Title: Action%20Planning%20for%20Graph%20Transition%20Systems
1Action Planning for Graph Transition Systems
- Stefan Edelkamp
- Shahid Jabbar
- Computer Science Department
- University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
- Alberto Lluch-Lafuente
- Department of Informatics, University of Pisa,
Pisa, Italy
2Graph Transition Systems
3Graph Transition Systems
- A graph transition system (GTS) is a pair ltM,ggt,
where - M is a weighted transition system and
- g is a partial graph morphism.
- The weights of a transition system is modeled by
a generalize cost-algebra based on monoids
structure. - See Edelkamp, Jabbar, and Lafuente,
Cost-Algebraic Heuristic Search, in Proc. of 20th
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI05), July 2005, Pittsburgh, PA. (to
appear). for more details. - Applications Biology Changing molecular
structure, Networks Clients appearing and
- How to model and check GTS?
- How to encode the application of partial graph
morphism? - How to deal with flexible goals?
- How to guide the search process?
- Solution Model the problem of checking graph
transition systems in PDDL and use planning
heuristics to guide the search process.
- Arrow Distributed Directory Protocol An example
of GTS. - PDDL Encoding of Arrow Distributed Directory
Protocol. - Experimental Results
- Performance Planner vs. Model Checker
- Scaling behavior of the model
- Conclusions
6Directory Service Protocol
- Assume a distributed environment.
- Clients The nodes in the distributed network
e.g., different computers. - Mobile Objects
- Could be a file, a process or any other data
structure. - It can be transmitted over a network from one
node to another. - It lives only on one node at a time.
- Purpose of a Directory Service
- Navigation To provide the ability to locate a
mobile object. - Synchronization To ensure mutual exclusion in
the presence of concurrent requests.
7Usual Approach
- home-based structure.
- Each object has its own home.
- home keeps track of the objects location.
- All requests are send to the home.
- home sends a message to the client currently
holding the object. - That client forwards the object to the requesting
client. - Bottleneck Communication costs between home
and clients.
8The Arrow Distributed Directory Protocol (Demmer
and Herlihy)
- Based on the idea of a trail of pointers
- Distributed Network G (V,E,w)
9Properties of the Protocol
- If link(v) v (self-loop) gt The object either
resides at v, or will soon reside at v. - Else, the object resides some where in the region
of the directory containing link(v).
link(v) w
10Messages and Constructs
- link(u,v) Defines the spanning tree.
- find(v) Request for the object issued by the
node v. - move(v) The object is free to be moved to v. It
travels with the object, following the links in
the original graph. - pending(u,v) Every link(u,v) has a buffer that
keeps the request. Not a FIFO, but reliable. - queue(u) v, NULL A predicate attached with
every node. Tells that u has to transfer the
object to v when it is finished with the object.
11Working of the Protocol
- v issues a request find(v) for the object.
u issues move(v) when it is finished with the
The object is moved to v following the shortest
path in G (blue edges)
A queue predicate is declared for v queue(u) v
find(v) inserted in the pending buffer
12Concurrent Requests
- find(v) stuck in the communication channel.
- w also issues a request in the meanwhile.
queue(v) w
queue(z) v
ws request would be diverted to v instead
find(v) stuck in the com. channel
z also issues a request
All future requests will be forwarded to w
find(v) released
queue(u) z
Object Path u z v - w
- A distributed queue structure.
- Object request messages travel the shortest path
in the spanning tree and not in the original
graph. - The queue structure ensures locality all
requests will go directly to the object or to
another terminal. Do not have to pass through a
14Properties to Verify / Types of Goals
- Can a particular node u be a terminal? (Subgraph
matching) - Can a particular node u be a terminal and all
arrow paths end at u? (Graph Matching) - Can an arbitrary node ui be a terminal? (Subgraph
isomorphism) - Can an arbitrary node ui be a terminal and all
arrow paths end at ui? (Graph isomorphism)
15Part IIPDDL Encoding
16PDDL Encoding Morphism as PDDL Actions
- A morphism operation that inverses an edge can
easily be defined as a very simple action. - (action morphism-inverse
- parameters(?u ?v - node)
- precondition
- (link ?u ?v)
- effect
- (and
- (not (link ?u ?v))
- (link ?v ?u)))
17PDDL Encoding of Goals Graph and Subgraph
- Subgraph and graph matching are easy to encode.
- Encode the goal graph with (link u v)
- and owner with (owner w) predicates.
18PDDL Encoding of Goals Subgraph Isomorphism
- Goals are strictly more expressive.
- Need an existential quantification over all the
nodes to be described. - ADL (Pednault 1989) ?
- (goal ltexistential-expressiongt
- ltgoal-conditiongt)
- Using ADL, subgraph isomorphism can be encoded as
- (goal (exists (?n - node) (owner ?n)))
19PDDL Encoding of Goals Graph
- Existential quantifier can again be used ..
- (goal (exists ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4
- ?v5 - node)
- (and (link ?v0 ?v0) (link ?v1 ?v0)
- (link ?v2 ?v0) (link ?v3 ?v1)
- (link ?v4 ?v0) (link ?v5 ?v4)
- (owner ?v3)))
20Performance Model Checker(HSF-Spin) vs. Planner
(FF) Subgraph Matching
Stored nodes 6,253 30 6
Sol. length 134 58 5
Stored nodes 78,112 38 6
Sol. length 118 74 5
Stored nodes 24,875 34 6
Sol. length 126 66 5
21Scaling Behavior of the Model
Topology Nodes Stored Plan Length
Star 10 6 5
Star 25 7 6
Star 50 7 6
Star 70 7 6
Chain 10 6 5
Chain 25 33 28
Chain 50 100 73
Chain 70 138 101
Tree 10 6 5
Tree 25 22 16
Tree 50 47 25
Tree 70 61 31
1.9 GB
- First such efforts to model GTS with PDDL.
- Advantages Planning heuristics can be employed
directly. - Successfully modeled Arrow Distributed Directory
Protocol. - Still some limitations in modeling the
full-fledged specification of GTS. - Dynamic insertions and deletions of nodes and
edges. - Can be circumvented to some extent by using a
pool of available objects.