Title: CLARREO IIP and Study Discussion
1CLARREOIIP and Study Discussion
- T. Pagano
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- October 24, 2007
2JPL IIP SupportTropospheric Emission
3TES Flight System Has Several Modules
4TES Uses Double Pass Corner Cube Interferometer
EPD 50 mm f/ 2.0 EFL 100 mm FOV 12 mr x
7.5 mr IFOV 0.75 mr x 7.5 mr Scan OPD 33.8
cm Pointing 45 deg Cone Pixel Size 0.75 mm x
0.075 mm
Tscan 4 s (nadir)
1A 3.3 5.3 mm 1B 8.7 12.2 mm 2A 5.1
9.1 mm 2B 11.1 15.4 mm
Nd YAG 1.06 microns
5TES Team Available at JPL
- Tom Glavich TES PM
- Reinhard Beer TES PI
- Mary White Optics PEM
- Eric Hochberg Optics Fab
- Dave Rider Instrument Scientist
- Jose Rodrigues Thermal Design
- Kevin Bowman Algorithms
- Helen Warden Algorithms
- FPAs Teledyne (Formerly Rockwell)
- Dewar Space Dynamice Lab
- Pulse Tube Cooler NGST (Formerly TRW)
6TES, AIRS, CrIS Comparison
Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Spectral
Range 3.3-15.4 mm Spectral Resolution 0.015
0.06 cm-1 Spatial Resolution 0.5 x 5 km,
nadir 385 kg, 334 W, 1.8 m3, 4.5 Mbps Cost 180M
Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Spectral Range
3.7-15.4 mm Spectral Resolution 0.5 2.5
cm-1 Spatial Resolution 14 km, 49.5 177 kg,
236 W, 0.9 m3, 1.3 Mbps Cost 196M
Crosstrack Infrared Sounder Spectral Range
3.9-15.4 mm Spectral Resolution 0.5 2.5
cm-1 Spatial Resolution 14 km, 48.3 165 kg,
135 W, 0.5 m3, 1.5 Mbps Cost 250M (2 Flight
7JPL Far IR Detectors
8Herschel, SOFIA and ground based platforms are
are limited by emission from warm
telescopes.Ultimate limitation is photon noise
from the astrophysical backgrounds.Source
confusion is not a problem for R1000
spectroscopy.SPICA leads the way to SAFIR and
beyond temperature is more important than
aperture.Cold space telescope allows
high-redshift spectroscopy throughout the far-IR
Far-IR spectroscopy with cold telescope is a new
Crosses show redshifted fine structure lines in
ULRGs Effect of finite detector NEP in yellow
9Spider-Web Bolometers for Herschel Planck
- 3.5 m telescope (80 K)
- L2 halo orbit
- 4.5 year lifetime
- 2008 launch
- Three instruments
- SPIRE (bolometers)
- photometer at 250, 350, 500 um
- FT spectrometer 200 350, 350 670 um
- PACS (photoconductors bolometers)
- imaging at 70/100, 170 um
- grating spectroscopy 60 210 um
- HIFI (heterodyne)
- high-resolution spectroscopy 610 270 um
10Quantum Well IntraSubband Photodetector
(QWISP)for Far Infrared Radiation Detection
- New far-IR detector concept addresses the need
for 100 300 mm large format focal plane array
(FPA) - Closely related to the well-established Quantum
Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) - Extensive 3D quantum device simulation predicts
superior far-IR performance than the QWIP (see
below) - Based on mature GaAs technology
- Can leverage JPLs world-class large-format QWIP
FPA expertise - Can be developed rapidly and inexpensively
POC David.Z.Ting_at_jpl.nasa.gov
11CLARREO Performance
12Expect Pyroelectric D of 2 x 108
13CLARREO Design Parameters to Meet NEdT of 0.1K
- S 100 Spatial Resolution (km)
- H 705.3 Orbit Altitude (km)
- vg 6.76 km/s
- D 5 Aperture Diameter (cm)
- fno 2 Focal Ratio
- d 14.0 Detector Size (mm)
- Trans 0.2 System Transmission
- Tstare14.8 Stare Time (s)
- Dstar 2E8 Detectivity at 200Hz (cm
root-hz / W) -
- vn_min 200 Minimum Wavenumber (cm-1)
- vn_max 2000 Maximum Wavenumber (cm-1)
- OPD 0.5 Optical Path Difference (cm)
- dvn 1.0 System Spectral Resolution
(cm-1) - Tscene 250 Average Scene Temperature
(K) - Tinst 280 Instrument Temperature (K)
14D-Star of 2x108 Not affected by Background
15SNR and NEdTLimited at Higher Wavenumbers
Preliminary Best Case
16Self Apodization broadens lineshape at lower
Shift of Peak Frequency With Off-Axis Response
Uncorrected Response 5 cm-1
OPD 0.5 cm n 2000 cm-1 l 5 mm Dn 1 cm-1
Unapodized Ideal Response FOV 0 to 4
4 x 4 Array with Bias Correction 1.5 cm-1
- CLARREO 100 km Footprint Broadens Lineshape
- Increases Impact of Non-homogenous Fields
- Correct using N x N Array at Higher Spatial
Resolution - Offset Spectral Response by Nominal Value at
Center of Array - Need to Analyze Effects of Residual Errors
- Effect seen in IASI data in cloudy scenes.
17CLARREO Grating Concept
18JPL Has Expertise in Far IR Grating Spectrometers
Need Wide Field CLARREO Optical Design
19CLARREO Grating Concept
- Preliminary
- Approach
- Solid State Grating Spectrometer
- 3mm Aperture Telescope with 0.1X Magnification
- 3cm Aperture Grating Spectrometer
- Single Grating operated in 6 Orders
- Use 640 x 480 Microbolometer Array
- 6 Segments (800 um x 1) x (27 um x N)
- TBD Optimize optics for 17 micron pixels
- Wide Field Grating Spectrometer
- Performance
- 5-50 um, Dn 1cm-1 to 2cm-1
- Close, but not quite there
- Requires higher spectral resolution in SW
- Need ambient operation
- Need to Redo NEdT Calculation for Latest
Microbolometer Performance
20System Parameters
14.6 s Dwell
3 mm Aperture
0.1 Magnification
804 um Detector
21Absorption for a Simple Bolometer Stack Not
22Spectrometer Parameters
23Spectral Resolution and Grating Efficiency
24Dispersion Angles
25Cross-Calibration Lessons Learned and
Expectations for CLARREO
26Instrument Stability and Accuracy Essential for
Climate Studies
AIRS Hyperspectral CoverageClimate Data Record
(CDR)over 5 Billion Spectra
AIRS Radiometric Performance Stable to lt8mK/Y
H. Aumann (JPL)
2378 channels
Scanning HIS Validates Rad Accy to 0.2K H.
Revercomb (UW)
AIRS Frequencies Stable Knowledge to lt 1 PPM -
L. Strow (UMBC)
Reference JGR, VOL. 111, April 2006
27Validation Requires Good Spatial Resolution and
- Validation Essential
- All instruments must be validated using in-situ
observations - Radiometric Buoys, Aircraft, ARM Sites
- Spectral Atmospheric Lines
- Validation Requirements
- Moderate Spatial Resolution (lt15 km)
- Allows direct comparison with aircraft
- Allows sufficient number of clear samples
- Wide Swath (gt 45)
- Allows more opportunity for cross-comparison and
simultaneous in-situ observations - Good NEdT (lt 0.2K)
- For least number of samples per comparison
1J. Krijger et. al, The effect of sensor
resolution on the number of cloud-free
observations from space, Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Discuss., 6, 4465-4499, 2006, www.atmos-chem-phys-
28Cross-Calibration and Comparison Successful with
Sounders / Imagers
Cross- Calibration
AIRS-MODIS/HIRS Trend in Radiometric
Calibration Dome Concordia
Shift in MODIS Calibration Algorithm V4 to V5
Cross- Comparison
IASI-AIRS Accurate to 0.008K 0.18K
HIRS Stable
S. Broberg, Evaluation of AIRS, MODIS, and HIRS
11 micron brightness temperature difference
changes from 2002 through 2006, SPIE 6296-22,
August 2006
- Samples
- Uniform Scene at Dome C
29Nonuniform Scene Adds Noise to Cross-Calibration
Spatial Response Function Must be well
known Channel 774, FP 70
AIRS-MODIS Non-uniform Scene
Uncorrected 4.2K
Simple Correction 2.26K
Corrected 0.57K
Noise in non-uniform scene leads to need for
clear-uniformor significantly more samples
D. Eliott, et. al, The Impact Of the AIRS
Spatial Response On Channel-To-Channel and
Multi-Instrument Data Analyses, Proc. SPIE,
6296-01 (2006)
30Limited Overlaps if 100 km Nadir Only
Satellite 1 833 km alt, Sunsynch orbit,
footprint 1500 km wide x 45 km highSatellite 2
750 km alt, Polar orbit, footprint 100 km wide x
100 km high.
31Zonal and Temporal Dependence of Orbits will
Complicate Cross-Calibration
32Insufficient Samples to Cross-CalibrateRequire
Pointing and Higher Resolution
- Number of Samples if Clear for Cross-Cal 1000
- Non-Uniform Scene Noise Amplification x 25
- Number of Overpasses / Satellite in 5 Mo 5 /
1300 - Number of Satellites / 3
- Total Number of Months to Calibrate 32
- Time is Too Long to avoid systematic errors
- Thermal/Temporal Drift of Instrument
- Secular Climatology Change of Atmosphere
- Regional Biases in Sampling Set
- Solution
- 1. Point Instrument Line of Sight 50
- 2. Higher Spatial Resolution lt15 km
Study activity will compare AIRS MODIS Cross-Cal
vs AIRS Resolution and Pointing. Redo Orbit
33Sounder Climate Science
34 Sounder Constellation in Place Continuously from
2002 onward
Actual AIRS Spectra
AIRS on Aqua 130 PM Orbit 14 km GSD 49.5
Swath 0.1-0.2K Absolute 10mK/year Stability
CrIS on NPOESS 130 PM Orbit 14 km GSD 48.3
Swath C1 2013 C3 2020
IASI on MetOp 1030 AM Orbit 12 km GSD 49 Swath
NPOESS 530 AM C2 2016 CrIS De-Manifested
TES on Aura 130 PM Orbit
35AIRS/CrIS and IASI Provide 4 Points in Diurnal
Diurnal Cycle of SST
AIRS Aqua 1330, 130TES Aura 1330,
130 CrIS NPOESS C1 and C3 1330, 130 IASI
MetOp, 930, 2130 CrIS NPOESS C2
(Cancelled) 530, 1730
CrIS on C2 Would Improve Characterizationof
Diurnal Cycle
36Sounder Data Products and Spectra are used for
Climate Model Validation
- Method 1 Data Products (L3)
- The models are drier than AIRS observations by
10-25 in the tropics below 800 hPa. - The models are more moist by 25-100 between 300
and 600 hPa, especially in the extra-tropics. - David W. Pierce, Tim P. Barnett, Eric J.
Fetzer, Peter J. Gleckler, Three-dimensional
tropospheric water vapor in coupled climate
models compared with observations from the AIRS
satellite system, GRL, VOL. 33, L21701,
doi10.1029/2006GL027060, 2006 - Method 2. Radiances (L1b)
- OLR Agrees with Models
- Compensating Errors
- Models dry in lower troposphere compensated by
higher surface flux - Huang et al. 2007.
SDRs and EDRs must be Climate Quality
37Hyperspectral IR Spectra DirectlyUsed for
Climate Studies
- Trending
- The four year anomaly of AMSU and AIRS
temperatures at 400 mb shows a pronounced
quasi-bi-annual fluctuation of about 0.4 K
peak-to-peak. - This fluctuation severely limits the ability to
interpret trends on a four year time scale in
terms of climate relevance. - It also makes it difficult to compare the mean of
four years from today with similar data taken 20
years ago or 20 years from now, even if they were
intrinsically accurate at the 100 mK 3 sigma
level. - Aumann (2007)
- Principal Component Analysis
- Difference in EOF1 suggest there is a problem in
the boundary layer humidity. - Huang, X., and Y. L. Yung. (2005). Spatial and
spectral variability of the outgoing thermal IR
spectra from AIRS A case study of July 2003. J.
Geophys. Res. 110 D12102/2004JD005530. - See Yung/Waliser Poster
38Derived Products Valuable for Climate Validation
and Process Studies
- Coupled Climate Model Validation
- The models are drier than AIRS observations by
10-25 in the tropics below 800 hPa. - The models are more moist by 25-100 between 300
and 600 hPa, especially in the extra-tropics. - David W. Pierce, Tim P. Barnett, Eric J.
Fetzer, Peter J. Gleckler, Three-dimensional
tropospheric water vapor in coupled climate
models compared with observations from the AIRS
satellite system, GRL, VOL. 33, L21701,
doi10.1029/2006GL027060, 2006 - Water Vapor Parameterization
- Supersaturation affects amount of water vapor in
upper stratosphere which in turns affect amount
of clouds - Changes Cloud Forcing
- LWIR D -7 W/m2, SWIR D 8 W/m2, NET D
-0.60.3 W/m2 - A. Gettelman and D. E. Kinnison, The global
impact of supersaturation in a coupled
chemistry-climate model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7,
16291643, 2007 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/7/1629/200
7/ - Water Vapor Transport Studies
- Simple trajectory model with fixed RH limit does
a good job of reproducing AIRS annual average
water vapor - Dessler, A. E., and K. Minschwaner (2007), An
analysis of the regulation of tropical
tropospheric water vapor, J. Geophys. Res., 112,
D10120, doi10.1029/2006JD007683, 2007
39Small CO2 Signal Trends Only Possible with
Sufficient Stability and Coverage
AIRS CO2 Product (Chahine)
CO2 Trending using Spectra (Strow)
AIRS Zonal Trends (Strow)
Demonstrates lt10mK/year Stability
40Sounder Limitations over Land, Clouds and
Boundary Layer
Climate Scientists need better products in
PBL Clouds and Emissivity Limit Sounder Accuracy
AIRS 50x50 km ? 1095 cm-1
Temperature Profile Error
MODIS 5x5 km ? 1205 cm-1
Can CLARREO Improve PBL Water Vapor and Surface
41Temperature and Water Vapor Obs only require one
Mike Gunson (JPL)
42SIRAS IIP can reduce cost of MW/LW sensor
The Spaceborne Infrared Atmospheric Sounder
(SIRAS) Spectrometer Developed under
NASAInstrument Incubator Program in 2001 No
Moving or Active Parts Mass 2kg Size 10 x 10 x
14 cm Field of view X-Track 16.2 Pushbroom
Operation Spectral Resolution gt900 (l/Dl) Number
of Channels 512 Each 4 Required for Full
Spectral Range Spectral Range 12-15.4 µm PI
Hartmut Aumann (AIRS IR Proj. Sci.)
43Compact MW/LW Spectrometer Concepts Exist
Size 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 m Mass 50 kg (est.) Power
50 W (est.) Data Rate 2 Mbps
Thermally Isolated Controlled Optical Bench
Calibration Point Mirror
Active Cryo- Cooler
Grating Spectrometer
Passive Radiator
44Panel on Climate Variability and Change (Chapter
9) Define Science Questions
- The panel focused on four fundamental questions
in its approach to envisioning specific
space-based and supporting in situ and
surface-based observations required for studies
of the Earths climate - (1) what governs the Earths climate, (2) what
forces climate change, (3) what feedbacks affect
climate variability and change, and (4) how is
the climate changing? In the coming decade, we
will be challenged to better predict how the
Earth will respond to the changes in atmospheric
composition and other forcing. Our observations
must document the forces on the climate system
(including solar and volcanic activity,
greenhouse gases and aerosols, changes in land
surface and albedo), the characteristics of
internal variability which can obscure forced
changes and which may evolve in response to
climate change, the feedback processes involving
the atmosphere, land and ocean, biogeochemical
cycles and the hydrologic cycle, and climate
change itself. - Stripped to fundamentals, the climate is first
affected by the long-term balance between the
sunlight absorbed and infrared radiation emitted
by the Earth. Thus, key elements to observe are
the incident sunlight, the absorbed sunlight and
the emitted infrared radiation. Achieving an
understanding of how the system works requires
the determination of the affecting influences,
the absorbed sunlight and the emitted radiation.
These include the composition of the atmosphere
(such as greenhouse gases and aerosols), the
state of the surface (whether snow or ice
covered, whether vegetated or desert), and the
effects of the various atmospheric components and
the surface state on radiation loss to space. In
addition, physical and chemical processes within
the system feed back to affect the composition of
the atmosphere and the surface state, such as the
processes affecting water vapor and clouds. Other
processes and conditions such as the extent of
permafrost, subsurface concentrations of
phytoplankton, and the oceans thermohaline
circulation are hidden from direct space view.
Inferences must be drawn not only from records of
space-based observations, but also from in situ
as well as remotely sensed observations from
surface-based, balloon, and suborbital platforms.
45Panel on Climate Variability and Change (Chapter
9) Addresses Process Studies
- Focused Process Studies
- Process studies focus on understanding the
climate feedback process and are critical to
improving climate models. They are generally
intensive, short-duration, repeated campaigns
with ground-based, airborne, satellite, and
modeling components. These studies typically
require frequent, diurnally resolved measurements
and a wide variety of simultaneous products, a
need typically at odds with the accuracy and
stability essential for achieving reliable
long-term records. - Current Status of Process Studies
- Many climate system processes and many causes of
climate variability and change are not fully
understood or adequately validated with
observations. The large range in climate model
estimates of the change in the global surface
temperature in response to a doubling of CO2
illustrates how choices in treating these
processeswhich vary greatly from model to
modelcan have sizable consequences. Reliable
climate simulations require improved treatment of
the processes known to be inadequate (NRC, 2003b
NRC, 2005b) (1) clouds, aerosols, and convective
systems (2) biosphere-atmosphere interactions
(3) sea ice, ocean circulation and ice-melt
coupling (4) ice sheet dynamics (5) the fluxes
of heat, momentum, water, and trace species
across the interfaces of ocean-atmosphere,
land-atmosphere, ice-atmosphere, boundary layer
and free troposphere, troposphere-stratosphere,
and ice-ocean and (6) internal variability such
as the ENSO. - Needed Improvements and Products for Process
Studies - There must be a more deliberate effort to focus
resources on the most critical weaknesses in
predictive models, most specifically the six
topics listed above.
46Requirements Traceability Matrix
Green Ch 4 Decadal Survey Purple Ch 9 Decadal
47Measurement and Mission Requirements
Green Ch 4 Decadal Survey Purple Ch 9 Decadal