Title: Wake County Comprehensive Groundwater Investigation
1Wake County Comprehensive Groundwater
Investigation Groundwater Study Advisory
Committee Meeting July 10, 2002
2Organizational Chart
Technical Advisory Committee
Groundwater Study Advisory Committee
Project Team A
3Groundwater Study Advisory Committee Objectives
- Review and Comment of Project Deliverables
- Define and Finalize Objectives
- Provide Technical and Reality-Based Insight
4Project Overview
- Task 1 Stakeholder Involvement (Meetings)
- Task 2 Delineate Hydrogeologic Units
- Task 3 Data Collection
- Task 4 Water Quantity Assessment
- Task 5 Water Quality Assessment
- Task 6 Assessment of Future Conditions
- Task 7 Finalize Objectives
- Task 8 Groundwater Study Report
5Project Schedule
6Project Objectives
- Estimate current total groundwater consumption.
- Estimate future groundwater consumption for
various planning horizons. - Evaluate future conditions based on estimated
future groundwater consumption with current
programs and policies in place.
7Project Objectives (continued)
- Determine groundwater recharge rates countywide.
- Establish a relationship between groundwater and
stream baseflow. - Develop and provide a useful database of
information and GIS coverages to assist in future
groundwater resource planning.
8Project Objectives (continued)
- Develop a database of well yields and evaluate
well yield patterns. - Assess groundwater quality county-wide, and
within each hydrogeologic unit. - Identify areas where groundwater quality may
affect groundwater use.
9Project Objectives (continued)
- Identify where most of the wells are located
within the County. - Provide information to support zoning decisions
based on groundwater availability. - Provide a further understanding of localized
areas where water quality is degraded due to
elevated arsenic, radon, pesticides and iron.
10Project Objectives (continued)
- Prepare and provide public information regarding
septic tank and private well operation and
11Project eRoom Main Page
12Project eRoom Tech Memos Reports
13Project eRoom Tech Memos Reports
14Project eRoom Contact List
15Project Web Site (www.tec-web.com/wakecgi)
16Task 2 Delineate Hydrogeologic Units
- Objective To Identify the water bearing units
and how they correlate with the watershed basins. - Purpose Dividing the County into watersheds and
hydrogeologic units will allow for focused water
quantity (water balance) and water quality
17StreamGage Locations
1814 MajorDrainage Basins(11-Digit Hydrologic
Upper Falls Lake
Lower Falls Lake
Beaver Dam
Upper Neuse
Crabtree Creek
Little River
Jordan Lake
Walnut Creek
Lower Neuse
Swift Creek
Middle Creek
Harris Lake
Kenneth Creek
Black Creek
197 Major Hydrogeologic Units(Daniel and Payne,
Upper Falls Lake
Lower Falls Lake
Coastal Plain Basement
Gneiss, Felsic
Igneous, Massive Intrusive
Metaigneous, Felsic
Metaigneous, Mafic
Metavolcanic, Felsic
Beaver Dam
Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
Upper Neuse
Hydrologic Basin Boundary
Crabtree Creek
Little River
Jordan Lake
Walnut Creek
Lower Neuse
Swift Creek
Middle Creek
Harris Lake
Kenneth Creek
Black Creek
20Task 3 Data Collection
- Objectives 1) Identify and collect available
supporting information for performing the water
quantity, quality and sustainability
assessments. - 2) Determine major data gaps.
- Purpose Populate the integrated project
database (GIS and electronic data).
21Task 3 Data Collection
Major Sources
- Water Quantity
- NCDENR PWS (Community Water Systems)
- USGS, NCGS (Online Streamflow Data 1995 Water
Usage Report) - Wake County (GIS, Env. Services and Planning
Departments) - Water Quality
- NCDENR Groundwater Section
- NCDENR PWS (CWSs Source Water Assessment
Program) - USGS, NCGS
- Wake County (Dept. of Env. Services)
22Next Meeting Date
Complete Task 3 - Data Collection
23Next Meeting Date
Begin Task 4 Water Quantity Assessment