Title: Strangeness Dynamics and Transverse Pressure in HIC
1Strangeness Dynamics andTransverse Pressure in
- Marcus Bleicher
- Institut für Theoretische Physik
- Goethe Universität Frankfurt
- Germany
2For further reading
- E. L. Bratkovskaya et al, Strangeness dynamics
and transverse pressure in relativistic nucleus
nucleus collisions,'' Phys. Rev. C 69, 054907
(2004) - E. L. Bratkovskaya et al. , Strangeness
dynamics in relativistic nucleus nucleus
collisions,'' Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 53, 225
(2004) - M. Bleicher and H. Stocker, Dynamics and
freeze-out of hadron resonances at RHIC,'' J.
Phys. G 30, S111 (2004) - M. Bleicher, Probing hadronization and
freeze-out with multiple strange hadrons and
strange resonances,'' Nucl. Phys. A 715, 85
(2003) - M. Bleicher and J. Aichelin, Strange resonance
production Probing chemical and thermal
freeze-out in relativistic heavy ion
collisions,'' Phys. Lett. B 530, 81 (2002)
- Chemical equilibrium stage
- The horn, the step
- Kinetic decoupling stage
- Resonance (non-) suppression
- Summary
4The tool UrQMD
- Non-equilibrium transport model
- Hadrons and resonances
- String excitation and fragmentation
- Cross sections are parametrizedvia AQM or
calculated by detailed balance - Generates full space-time dynamics of hadrons
and strings
5Part I Evidence for the tri-critical point?
- 1st Order phase transition at high
- No P.T. at low
- Search for irregularities around Ebeam 10-40
GeV - Flow, strangeness, E-by-E
Plot adapted from L. Bravina
6PP Excitation functions
- PP works nicely in both models
- Pythia used for hard scatterings above 50 GeV
7AA Excitation functions
- 4 and mid-y abundancies OK
- Energy dependence OK
- Hadron-string models work well
8Excitation functions ratios
- Horn in the ratio not reproduced
- well reproduced
- relative strange baryon
enhancement reproduced
9Ratio excitation functions Summary
- Yields are well reproduced
- Most ratios can be understood in transport
models - Model K/pi ratios do not reproduce the strong
peak observed in data
- PP works well
- pQCD needed at RHIC
- PYTHIA included in
- UrQMD 2.x and HSD
- pA is well under control
- What about AA?
12Transverse mass spectra
- Standard UrQMD and HSD underestimate the data
- Additional resonances from 2-3 GeV may improve
the description (UrQMD 2.1)
13Inverse slope systematics
- Standard transport models fail
- What is missing?
- Maybe high mass resonanceslike in UrQMD 2.1
- Maybe Cronin effect at high
- energies (HSD)
- Maybe initial QGP pressure
14Hints from elliptic flow
- Data shows saturation of scaled v2
- High mass resonances like in UrQMD 2.1 can not
explain v2 above 40 AGeV - Strong hint for initial QGP pressure from
30 AGeV on !
30 AGeV
Data for h-
15Phase diagram
- QGP might be reachedalready at low SPS energy
! - Tricritical point around 10-40 GeV
- No phase transition at RHIC
- Necessary to explore 10-30 AGeV energy region
to study the phase transition
16Flow excitation functions Summary
- Standard transport models can not describe
radial flow - Inclusion of high mass resonances leads to
additional flow (maybe necessary at low
energies) - Inclusion of Cronin effect leads to additional
flow (maybe necessary at high energies) - Assumption of an early QGP phase might create
additional flow
17Part II Probing the late stage of the reaction
- Is there a (long living) hadronic rescattering
stage at SPS and RHIC? - Lifetime of the hadronic stage is measured by
resonance absorption/re-feeding - Use different resonances to explore this stage
e.g. mesons baryons - Are resonances dissolved in matter?
18Hadronic vs leptonic channel
Hot and dense medium
Particle yields
Particle spectra
Adapted from C. Markert and P. Fachini
19Statistical model fitting
- Particle ratios well reproduced
- Resonance ratios not reproduced
(Braun-Munzinger, QM 2004) - too low
- K/K too high
Kai Schweda et al., QM 2004
20Yields and scaling in AA
Baryon resonances
Meson resonances
All ratios a smooth, no sudden resonance
21Baryon resonances at RHIC
All decaying resonances
Finally observed resonances
AuAu, 5
Signal loss due to rescattering of daughters
22Meson resonances at RHIC
All decaying resonances
Finally observed resonances
AuAu, 5
Note that yields information
about all decays (l.h.s), while
yields information about r.h.s.
23What about the centrality dependence?
- Where is the suppression?
- K/K deceases!
- stays constant!
Calculation by P. Fachini
24Data vs. models
Thermal model 1 T 177 MeV mB 29 MeV
Life time fm/c ? (1020) 40 L(1520)
13 K(892) 4 ?
1.7 r (770) 1.3
1 P. Braun-Munzinger et.al., PLB 518(2001) 41
D.Magestro, private communication 2 Marcus
Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett.
B530 (2002) 81. M. Bleicher and Horst
Stöcker .Phys.G30 (2004) 111.
Rescattering and refeeding are needed
rather long living hadron stage
From C. Markert
25How can we understand these differences?
STAR data
- Strong decrease in kinetic freeze-out
temperature from peripheral to central - Kinetic freeze-out as low as 80 - 90 MeV
- Consequences for resonance re-feeding
26Estimate of re-feeding prob.
Estimate of available energy for re-feeding at
different reaction stages
- can re-created until end of the
reaction - re-creation is only possible near
chemical freeze-out
27Decay time analysis
- In the model rho mesons are not re-created after
T120 MeV. Check with mass shift.
Check hadronic vs leptonic Check centrality
dependence - Deltas can be re-created until T80-90 MeV.No
centrality dependence of ratios
- K/ shows a peak around 20 GeV- Peak can
not be reproduced by transport models- Maybe
sign of tri-critical point - Observed transverse flow is large- Flow can
not be described in standard transport models-
Maybe sign of early QGP formation- Maybe sign
of high mass resonances (low energies)- Maybe
Cronin enhancement (high energies) - Resonances have been observed- Apparently no
resonance dissolution- Statistical models fail
to describe data- Strong re-feeding and
absorption effects
- Elena Bratkovskaya
- Henning Weber
- Christina Markert
- Patricia Fachini
- Manuel Reiter
- Sascha Vogel
- Xianglei Zhu
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