas Gave strength to the
revolutionary concept Emancipation
21Fight for freedom independence can be achieved
against all odds
22Gave hope to other slave societies to resist
slavery fight for racial equality
23Leadership of Toussaint L Ouverture inspired
other Latin American leaders to end European
24Impact on everything from sugar prices to slave
laws throughout the hemisphere
25Ended Napoleon's ambition for domination Allowed
for Louisiana Purchase New Orleans American
26Abolition Debate Slaveholders afraid Abolitionis
ts saw peaceful emancipation as a way to avoid
27Global Impact Trans-Atlantic repercussions
Displaced French colonial system established an
entirely new social structure and political order
Shifted economic current of Europe, Africa and
the Americas, reshaping property ownership
economic relationships
Radical challenge to colonialism, to slavery,
to the associated ideology of white racialism
Exemplifies the integration disintegration of
the European non-European forces that have
shaped the modern world