Title: Goal Programming
1Goal Programming
Presented by Saman Halgamuge, University of
Melbourne Material and tutorial support Sunil
- Previously, we dealt with problems with only one
objective. - When there are multiple (sometimes conflicting)
objectives, - LP cant find a solution to satisfy all the
goals - Goal programming seeks a compromised solution
based on the relative importance of each
objective, - In goal programming,
- Variables may be negative
- Constraints may not be strictly binding
- There are two or more objectives
3Consider this example,
- A mini company produces two items A and B
- Number of working hours per day is 8 hrs.
- Time required to finish product A and B are 20
min and 40 min respectively - Goals are to
- Produce at least 20 products for A and at least
10 products from B
According to the given information
4Check the feasible region
- There is no feasible region for the problem,
i.e., all the goals can not be satisfied at the
same time - Obtain a decision (solution) according to the
relative importance of goals - For example if the loss from not producing 20
products of A is greater than the loss from not
producing 10 products of B, then production of
20 of A is the most important goal. - This is where goal programming comes into
5- The strategy in goal programming is to convert
the problem into a LP problem using the following
procedure. - 1.The goal constraints are converted into
equality constraints using additional variables
called deviational variables. - Deviational Variables represent overachieving or
underachieving the desired level of each goal - d Represents overachieving level of the goal
- d- Represents underachieving level of the goal
- 2. Objective function is formulated so as to
minimize the penalty from violating goals.
Decision Variables
Desired Goal Level
- d d-
- Economic Constraints (cannot be violated)
- Resource constraints
- Example of production hours for the day
- Goal Constraints
- May not be strict
- Concerned with targets to be achieved
- Can be changed/modified/compromised
- Example Desire to achieve a certain level of
- Objective Function
- Minimizes the sum of the weighted deviations from
the target values this is ALWAYS the objective
for Goal Programming - Not the same as LP (which is to maximize
revenue/minimize costs)
9Goal Programming Steps
- Define decision variables
- Define Deviational Variable for each goal
- Formulate Constraint Equations
- Economic constraints
- Goal constraints
- Formulate Objective Function
10Example 1
- A mini company produces two items A and B
- Number of working hours per day is 10 hrs.
- Time required to finish product A and B are 20
min and 40 min respectively - Goals are to Produce
- at least 20 products of A
- At least 10 products of B
- Over producing one product will not be penalized
11- Step1 define the decision variables
- Step2define the goals
- Goal 1 produce at least 20 from A
- Goal 2 produce at least 10 from B
- Step3 define the deviational variables
No of A items produced in excess of the goal of
No of A items produced less than the goal of 20
No of B items produced in excess of the goal of
No of B items produced less than the goal of 10
12- Now formulate LP model of the GP problem
- constraints
Goal constraints
Economic constraints
- objective function It is required to produce
- at least 20 items of A
- at least 10 items of B
- Therefore, minimize the total of item A produced
less than 20 and item B less than 10.
Un-weighted Equal relative importance of goals
When goals have relative importance,
Weighted according to relative importance of goals
13Graphical solution
- NOTE Select (a,b) as the optimum point. Show
that B (a,b) - 1) If a ? 20 and b ? 10
- MIN20-a10-b
- MAX ab
- 2a4b ? 60
- 4ab ? 60 2a
- gt Maxa
- a20 gt B(a,b)
- 2) IF agt20 and b ? 10
- MIN10-b gtpoint B
- 3) If a ? 20 and bgt10
- MIN20-a gt point A
Goal 2
2X1 4X2 60
Goal 1
14- Requirement is to minimize
- So, point B is the optimal point
Interpretation No of products of A 20,
goal 1 achieved No of products of B 5,
goal 2 not achieved
15- Consider the case when the weighted goals are
presented - e.g. in the earlier example, the loss by not
producing 20 items of A is twice as much as not
producing 10 items of B - Then, the objective function would be
16Preemptive Goal programming algorithms
- In our examples, the exact relative importance of
goals had been provided. - But, the decision maker may not always be able to
find it. - In that case, preemptive goal programming is a
useful tool - A priority order for all the goals should be
established - Satisfy the highest priority goal first and try
to go down the priority list
17Non linear programming
- Linear Programming (LP)
- Linear objective function linear constraints
(all) - Continuous variables
- Integer Programming (IP)
- Linear objective function linear constraints
(all) - Discrete variables
- optimization problems with non-linear objective
function or non-linear constraints use non-linear
programming (NLP)
19- the problem can include the following forms
- Objective function can be non-linear
- Constraints can be non-linear
- Or, non-linear objective and constraints
functions - Identifying the type of the problem is important
when it comes to selecting a proper algorithm.
Some algorithms can perform faster for some type
of problems
20NLP can be defined as
Objective function
Decision variable
Feasible region of the problem
X can be
Unconstrained optimization problem
Unequal constraints
Equal constraints
Constrained optimization problem
21- The point is said to be global minimum of
f(x) on X, if - The point is said to be local minimum of
f(x) on X, if
local optimal points
Global optimal point
22Unconstrained optimization
- First order necessary condition for a local
extremum -
- The condition does not guarantee
that x is a local minimum or maximum. It gives
only stationary points. - Go to the second order condition to check it
- Second order condition for a local optimum
Suppose that the is differentiable
at x. if x is a local extremum, then
Suppose that is twice differentiable
at x and . If xis a local minimum,
then the determinant of Hessian matrix
(Hessian) is positive semi
definite. If x is a local maximum then the
Hessian is negative semi definite.
If H(x) 0, then x is a saddle
23- e.g consider the single dimensional problem
- For the stationary points from
- 1st order condition
- Then, from the 2nd order condition
Hessian matrix H(x)
24- Consider the following multi dimensional problem
- There is a stationary point at x12, x22
- Find the Hessian of the function
- Therefore, its a minimum point
25- For many real world problems, finding an
analytical solution is difficult - In that case, iterative methods can be used to
obtain fast, fairly approximate solutions - Gradient descent/ascent
- Steepest descent/ascent
- Newtons method
26Descent methods
- The main concept is
- Start from a one feasible point
- Gradually move towards optimal point with a
proper searching direction and a step size - Different algorithms depending on the selected
searching direction - Step size determines the rate of convergence
27Gradient descent method
- Given a starting point
- Repeat
- (search direction
negative gradient of the function) - Choose a step size t
- Update
- Until the stopping criteria is satisfied
Algorithm will stop when gradient goes close to
28- gradient based search methods are easily stuck in
local optimum, when applying to functions with
several local points, the For example for an
objective function like , -
which has several local points. - We will talk about faster approaches to reach
global points in future under the topics such as
Global optimal point
29Constrained optimization methods
- For example consider the following problem
- If this were unconstrained, the optimal point
would be - For the constrained problem this point is
unfeasible - how do we solve the problem?.