Title: Promoting the Student Participation in Quality Enhancement
1Promoting the Student Participation in Quality
- Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council
(NAAC), India
2It is only with the students active
participation that truly creative educational
environment could be built up in the institutions
of higher learning.
3- Involvement of the whole gamut of student
community of the institution in one or the other
activity is contributive to the enhancement of
quality of campus experience of the students.
4Students may be involved in preparation of the
website of the Institution or even maintenance of
the website
5- Personality development classes may be conducted
to the second and third year students and they
may train the other students in the following
6see what they see must be the logo at the work
place called classroom.
7Reading habit needs to be encouraged among the
students. Discussion and review of a book
commonly read by teacher and students
8Nurture the Students
Build on Field Experiences
Making a Good Beginning
Achievement / Success Ensured