Title: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
1Genetic and Environmental Influences on
- Heredity as destiny
- vs.
- Equality of Opportunity
3The Genetic Evidence
- Twin Studies
- Lykken, 1999
- Loehlin and Nichols, 1976
- Bouchard
- Chorney and others, 1998
- Tsien, 2000
4The Environmental Evidence
- Fraternal Twins
- Early Intervention
- Schooling Effects
- Group Differences
5Does Heredity contribute to Group Differences
- Cavalli-Sforza and others, 1994
- Geary and others, 1996
- Flynn Effect
- Fagan, 1992
- Golden Ages in History
- Myerson, 1998
6Gender Differences (and Similarities)
- Math Grades
- Computation v. problem solving
- Hedges and Nowell, 1995
- Stumpf and Jackson, 1994
- Berenbaum and others, 1995
- Social expectations
7Testing Bias
- Group differences and Test Bias
- Innate intelligence and cultural experiences
- Validity
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Spence and colleagues, 1997
- Steele and Aronson, 1996
8Cultural Bias in Testing
Read over the information presented then click on
the first link below and check out the culturally
biased tests at the site. Remember the Chitling
test was created in the sixties and uses
stereotypes from that eratherefore it sometimes
uses offensive, stereotypical language.
(1)After looking and reading about culturally
biased tests, take the IQ test at the second
link. Once you are through, evaluate that test
for cultural biases. Turn in a paragraph or more
on your analysis of any cultural biases you find
in the test. (Due at end of period) (2)Create a
culturally biased survey to be administered here
on campus. It should favor one group over others.
When you administer your survey, you should get
better results from the group toward which the
survey is biased. Write up your results
describing your survey and its biases as well as
your results. (Due Friday after spring break,
March 26th)
- http//www.wilderdom.com/personality/intelligenceC
ulturalBias.html - http//www.intelligencetest.com/