Title: COMP-15:%20Disaster%20Recovery%20Planning:%20Be%20Scared,%20Be%20Very%20Scared
1COMP-15 Disaster Recovery Planning Be Scared,
Be Very Scared
Brian Bowman
Senior Solution Engineer
- Introduction
- The Bad News
- Defining Disasters
- The Good News
3Introductory Thought
- Doom Gloom
- Always the pessimist
- The glass is half empty
- Goals
- Provide you with a complete look at BC
- Allow you to quantify / qualify what you can (
cant) do
- Introduction
- The Bad News
- Defining Disasters
- The Good News
6Avian Flu Status as of 20 May 2007 (7)
- Phase 3
- 291 Human Cases Reported
- 172 Deaths (mortality rate 59)
- Infected animals reported in 61 countries
- CDC predicts that 30 50 of American workers
will be out for a minimum of 6 weeks
7FEMA Status
- 26 disasters reported in USA thus far in 2007
- 52 disasters reported in all of 2006
- Hurricane season started 13 days ago
- http//www.FEMA.gov
8Federal Disasters 2000 - 2007
9Current World Health Organization (WHO) Status
- Countries with Crises / Emergencies
- (20 May 2007)
- Afghanistan, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad,
China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of Congo, Cote dIvoire,
Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea,
Haiti, India, Indonesia, Islam Republic of Iran,
Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi,
Mozambique, Niger, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines,
Russian Federation Chechnya, Rwanda, Sierra
Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa,
Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Venezuela, Zambia,
- Introduction
- The Bad News
- Defining Disasters
- The Good News
11Disaster Categories
- Acts of Nature
- Acts of Man
- Man-made
- Infrastructural
- Organizational
12Acts of Nature
- Flood, Fire, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes,
Winter Storms, Electrical Storms, Wildfires,
Earthquakes within the last 8 - 30 days (20 May
2007) (3)
13Man-made - Individual
- Intentional acts of disruption perpetrated by one
individual - Examples computer hacking, loss of records,
unauthorized access, white collar crime,
workplace violence, espionage, intellectual
property theft - Enron, Tyco, Parmalat,
14Threat Example Intellectual Property
- International trade losses due to product
counterfeiting and piracy are much lower than
estimated losses in 2005 were up to 200bn
(1) - where more than 90 percent of all software is
illegal. The US has the lowest rate worldwide at
22 per cent, (2)
15Threat Example Workplace Violence
- 1 out of 4 workers have been attacked or harassed
- Number of people attacked in the last year 2
million - Number of people threatened 6.3 million
- Number of people harassed 16.1 million
- 21 said a co-worker had been threatened with
physical harm in the past year. (4)
16Man-made - Group
- Larger scale Incidents of disruption such as
strikes, violence, warfare, terrorism, civil
disobedience - Examples negative publicity, labor disputes,
legal problems, transportation disruptions, civil
17Threat Example Country Risk Assessment (CRA)
Types of Country Risks
- Political
- Wars, revolutions, coups
- Economic
- Financial
- Labor
- Low productivity, militant unions
- Legal
- Laws may be changed
- Terrorism
18Infrastructure Disruption
- Threats to the infrastructure that can cause a
business to stop functioning - Examples delivery malfunctions, environmental
hazards, power outages, medical emergencies,
virus attacks, biological hazards, computer
failure, computer viruses, power outages, supply
chain problems, loss of site access
19Power Outage Solution
20Organizational Disruption
- Mergers and Acquisitions, Reduction in Workforce,
Staffing issues, Succession Planning, Business
relocation - Examples Flexibility / agility to add new
company, H5N1 staff reduction, expansion to China
- Introduction
- The Bad News
- Defining Disasters
- The Good News
22Your Existing Plan
- Do you have one?
- Is it comprehensive?
- Where did the Risk analysis come from?
- Does it meet the business needs?
- Do you throw out what you have and start over?
- Can you salvage anything?
23Measuring Risk - Definition
- Risk - a potential negative impact to an asset or
some characteristic of value that may arise from
some present process or future event
24Risks in Our World
- Costs
- What are the costs associated with a risk?
- What are the chances of it happening?
- Can the risk be eliminated and managed?
- It is perfectly acceptable to accept risk as
long as it is measurable and known.
25The Risk Process
Document Communicate
26Risk Assessments where to focus
High Impact Low probability
High Probability Low Impact
27Charting Risks on the Graph
- Disk failure Risk
- Loss of Power
- Virus
- Loss of Key Personnel
- AppServer Crash
28Risk Assessments where to focus
High Impact Low probability
Disk Loss
Loss of Power
Loss of DBA
AppServer Crash
Prevent Data Loss
High Probability Low Impact
29Figuring out what you missed
- Resources to look into it
- Local Resources
- State / Provincial / Regional Resources
- Country-based Resources
- Region-based Resources
- International Resources
30What else did you miss
- Looking at similar companies
- In another region
- In a parallel business line
- Industry Associations
- Professional Societies
31Additional Help
- 3rd party assistance
- Consulting
- Professional Agencies Associations (DRI, BCI,
32Options Available to you
- Progress Software Options
- 3rd party options
- Consulting Options
- Home-grown Options
33Progress Options
- Are you on the latest version?
- Backups!!!!
- After-Imaging
- OpenEdge Replication
- Failover Clusters
- Application Server Load Balancing Availability
- Sonic CAA
343rd Party Options
- Replication / Snapshots
- Clustering
- Pick your Vendors Solution
35Home Grown
- ABL Triggers Data
- Backups
- AI management roll forward
36Consulting Options
- Custom built solutions
- Assistance in assessing, developing, and
executing a plan
37Summarizing Risk
- Identify
- Analyze
- Plan
- Track
- Control
38An Important Thought
Which is more important the database or the
- Can you run the application without the database?
- What use is the database without the application
infrastructure? - What value does it bring?
- Can you run the application without the
infrastructure? - What does the business need?
- You must look at the complete application!
- There are lots of bad things in the world
- There are lots of options to make things better
- Figure out
- What you should worry about
- What you shouldnt worry about
- What you can prepare for
- What you cant prepare for
- Design, Plan, and EXECUTE!
40A Final Thought
41Where to go from here
- Other Exchange sessions
- COMP-10 OpenEdge Management and Replication
Divide et impera! - DB-2 OpenEdge Replication How to Get Home in
Time - PSDN
- http//www.psdn.com/library/kbcategory.jspa?catego
ryID555 - Whitepapers!
- Professional Services for assistance
- (1) Forgery trade losses under 200bn By Hugh
Williamson in Berlin, http//www.ft.com/cms/s/acbd
064c-fcb9-11db-9971-000b5df10621.html, extracted
17 May 2007 - (2) Attacking the pirates, by Alan Cane, Ft.com
Web Site, http//search.ft.com/ftArticle?queryText
070228004463page3, extracted 17 May 2007 - (3) Earthquakes in the last 8 30 days,
http//neic.usgs.gov/neis/qed/, extracted 20 May
2007 - (4) Workplace Violence, http//www.dps.siu.edu/c
p_workplace_violence.htm, extracted 20 May 2007 - (5) Workplace Violence in 2005,
, extracted 20 May 2007 - (6) 5 Risks That Could Sink Your Company, Tonya
Vinas Jill Jusko, Industry Week. Cleveland
Sept. 2004. Vol. 253, Issue 9,
p. 52-61 (6 pp.) - (7) http//www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza
/country/cases_table_2007_04_11/en/index.html - http//www.oie.int/downld/AVIAN20INFLUENZA/A_AI-A
44Thank you for your time!
45(No Transcript)