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... have now seen that, regardless of the herculean efforts made up to now, a VERY ... we say that an algorithm for a problem has an approximation ratio of r(n) if, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Approximation

  • We have now seen that, regardless of the
    herculean efforts made up to now, a VERY large
    number of problems belong to the NPC class we
    have no efficient ( polynomial-time) algorithms
    for producing a (n optimal) solution and,
    furthermore, no realistic hope of finding any
    such algorithms.
  • What do we do?
  • Try to find a solution that is near enough
    being optimal to be usable, at a computational
    cost that is no worse than low polynomial, at
    least on average.
  • How? --- Be clever

  • Def. we say that an algorithm for a problem has
    an approximation ratio of r(n) if, for any input
    of size n, the cost C of the solution produced by
    the algorithm is with a factor of r(n) of the
    cost C of an optimal solution max(C/C, C/C)
  • For maximization problems we will have 0 C
    C, while a minimization algorithm will have 0
    C C.
  • What you would, ideally, look for, is classes of
    algorithms where you can trade the quality of the
    approximation for computation time some problems
    admit such classes, while we dont have anything
    comparable for some other problems

  • Def. an algorithm that achieves (max(C/C, C/C)
    r(n)) an approximation ratio of r(n) is called
    a r(n)-approximation algorithm.
  • Note a 1-approximation algorithm produces an
    optimal solution.
  • Def. an approximation scheme for an optimization
    problem is an approximation algorithm that takes
    two inputs an instance of the problem and a
    positive number e, such that the scheme is a (1
    e)-approximation algorithm.

  • Def. an approximation scheme is a
    polynomial-time approximation scheme if, for any
    fixed e gt 0, the scheme runs in time polynomial
    in the size n of the input instance.
  • Def. an approximation scheme is a fully
    polynomial-time approximation scheme if it is an
    approximation scheme and its running time is
    polynomial in both 1/e and the size n of the
    input instance (e.g., O((1/e) j nk) with j, k,
    positive integers).

  • The Vertex-Cover Problem.
  • Def. a vertex cover of an undirected graph G
    (V, E) is a subset V Í V such that if (u, v) Î
    E, then either u Î V or v Î V or both. The
    size of a vertex cover is the number of vertices
    in it.
  • Def. the vertex-cover problem is to find a
    vertex cover of minimum size - an optimal vertex

  • The Algorithm. We will show that this fairly
    simple-minded algorithm will produce, in
    polynomial time, a vertex cover which is a
    2-approximation (so no worse than twice as large
    as an optimal one).

  • This shows the execution of the algorithm on an
    example graph. Start, arbitrarily, with (b, c).
    Removing all edges incident to b and c leaves
    graph (b). Next, pick (e, f), and remove edges
    incident to e and f. We end up with graph (c).
    (d, g) is the last remaining edge, add d and g to
    the cover
  • V b, c, d, e, f, g.
  • Optimal cover b, d, e.

  • Theorem 35.1. APPROX-VERTEX-COVER is a
    polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm.
  • Proof.
  • The algorithm is polynomial-time. This is not
    hard the loop picks an edge (u, v) repeatedly
    from E, adding its endpoints to C, and deletes
    all the edges covered by either u or v. Time
    O(V E) if we use adjacency list
  • The approximation ratio. Let A denote the set of
    edges that were picked in line 4 of the
    algorithm. In order to cover all edges in E, an
    optimal cover C must include at least one
    endpoint of each edge in E. By construction of A,
    no two edges in A share an endpoint.

  • Thus no two edges in A are covered by the same
    vertex in C, and we must have the lower bound
    C A. Each execution of line 4 picks an
    edge neither of whose two vertices is as yet in
    C C 2A. Combining the two expressions
  • C 2A 2C.
  • QED.

  • The Traveling Salesman Problem. We are given a
    complete undirected graph G (V, E), and a
    non-negative integer-valued cost function c V
    V Z. We must find a minimum cost tour. Let c
    (A) denote the total cost of the edges in a
    subset A Í E.
  • Def. a function c satisfies the triangle
    inequality if, for each triple of vertices u, v,
    w Î V,
  • c(u, w) c(u, v) c(v, w).
  • Meaning a direct path is always no longer than
    an indirect one
  • We will now assume that the cost function
    satisfies the triangle inequality.

  • Before going on, we should prove that TSP remains
    in NPC even with the restriction that the cost
    function satisfies the triangle inequality
    (problem 35.2-2).
  • TSP with triangle inequality.
  • Approx-TSP-Tour(G, c)
  • select r Î VG as a root
  • compute an MST T for G starting from r - via
    MST-Prim(G, c, r)
  • let L be the list of vertices visited in a
    preorder walk of T
  • return the hamiltonian cycle H that visits the
    vertices in order L.

  • The TSP using Approx-TSP-Tour(G, c). Let a be
    the root. Let c be the ordinary euclidean
    distance. (d) gives the approximate tour, (e)
    gives an optimal one.

  • Theorem 35.2. Approx-TSP-Tour is a
    polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for the
    TSP with triangle inequality.
  • Proof.
  • The algorithm is polynomial-time. The dominant
    operation is the computation of the MST.
    MST-Prim can be shown to be Q(V2).
  • The approximation ratio. Let H be an optimal
    tour, T a MST. Since removing any edge from a
    tour gives a spanning tree, we must have c(T)
    c(H). The listing through the walk will
    actually give a list of vertices with
    repetitions a vertex is added to the list when
    first encountered and also whenever
    re-encountered after

  • finishing a visit to a non-empty sub-tree note
    that each edge of T is traversed exactly twice.
    If we denote the full walk by W, we have c(W) 2
    c(T). Combining, we have
  • c(W) 2c(T) 2c(H),
  • and this gives that the cost of W is within the
    correct factor of the cost of the optimal tour.
    The only problem is that W is not a tour, since
    it may visit some vertices more than once. The
    triangle inequality assumption allows us to
    remove vertices from W without increasing the
    cost of the path say that vertex w1 is followed
    by a vertex w2 that has been already visited. Say
    that the next vertex in W is w3. We can remove
    the edges (w1, w2) and (w2, w3), replacing them
    by (w1, w3), without

  • increasing the length of the path. If w3 has
    already been visited, continue along the list W
    until you find an unvisited vertex, or the start
    vertex as the last vertex in W. Add the
    appropriate edge. After we are done, we have a
    hamiltonian cycle H. By construction, and the
    triangle inequality condition, c(H) c(W)
    2c(T) 2c(H).
  • QED.
  • What happens if we drop the triangle inequality
    assumption? Do we need this extra constraint on
    the problem, reasonable as it may seem?

  • Theorem 35.3. If P ? NP, then for any constant r
    1, there is no polynomial-time approximation
    algorithm with approximation ratio r for the
    general traveling-salesman problem.
  • Proof. By contradiction assume that for some r
    1 there is a polynomial-time approximation
    algorithm A with approximation ratio r. w.l.g.,
    assume r is an integer. We show how to use A to
    solve the hamiltonian-cycle problem in polynomial
    time - which would then imply that P NP.
  • Let G (V, E) be an instance of the
    hamiltonian-cycle problem. We turn G into an
    instance of TSP as follows let G (V, E) be
    the complete graph on V

  • E (u, v) u, v Î V and u ? v.
  • Assign an integer cost to each edge in E
  • We can clearly go from G to G in polynomial time
    (in V and E).
  • Now consider the instance ltG, cgt of TSP.
  • Assume G had a hamiltonian cycle H since c
    assigns a cost of 1 to each edge in E, H is a
    tour with c(H) V.
  • Assume G does not contain a hamiltonian cycle
    any tour in G must contain an edge not in E.
    Cost (rV 1) (V - 1) rV V gt

  • Because of the difference in cost between edges
    in G and those not in G, the difference in cost
    between a tour in G and one with some edge not in
    G is at least V. Now apply the approximation
    algorithm A to the instance ltG, cgt of TSP.
    Since A is guaranteed to return a tour of cost no
    more than r times optimal, if G contains a
    hamiltonian cycle, then A must return it if G
    does not contain one, then A returns a tour - in
    G - of cost more than rV. In either case, we
    can decide the hamiltonian cycle problem in
    polynomial time, which, because HAM-CYCLE Î NPC,
    would imply P NP.

  • The Set-Covering Problem. This is a
    generalization of the vertex-cover problem let X
    be a finite set and F be a family of subsets of
    X, such that every element of X belongs to at
    least one subset of F . We say that S Î F covers
    its elements. The problem is to find a
    minimum-size subset C Í F whose members cover
    all of X We say that anyC
    satisfying the previous equation covers X.

  • The decision version asks about the existence of
    a cover of size at most k. One can show (35.3.-2)
    that the decision version of the set-covering
    problem is in NPC. We propose the following as a
    polynomial-time approximation algorithm

  • Theorem 35.4. Greedy-Set-Cover is a
    polynomial-time r(n)-approximation algorithm,
    where r(n) H(maxS S Î F ),
  • with H(d) Si1d(1/i), the dth Harmonic Number
    (H(0) º 0).
  • Proof.
  • a) The algorithm is polynomial-time in X and F
    . We can observe that the number of
    iterations of the while loop in lines 3-6 is
    bounded above by min(X, F ) the loop body
    can be implemented to run in time O(XF ).
    Thus the whole algorithm can be implemented in
    time O(XF min(X, F )). A linear
    implementation is possible (53.3-3).

  • b) The approximation ratio. We will assign a cost
    of 1 to each set selected by the algorithm,
    distributing this cost uniformly over all the
    elements of this set that are being covered for
    the first time. If we let Si denote the ith
    subset added by the algorithm, we have a cost of
    1 added when Si is selected if cx denotes the
    cost of an element x Î X (in particular x Î Si)
    covered for the first time by Si, we have the
  • Since we assign one unit of cost at each step of
    the algorithm, C Sx Î X cx . Furthermore,
    the cost assigned to an optimal cover is given by

  • b) The approximation ratio. We will assign a cost
    of 1 to each set selected by the algorithm,
    distributing this cost uniformly over all the
    elements of this set that are being covered for
    the first time. If we let Si denote the ith
    subset added by the algorithm, we have a cost of
    1 added when Si is selected if cx denotes the
    cost of an element x Î X (in particular x Î Si)
    covered for the first time by Si, we have the
  • Since we assign one unit of cost at each step of
    the algorithm, C Sx Î X cx . Furthermore,
    the cost assigned to an optimal cover is given by
    SS Î CSxÎScx. Since each x must be in at least
    one set of any optimal cover,

  • SS Î CSxÎScx Sx Î X cx , where we are counting
    each x only once in the second sum. Combining the
    inequalities, we have C Sx Î X cx SS Î
    CSxÎScx .
  • Claim For any set S Î F , SxÎScx H(S).
  • Pf. See textbook.
  • Combining these results
  • C Sx Î X cx SS Î CSxÎScx SS Î C
  • C H(maxS S Î F ),
  • giving the desired conclusion.

  • Randomized Algorithms.
  • Def. we say that randomized algorithm for a
    problem has an approximation ratio of r(n) if,
    for any input of size n, the expected cost C of a
    solution produced by the randomized algorithm is
    with a factor of r(n) of the cost C of an
    optimal solution max(C/C, C/C) r(n).
  • The basic difference between deterministic and
    randomized algorithms is that the randomized
    algorithms deal with expected costs, and expected
    bounds, rather than deterministic ones any
    particular instance could be much worse or much
    better than the expected value.

  • MAX-3-CNF-SAT. Given any instance of 3-CNF-SAT,
    this instance may or may not be satisfiable. For
    it to be satisfiable, every clause must evaluate
    to 1. We would like to know how close to
    satisfiable an instance is how many clauses can
    be satisfied?
  • A randomized algorithm would set each variable to
    true with probability p, and false with
    probability q 1 - p.
  • Assumption no clause contains both a variable
    and its negation. Can be removed w.l.g. - Ex.

  • Theorem 35.6. Given an instance of MAX-3-CNF-SAT
    with n variables x1, x2, , xn and m clauses, the
    randomized algorithm that independently sets each
    variable to 1 with probability 1/2 and to 0 with
    probability 1/2 is a randomized 8/7-approximation
  • Proof. For i 1, , m let Yi denote the
    indicator random variable which takes the value 1
    if the ith clause is satisfied, 0 if not Yi
    I(clause i is satisfied). By assumption, no
    literal appears more than once in a clause, and a
    variable cannot appear along with its negation
    this simply means that the settings of the three
    literals are independent.

  • Pr(Yi is not satisfied) Pr(l1i 0)Pr(l2i
    0)Pr(l3i 0) 1/21/21/2 1/8.
  • Pr(Yi is satisfied) 1 - Pr(Yi is not satisfied)
  • By definition of expected value
  • EYi 1 Pr(Yi is satisfied) 0 Pr(Yi is not
    satisfied) 7/8.
  • If we let Y denote the number of satisfied
    clauses, we can represent Y Y1 Y2 Ym.
    Applyibg the expectation operator to both sides,
    and making use of its linearity (over sums of
    independent random variables) EY Si1m EYi
    m7/8. Since m is an upper bound on the number
    of satisfied clauses, the approximation ratio is
    m/(m7/8) 8/7. QED.

  • Linear programming the Algorithm. Skip.

  • The Subset-Sum Problem.
  • The language ( decision problem) SUBSET-SUM is
    defined as
  • SUBSET-SUM lt S, t gt S is a finite subset of
    N, t Î N, and there exists S Í S such that t
    SsÎS s .
  • The optimization problem asks to find the largest
    sum t.
  • We will first find an exponential-time exact
    solution, and then modify it so that it becomes a
    fully-polynomial approximation scheme (
    polynomial in the size of the input and in 1/e,
    where e gt 0 is a parameter.

  • An exponential-time exact algorithm. Assume S
    x1, x2, , xn. If L l1, l2, , lk is a list
    of integers, L xi l1 xi, l2 xi, , lk
    xi. The procedure Merge-Lists(L, L) returns
    the sorted list that is the merge of the two
    lists with duplicates removed. It can be
    implemented, obviously, in O(L L).

  • Since the lists could double in length through
    each pass through the loop, the total time could
    be exponential. It could be better (e.g.,
    polynomial) if t is a polynomial in S or all
    the numbers in S are bounded by a polynomial in
    S. (why? - the first should be obvious since
    the number of elements under consideration can
    never be more than polynomial in S the
  • To show the algorithm correct, let Pi denote the
    set of all values that can be obtained by
    selecting a (possibly empty) subset of x1, x2,
    , xi and summing its members. We can easily
    prove by induction on i that Li is a sorted list
    containing every element of Pi, t.

  • We will now modify this exact algorithm so that
    it loses exactness but gains polynomiality - a
    tradeoff. The only way to guarantee
    polynomiality it to ensure that the size of the
    lists Li do not grow exponentially we need to
    trim the lists after each merge operation.
  • How? We give a trimming parameter d Î (0, 1).
    Trimming a list L by d means removing as many
    elements as possible in such a way that for every
    y removed form L, the resulting list L contains
    an element z such that y/(1 d) z y. z
    represents y in the new list.

  • We introduce the algorithm (L y1, , ym)

  • It is clear that the running time of Trim is
    Q(m) it should also be clear that the gaps
    between successive remaining members increase
    exponentially you can think of this algorithm as
    providing a near geometric series with ratio (1
    d) that will act as a sieve, leaving only those
    elements that jump through the next element of
    the series, while dropping all the intermediate
  • The next step involves introducing the
    approximation parameter e Î (0, 1). The
    procedure must return a number z whose value is
    within a 1 e factor of the optimal solution.

  • The algorithm. What we must show is that the use
    of the Trim procedure forces the lists Li to grow
    in ways that are no worse than polynomial in n.
    We must also show that the remaining elements
    allow us to approximate the optimal solution
    within the claimed multiplicative factor.

  • Theorem 35.8. Approx-Subset-Sum is a fully
    polynomial-time approximation scheme for the
    Subset-Sum problem.
  • Proof. Trimming Li and removing from Li every
    element greater than t maintain invariant the
    property that every element of Li is also an
    element of Pi. Thus z is the sum of some subset
    of S. If y Î Pn is an optimal solution of the
    subset-sum problem, we must have that z y.
    We need to show two things
  • y/z 1 e.
  • The running time of the algorithm is polynomial
    in both 1/e and the size of the input.

  • Proof of 1.
  • Claim for every element y Î Pi, y t, there is
    a z Î Li s.t. y /(1 e/(2n))i z y.
  • Pf. By induction on i.
  • If y Î Pn is an optimal solution, the inequality
    above must hold for y, and thus there is a z Î
    Ln s.t. y/(1 e /(2n))n z   y.
  • The left-hand inequality becomes y/z (1 e
    /(2n))n. Since z is, by definition, the largest
    element of Ln, we must have y/z (1 e
  • We still need to prove (1 e /(2n))n (1 e).

  • The first observation comes from Calculus
    limn (1 e/(2n))n ee/2.
  • If we think of n as a continuous variable,
    consider the function f (n) ln((1 e/(2n))n )
    n ln(1 e/(2n)). Differentiating w.r.t. n
  • f(n) ln(1 e/(2n)) n/(1 e/(2n))(-e/(2n2))
  • ln(1 e/(2n)) - e/(2n e) // expand
    ln is a power series
  • -e/(2n e) e/(2n) - (e/(2n))2/2
    (e/(2n))3/3 - (e/(2n))4/4
  • -e/(2n e) e/(2n) - (e/(2n))2/2
    g(n) // g(n) gt 0
  • e2(2n - e)/(8n2(2n e)) g(n) gt 0
  • Since (1 e/(2n))n exp(f(n)), differentiation,
    and the inequality above, give that (1 e/(2n))n
    is monotonically increasing in n. (Ex. 35.5-3)

  • For n large
  • (1 e/(2n))n ee/2 1 e/2 (e/2)2 1 e.
  • The second inequality follows from an examination
    of the power series expansion ex 1 x
    x2/2! x3/3! 1 x x2 (- x2/2!
    x3/3! ) and we use 0 lt x lt 1 to prove that
    -xn/n! xn1/(n1)! lt - n xn1/(n1)! for
    n gt 1.
  • The third follows from the fact that 0 lt e lt 1.
    This completes the proof of 1.

  • Proof of 2. We derive a bound on the length of
    Li. the trimming construction implies that, after
    trimming, successive elements z and z of Li must
    differ by at least a factor of 1 e/(2n) z/z gt
    1 e/(2n). Each list must contain the value 0,
    possibly the value 1, and up to floor(log1e/(2n)
    t) additional values. The number of elements in
    each list Li is at most
  • log1e/(2n) t 2 ln(t)/ln(1 e/(2n))
    2 2n (1 e/(2n)) ln(t)/e 2 //
    x/(1 x) ln(1 x) x, for x gt -1 //
    proof compare derivatives over the range 4n
    ln(t)/e 2 // 0 lt e lt 1
  • This bound is polynomial in the size of the input

  • which is the number of bits lg(t) needed to
    represent t, plus the number of bits needed to
    represent S (polynomial in n) and in 1/e. Since
    the running time of Approx-Subset-Sum is
    polynomial in the lengths of the Li,
    Approx-Subset-Sum is a fully polynomial
    approximation scheme.
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