Title: Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy
1Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy
- Update for
- Engagement Groups
2Background - 1
- This work builds on the Healthy Hospitals
work led by Barnet and Chase Farm Trust - The project is now led by the PCTs and covers
the whole of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey, with
input also from Southern Hertfordshire - The project is focusing on how local primary and
community health services will be developed in
order to allow people to be treated closer to
home in community settings. This reflects
national policy set out in the Governments
recent White Paper. - The project will assess the potential impact of
these changes on local hospital services,
including the North Middlesex as well as Barnet
and Chase Farm Hospitals - The aim of the clinical strategy is to describe
how and where local health services are proposed
to be provided in the future
3Background - 2
- New Project Board and project structure
established to manage the project (see later) - Input is being sought from all those involved,
including NHS organisations, local authorities,
patient and public representatives, clinicians
and other staff, - Working towards formal public consultation in
early January 2007 for three months - A decision will then be taken in April, after
which detailed implementation plans will be
developed - Important to understand that this will be a
three to eight year strategy, with service
changes planned over this period
4Why do we need to make changes?
- Clinicians are concerned about the sustainability
of current services - People want more care closer to home in improved
community facilities (and Government policy
supports this) - Local hospital buildings are very poor in some
cases (Chase Farm, North Middlesex) - Despite recent increases in investment, local
health services are financially overstretched and
score poorly against national standards
5What we are asking of you
- This process only works with your active
involvement - Asking you to sign up to the process
- Attend a number of meetings
- Engage in the debate with an open mind
What you can expect from us
- Honesty and openness
- Support and information to help the process
- No hidden agenda- open mindedness about the
6Project Structure
Patient/Public and Clinical Representatives
Barnet PCT Enfield PCT Haringey PCT Herts PCTs
London Ambulance Service
Barnet Chase Farm Trust North Middlesex
Trust Whittington Trust Royal Free Trust
London SHA
Barnet Local Authority Enfield Local
Authority Haringey Local Authority Broxbourne
Local Authority
Project Board
Patient and Public Engagement Group
Clinical Engagement Group
Project Executive
Public/patients/other local Stakeholders inc.
OSCs, MPs etc
Hospital, primary care and community clinical and
other staff
Project Team
Financial support
Estates support
Legal advisors
Public engagement support
7Proposed process for developing the strategy
- Patient Public and Clinical Engagement Groups
first meetings soon to discuss and agree their
involvement in helping to develop the strategy - Second meeting of each Group in mid September to
consider the ten potential scenarios and
evaluate these (more later) - The aim is to recommend to the Project Board the
most viable four or five scenarios which should
be worked up in more detail - These four or five short listed scenarios will be
examined in more detail in early November by the
two Engagement Groups, working with a citizens
jury, to recommend which of the potential
scenarios are both clinically, practically and
financially feasible and should be formally
consulted on - The agreed scenarios will then be worked up into
fully developed options for public consultation
in January
8Wider involvement
- There will be significant opportunities for
input and involvement throughout the development
of the consultation document and then during the
formal consultation process - As well as the two Engagement Groups and the
formal citizens jury, there will be the
opportunity for anyone to comment on the four or
five short listed scenarios from mid September to
early November via the project web site - Briefings are also being arranged with local
politicians, the media and others to make sure
they are clear on the process and timetable - Once the public consultation is launched in
January, there will be a wide range of different
ways that people can comment on and input to the
proposals, - These will include a web site, public events and
information fairs as well as copies of the
consultation document and a summary document
which will be circulated to all households
locally, inviting comments
9Context developing care outside of hospital
- Our vision in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey is
that - People should be helped to remain healthy and
independent - People should have real choices and greater
access in both health and social care - Far more services should be delivered safely
and effectively in the community or at home - Services should be integrated, built round the
needs of individuals and not service providers,
promoting independence and choice - Hospitals should continue to provide specialised
services where they cannot be delivered in
community settings - Long-standing inequalities in access and care
should be tackled - Â
- This vision will guide our work it will inform
our plans and determine - how we spend NHS funding locally
10Care outside of hospital Making the vision a
- To make our vision a reality, we will
- Put more emphasis on people keeping healthy
- Improve support for people who have long term
conditions - Redesign care pathways so that they are more
convenient for patients, with more care provided
at or close to home and with visits to hospital
kept to a minimum - Develop more community based unscheduled care
services, so that only people with the most
serious needs have to go to hospital for urgent
treatment - Recruit more clinicians to work in community
settings, and support these professionals in
developing new skills and new ways of working - Develop new buildings to deliver care close to
where people live
11Outline of potential scenarios
- Ten potential scenarios to be considered in
detail at second meeting of the Engagement
Groups. In summary these are - 1 No change, all services remain as at present,
in existing buildings - 2 Redevelopment with no clinical changes, all
services remain as at present, in new /
refurbished facilities at Chase Farm and North
Middlesex - 3 All three hospitals continue as at present,
but with centralisation of women childrens
services from Chase Farm to Barnet and north
Middlesex (this would also occur in scenarios
4,6,7,8 10) - 4 Planned / emergency split with Barnet and
North Middlesex as emergency centres and Chase
Farm as planned surgery centre - 5 - Planned / emergency split with Chase Farm and
North Middlesex as emergency centres and Barnet
as planned surgery centre
12Potential scenarios cont.
- 6 Medical / surgical split with Chase Farm
focusing on emergency medicine, Barnet focusing
on emergency surgery and women and children's
services and North Middlesex providing both - 7 Chase Farm becomes a community hospital (like
Edgware), Barnet and North Middlesex provide all
other acute hospital services - 8 Chase Farm closes as an acute hospital, but
gains a new primary care centre on the site
(mental health and community services would
remain as now), with all acute hospital services
provided at Barnet and the North Middlesex - 9 North Middlesex becomes a community hospital
with all acute hospital services provided at
Chase Farm and Barnet Hospitals - 10 Do minimum, acute services reconfigured as
per one of other options, but done in a way that
minimises investment in new hospital facilities
13Evaluation criteria
- Proposed evaluation criteria for assessing the
ten scenarios - Clinical viability and safety
- Ability to provide safe, effective, patient
centred services which are fit for the 21st
Century and are based on the most up to date
clinical evidence - Clinical support both from primary and secondary
care - Ability to attract and retain a skilled workforce
with appropriate specialisation - Ability to operate safe clinical rotas
- 2. Accessibility
- Emergency services are accessible at all times to
patients with appropriate travel times - Non emergency services are accessible to
patients, their families and other visitors - Services are available equitably, are accessible
to the poorest populations and reflect the health
needs of the local population
14Evaluation criteria cont.
- 3. Affordability / best use of resources
- Proposals are efficient and make best use of the
finite NHS resources available in Barnet, Enfield
and Haringey - Proposals are affordable to the whole health and
social care system - Proposals which make best use of the existing
hospital, community and primary care facilities
available - Proposals which are affordable in terms of the
need for new facilities and provide the most cost
effective and value for money use of NHS capital - 4. Sustainability
- Ability to cope with future projected increases
in local population - Ability to cope with future changes in NHS policy
- Ability to cope with future developments in
clinical care and new technologies - Fit with broader healthcare strategy in North
London / Hertfordshire - Address poor quality estate and facilities
15Evaluation criteria cont.
- 5. Deliverability
- Proposals that are realistically deliverable
within a clear timetable - Proposals that minimise the risk to service
provision in the interim (i.e. before the full
changes are made) - Proposals that make sense in having any required
early developments in place before changes are
made - Ability to demonstrate sufficient capacity in the
proposed new healthcare system