Title: Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L'L'C' Proposed Transmission Reliability Projects
1Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C.Proposed
Transmission Reliability Projects
2Proposed 2009-11 Entergy Gulf States Louisiana,
L.L.C. (EGSL) Transmission Reliability Projects
Acadia Cap Bank Installation
- Jefferson Davis Area 69 kV Improvements
Nesser Sub Build a new 69kV line
- Upgrade Lafayette to Holiday
- to Billeaud 69 kV line
Acadiana Long Term Reliability and Economic
138 kV Alchem-Monochem Line Upgrade
3Jefferson Davis 69 kV Area Improvements
- Scenario
- Approximately 90 MW of local area load is
sourced by the 69kV transmission system between
Jennings and Chlomal (including the radial load
to the south of Lawtag. The primary "trunks" of
the system are the Jennings-Compton-Elton-Tupper-S
erpent-Chlomal 69 kV line and the
Chlomal-Iowa-Welsh-Lawtag-Jennings 69 kV line. - The contingency outage of a 69kV line segment
between Jennings and Elton results in the Chlomal
to Lacassine 69kV line to exceed its thermal
rating. Likewise, the contingency outage of a 69
kV segment between Chlomal and Carter results in
the Jennings to Compton 69 kV line to exceed its
thermal rating. - The contingency outage of the Lawtag to Jennings
69 kV line results in the Lake Charles Bulk to
Chlomal 69 kV line and the Chlomal to Iowa 69 kV
line segment to exceed their thermal rating. - The contingency outage of the Goosport to LC Bulk
69 kV line results in the Lake Charles Bulk to
Chlomal 69 kV line to exceed its thermal rating. - Loss of either of the Lake Charles Bulk 138 -
69kV autotransformers results in the remaing
autotransformer to exceed its thermal rating. - Recommended solution
- Install a 14.4 MVAr capacitor bank at Winn
Substation. Proposed ISD 2008 - Create normally open point at Serpent and Lawtag.
Proposed ISD 2010 - Install capacitor banks at Carter and Elton. ISD
2010 - Upgrade approximately 4.8 miles Jennings to
Lawtag 69 kV line to a capacity of 106 MVA .
Proposed ISD 2010 - Either upgrade both 138 - 69 kV autotransformers
or add a 3rd autotransformer at Lake Charles
Bulk. Proposed ISD 2011 - Upgrade the approximately 3 mile Lake Charles
Bulk to Chlomal 69 kV line. Proposed ISD 2011
4NOP at Serpent
14.4MVAr Cap Bank at Elton
14.4MVAr Cap Bank at Carter
Upgrade Lawtag to Jennings
NOP at Lawtag
14.4MVAr Cap Bank at Winn
5Upgrade 138/69 Autotransformers or add 3rd
Upgrade LC Bulk to Chlomal
6Nesser Area Voltage Improvement
- Scenario
- The Nesser substation is sourced by a long radial
tap off of the Harelson-Jones Creek 69kV line.
Nesser substation is experiencing rapid load
growth of over 6 per year. - For the contingency loss of the Harelson-Nesser
tap, voltage violations at Nesser will occur. - Recommended Solution
- Construct a new 69kV line from Jefferson to the
Nesser Substation. - Proposed In-Service Date 2009
- Estimated cost 13MM
7Nesser Area Voltage Improvement
Construct new 69 kV line
8Upgrade Lafayette-Holiday- Billeaud 69 kV line
- Scenario
- The need to upgrade of this line was identified
as part of an Affected System Study. - The Lafayette-Holiday-Billeaud line is currently
rated at 39 MVA. - Loss of the CLECO Flanders to Hopkins 138 kV
line, Moril 138/69 kV auto, or the Moril to New
Iberia 69 kV will result in the line to exceed
its thermal rating. - Recommended Solution
- Upgrade the approximately 5.3 mile Lafayette to
Holiday 69 kV line with 336 ACSR - Upgrade the approximately 4.1 mile Holiday to
Billeaud 69 kV line with 336 ACSR - Proposed In-Service Date 2009
- Estimated cost 8 MM
9Upgrade Lafayette-Holiday- Billeaud 69 kV line
10138 kV Acadia Capacitor Bank Installation
- Scenario
- The contingency loss of the 138kV line from
Richard to Colonial Academy will result in low
voltages at Colonial Academy, Acadia, Scanlan and
Scott substations. - Recommended Solution
- Install a 138 kV, 36 MVAR capacitor bank at the
Acadia substation. - Proposed In-Service Date 2010
- Estimated cost 1MM
11138 kV Colonial Academy Capacitor Installation
Install 36 MVAR Cap Bank
12Alchem - Monochem Upgrade 138 kV Line
- Scenario
- In the industrial corridor, the Alchem to
Monochem 138kV line is part of a 138 kV path that
operates parallel to Willow Glenn to Conway 230
kV line. - The contingency loss any of the 230 kV segments
from Willow Glen to Vulchlor will result in the
Alchem to Monochem 138 kV line to exceed its
thermal rating. - Recommended Solution
- Upgrade approximately 6.76 miles of 336 ACSR line
and bus at Alchem and Monochem with a conductor
rated at least 380 MVA of capacity. - Proposed In-Service Date 2010
- Estimated cost 7.5 MM
13Alchem - Monochem Upgrade 138 kV Line
Upgrade 138kV Line
14Acadiana Area Improvement Project
- Includes a set of reliability and economic
projects based on a joint study performed by
Entergy, CLECO, LUS, and the ICT. - Potential projects include new 230 kV sources
from Richard and Wells down to the Meaux and
Moril areas along with a second Labbe to Bonin
230 kV line. - Area transmission owners are currently in the
process of finalizing the required set of
15Identified Target Areas Around Lake Charles 2012
and Beyond
Lake Charles Improvement 230 kV Loop
Nelson-Moss Bluff 230kV line overload
Nelson-Mossville Line overload
Chlomal-Lacassine Upgrade 69kV line
Spot loading and load growth increasing on
distribution level voltage
Solac auto overloads FTLO either
16Jennings Auto overloads FTLO either
Upgrade Chlomal-Iowa 69 kV line
17Identified Target Areas Around Acadiana Area
2012 and Beyond
Champagne to Sunset line overloads
FTLO Webre-Wells 500 kV line, lines crossing the
Atchafalaya Basin overload
Scott Auto overloads FTLO either.
Scott to Carencro Line Overloads .
Note FTLO means for the loss of
18Identified Target Areas Around Baton Rouge 2012
and Beyond
McManus to Brady Heights - Upgrade
Jackson to Tejas to Marydale-Upgrade
Coly-Denham Springs-Upgrade Greenwell Spr. Area
Port Hudson - 69 kV area improvement