Title: Trouble in the English Colonies
1Trouble in the English Colonies
21. Metacoms (King Philip) War
- Metacom leader of Wampanoag Indians
- Starts war June 1675 after Indian was killed for
looting a house in Plymouth
- Settlers underestimate Indians
- War on both sides characterized by terror
- War becomes problem for all of New England
- Colonists finally win Dec. 1676 when unite
- effort
52. Virginias Indian War
- Conflict with Doegs Indians
- Virginia militia sent after Doegs
- Kills innocent Susquehannocks
- Gov. Berkeley wants to avoid war sends John
Washington to make amends - Washington attacks Susquehannocks
- Berkeley reaction defensive strategy
- Colonists want action!
73. Bacons Rebellion
- Nathaniel Bacon leads people against Indians
- Berkeley declared Bacon outlaw and calls assembly
meeting - Meeting elects Bacon
- Berkeley makes Bacon apologize
- Bacon takes over military and leads against ANY
Indians - Berkeley
- flees city
- Bacon
- attacks
- Indians
- Berkeley and Bacon fight over control of VA
- Bacon wins, then dies of dysentery
- Berkeley regains control, and hangs 23 rebels
104. Salem Witch Trials
- Girls of Salem accuse people of witchcraft
- Characteristics of Accused
- Against Paris (minister)
- Older Women who owned land
- June 1692 trials begin
- Governor of Mass. Ends trials
- Outcome brought Puritan Era to an end
12Which Theory do you support?
- Hysteria in reaction to a over zealous faith
fueled by superstition and rumor - Mold causing hallucinogenic
- Economic jealousy
- Actual Witchcraft
13The Second Great Awakening
- 1730s and 40s
- Religious Revival turning back to God
- John Edwards
- George Whitefield
- John Wesley
15- "Father Abraham, whom have you in heaven? Any
Episcopalians? No! Any Presbyterians? No! Any
Independents or Methodists? No, No No! Whom have
you there? We don't know those names here. All
who are here are Christians...Oh, is this the
case? The God help us to forget your party names
and to become Christians in deed and truth. - George Whitefield
16Consequences of Great Awakening
- New Denominations
- Methodists
- Baptists
- Presbyterians
- Women rights increased
- Broke down localism
- New Colleges
- Yale, William and Mary, Harvard, Princeton,
18Points to Ponder
- In what ways or events are the colonies united?
- What do you think have been the most important
events in SHAPING colonial America?
19French and Indian War
- Land claimed by both the French and English
21- 2. Tension in Europe between England and France,
4 wars between 1690-1760s - 3. French set up line of Forts along Allegheny
22- 4. Virginia militia sends in George Washington
to take French fort of Duquesne - War
- Begins!
23Albany Congress
- 1754
- Meeting to talk with Iroquois and make them an
- Colonists led by Ben Franklin also want to form a
union for protection
25Albany Plan of Union
- President General (appointed by England)
- General Assembly
- Union has power to build forts, levy taxes,
regulate trade, raise an army
26Reaction to the Plan
- Every colony rejected it
- England angered!
27First Part of War Colonists Fight French
- Untrained
- Not unified
- Losing Battles
28England Takes over
- 1754 sends in General Edward Braddock and troops
- Braddocks Plan
- Split troops, attack in 4 places
291755 Year of English Defeats
- 1. Lose Fort Duquesne
- 1,850 British and colonists v. 800 French and
Indian forces - British casualties 977, 39 French Casualties.
- 2. Lose Fort Oswego
- 3. Lose Fort Ticonderoga
31Reasons for Defeat
- F I use guerilla warfare tactics
- Tension between Colonists and English
32British-American Colonial Tensions
33Tide Turns
- French lose many Indian Allies
- New English Leader William Pitt
- adjusts fighting style
- to match terrain and
- opponent
- Amends colonial relationship
34Battle of Quebec
- British sneak attack
- French surrender on Sept. 12, 1759
- Ends the war
351763 ? Treaty of Paris
France --gt lost her Canadian possessions
Spain --gt (had been French Ally) but lost Florida
to England.
England --gt got all French lands in Canada
36North America in 1763
37Effects of the War on the American Colonials
1. United against a common enemy.
2. Created bitter feelings towards the British
38Effects of the War on Britain
1. Increased her colonial empire.
- Increased
- Englands debt
- 3.Created resentment towards colonies
40North America 1750