Title: Neur 602 Cellular Neuroscience
1Neur 602Cellular Neuroscience
- Tuesdays, 130 420 pm
- Instructor
- Dr. Kim "Avrama" Blackwell
- Krasnow Institute, Room 105
- Office Hours Tues 430 530 pm or by
appointment - Contact avrama_at_gmu.edu, 993-4381
- Important Dates
- Last Day to Add Sept 15, 2009
- Last Day to Drop Oct 2, 2009
2Reading for Neur 602
- Books
- Required Byrne and Roberts, From Molecules to
Networks, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2009 - Recommended The Neuron, Levitan Kaczmarek
- Other reading
- Journal articles to be downloaded from web
3Goals of Neur 602
- Intense introduction to the structure and
function of individual neurons - how nerve cells integrate and transmit signals
- biochemical properties of single neurons
- electrical and chemical communication between
neurons - Provide foundation for more in-depth study of any
aspect of cellular neuroscience
4Brief Syllabus of Neur 602
5Brief Syllabus of Neur 602
6Course Requirements for Neur 602
- Synopsis of assigned papers 10 of Grade
- Math Problem sets - application of neuroscience
equations 10 of Grade - Midterm 40 of Grade
- Final 40 of Grade
- Make up exams are not allowed, unless a doctors
note is provided
7Neur 602 - Class format
- Weekly lectures will be divided in two portions
of approximately 1hr 15 min, with a 5 min break
in the middle. - Lectures will be followed by discussion of the
paper assigned the previous week, or other
activities. - Cell phones must be turned off or to silent mode
- All students are expected to uphold the GMU honor
code, which prohibits Cheating, Plagiarism,
Stealing, and Lying. - The subsequent text is from http//www.gmu.edu/fac
staff/handbook/aD.html - In this class, working together on homework is
permitted, so long as such working together does
not take the form of copying
- A. Cheating encompasses the following
- 1.The willful giving or receiving of an
unauthorized, unfair, dishonest, or unscrupulous
advantage in academic work over other students. - 2.The above may be accomplished by any
means whatsoever, including, but not limited to,
the following fraud, duress, deception, theft,
trick, talking, signs, gestures, copying from
another student, and the unauthorized use of
study aids, memoranda, books, data or other
information. - 3.Attempted Cheating.
- B. Plagiarism encompasses the following
- 1.Presenting as one's own the works, the
work, or the opinions of someone else without
proper acknowledgement. - 2.Borrowing the sequence of ideas, the
arrangement of material, or the pattern of
thought of someone else without proper
acknowledgement. - Plagiarism includes copying as little as a
sentence or paragraph from published work, or an
internet webpage without putting the material in
quotes and giving the source.
11Responsible Conduct in Science
- Beyond the GMU Honor code, the following is not
tolerated in science - Fabrication making up data
- Falsification Altering data (there are gray
areas here) - Plagarism using others words, ideas or data
without attribution - Youll hear more about this in Neur 604 Ethics
in Scienitific Research
- After analyzing data to generate results,
removing some data points that are questionable - If questionable (animals health, uncooperative
human subjects, other conditions), remove data
prior to analysis. - Selecting "best" data to support hypothesis
- What about best data used as figures in paper?
- Pay attention to this aspect of papers
- Consider these points as you read papers
- Descriptive experiments
- Purpose is the build up knowledge base
- Where does neuron project
- What is structure of protein
- What is distribution of neurotransmitter
- Induction
- Develop hypotheses about cause and effect
- Hypothesis testing Essential for NIH grants
- Experiments support (not prove) or disprove
hypotheses - Analysis
- Due to variability, can only provide statistical
probability that effect not due to chance - Due to highly reduced, often non-physiological
conditions, limited applicability
- Information presented in this class developed
from thousands of experiments - If X is observed under several conditions
(different species, preparations, paradigms),
then X may be real. - If X is consistent with most of our other
observations, then X may be real - As new methodologies developed, some truths are
revealed to be false
- Term first used in 1960s
- Included disciplines used to study brain function
and pathology - Anatomy-cell shape, connectivity
- Physiology-bioelectric properties
- Biochemistry-subcellular molecules
- Psychology - behavior
- Later, molecular biology and imaging added
17Nervous System Function and Behavior
- In all animals
- Obtain information from the environment
- Process information
- Store information
- Generate behavior
- Additional functions documented in humans
- Feelings
- Aspirations
- Abstract thought
- How and where are these functions performed?
18Systems Level OrganizationAnatomy
- Where are nervous system function performed?
- Each component can be further subdivided!
19Systems Level Organization
- Nervous System has additional subdivisions
- Sensory, motor, cognitive, intrinsic
- Five developmental divisions of CNS
- Neur 601 Map functional subdivisions to
anatomical subdivisions - All parts, independent of subdivisions, are
composed of neurons (and glia) - Thus, we are studying neurons
20Levels of Organization
21Focus of this Class
- Single Neurons
- Information Processing
- Integration of inputs
- Generation of outputs
- Plasticity
- Some molecules
- Intracellular signalling
- Single ion channels
- Some small networks
22Neuronal function
- Process incoming signals, and transmit signals
- Signals arrive via Synapses
- End of one neuron makes specialized contact with
membrane of another neuron. - Signals propagate down dendrites to soma
- Channels in membrane affect how signals are
combined in dendrites - Action potentials are generated
- All-or-none signal which travels rapidly down
axon - AP causes transmitter release at the end of the
neuron - Transmitter carries signal to the next neuron for
23Relevance to Neuroscience Disciplines
- Molecular Neuroscience
- Function of molecules important to neurons, such
as ion channels, signaling pathways - Computational Neuroscience
- Deeper understanding of ion channel and synaptic
channel function - Neuroanatomy and systems neuroscience
- Information processing is shaped not only by
neuronal connectivity, but also individual neuron
activity - Cognitive Neuroscience
- What is producing that BOLD signal???
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Deeper understanding of action of pharmaceuticals
24Which Neuron Properties are Important for
- Networks / Connectivity / topographic maps
- Can connectivity explain behavior?
- Morphology
- Information processing is influenced by shape
- Electrical Properties
- Information processing influenced by membrane
channels - Intracellular signalling
25Brain is not homogeneous structure
- Morphological diversity of neurons
- size few microns to tens of microns
- axons none, or up to 1-2 meters
- dendrites none, or vast branching pattern
- Diversity in Connectivity of Circuits
- Origin, number of incoming fibers
- Destination, number of outgoing fibers
26Brain is not homogeneous structure
- Diversity in Neuron Communication (synapses)
- Electrical synapses (gap junctions)
- Chemical synapses
- Presynaptic vesicles contain different chemicals
- Postsynaptic receptors have different channels
27Brain is not homogeneous structure
- Diversity in Membrane Channels
- Permeability e.g. Na vs K
- Densities
- Voltage or ligand dependent properties
- Intracellular signaling
- Enzymes activated by substances such as calcium
- Enzymes modify different membrane proteins
28End of IntroductionBeginning of Lecture
- Beginning students of neuroscience justifiably
could find themselves confused Fundamental
Neuroscience, by Zigmond, Squire et al., Chapter
1, page 3
- Fundamental unit in the nervous system
- Specialized cell
- Highly active secretory cell
- Highly polarized
- Distinct domains
- Extent defined by Plasma Membrane
30Plasma Membrane
- Bilayer of phospholipid molecules
- Composition
- Phosphatidyl serine
- Phosphatidyl choline
- Phosphatidyl inositol bisphosphate
- Substrates in certain enzymatic reactions
- Will be discussed in neuromodulation
31Plasma Membrane
- Function
- Separates intracellular and extracellular
contents - Maintains concentration gradient
- Keeps organelles Inside
- Electrical insulator
- Prevents flow of current (charged ions)
- Capacitor
- Allows charge imbalance, which allows electrical
32Plasma Membrane
- Anchors integral proteins
- Enzymes
- Channels
- Other proteins
- Exocytosis
- Release of vesicles of neurotramitters
33Neuron Structure
- Soma
- Cell Body or perikaryon
- Contains Nucleus Transcription and protein
synthesis - Functions in Signal integration
- Contains major cytoplasmic organelles
34Soma Organelles
- Nucleus
- Most prominent organelle
- Contains DNA - genetic material
- High level of transcription in neurons
- Ribosomes free or ER associated
- Protein translation
35Soma Organelles
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Intracytoplasmic membrane
- Ribosomes attached
- Functions in Protein Translation
- Golgi apparatus
- Intracytoplasmic membrane
- Post-translation modification of proteins
- Packaging of proteins for transport
36Soma Organelles
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Calcium storage and release
- Smooth because no ribosomes
- Mitochondria
- Energy Production
- Calcium storage
- Apoptosis - programmed cell death
37Nissl Substance
Endoplasmic Reticulum, and Free Ribosomes
38Nissl Substance
- Parallel rows of rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Higher density than remainder of cell
- Membranous framework for other components
- Reticulum consists of tubules, strings of
vesicles, numerous large and flat cisternae - Polysomal Rosettes
- Clusters of ribosomes, "free" of ER
39Neuron Structure
- Dendrites
- Long, thin, tubular structures arising from soma
- Structure maintained by cytoskeleton
(intracellular) and adhesion molecules (surface
interactions) - Continuously branch and taper distally
- Multiple dendrites and branches provide huge
increase in surface area - Receive hundreds to thousands of inputs
- Convergence (inputs from many other neurons)
- Develops after axon
- Varying numbers and types of channels
40Protein Synthesis in Dendrites
- Dendrites contain Nissl substance
- Some proteins synthesized predominantly in
dendrites - Microtubule-associated proteins
- Some mRNA excluded from dendrites
- Some proteins targeted to dendrites
- e.g. Those associated with post-synaptic density
- Surface is sometimes covered with spines
- Spiny versus non-spiny dendrites
- Spines are input structures of dendrites
- Small protrusions of dendritic membrane
- 1-2 mm length
- lt 1 mm diameter
- Narrow "neck" attached to dendritic shaft
- Wider, spherical "head" at distal end
- Dramatically increase dendritic surface area
42Spine Ultrastructure
- Microtubles and neurofilaments in dendritic shaft
do not extend into spine - Fine, indistinct filaments of Actin and a or b
tubulin - Dendritic polyribosomes are clustered at base of
spine in association with ER - Local synthesis of spine proteins
- Spine apparatus
- Tubular cisterns that are extension of dendritic
smooth ER into the spine
43EM of Dendritic Spine
- Prominent feature is asymmetric synapse on distal
aspect - Presynaptic element
- Specialized part of Presynaptic neurons axon
- Postsynaptic element
- Specialized part of postsynaptic neuron
- Usually part of soma or dendrite
- Cleft
- Narrow space between two closely apposed elements
- Spanned (stabilized) by adhesion molecules
- Pre-synaptic element
- Vesicles and thickening of membrane
- Post-synaptic element
- Thickening of membrane, Few vesicles
- If large, may have discontinuity perforated
- Symmetric synapse (usually dendritic)
- Both sides equally thick, usually inhibitory
- Asymmetric synapse
- Post-synaptic is thicker, usually excitatory
46Byrne Figure 1.3 Dendritic spines (S) and
synapses in the human brain. narrow spine necks
(asterisks) emanating from the main dendritic
shaft (D). Cisterns of the spine apparatus
visible in lower panel spine. Big arrow
postsynaptic densities of asymmetric excitatory
synapses. Axonal boutons (B). A perforated
synapse marked with small double arrow in lower
left panel. Right symmetric inhibitory synapses
(arrowheads). In this case the axonal boutons (B)
contain some ovoid vesicles compared.
mitochondria (m). Scale bar 1 µm.
47Neuron Structure
- Axon
- Longer, thinner tubular structures
- Do not taper
- Minimal branching
- Output structure
- Allow for communication over long or short
distances - Divergence to many other neurons
- Specialized for information transfer between
nerve cells - Thin tube-like process that arises from cell body
- Travels for distances ranging from mm to meters
- Between 0.1 to 20 mm diameter in vertebrates
- Each structural feature designed to optimize
information transfer
49Axon Structural Features
- Axon Hillock
- Axon Initial Segment
- Branching structure
- Axon Terminal
- En passant boutons
- Myelin
50Saltatory Conduction
- Myelin insulation increases current flow axially,
decreases leak across membrane - Current reaches Node of Ranvier
- Causes small depolarization
- Activates sodium channels
- Regenerative action potential produces large
current - Current flows axially to next Node
51Axon Hillock
- Region of cell where axon originates
- Deficiency of Nissl substance
- No protein synthesis here
- Microtubules and neurofilaments begin to align
52Axon Hillock
- Region where material is "sorted"
- Cytoskeletal elements, synaptic vesicle
precursors, mitochondria are committed to axon - RER, dendritic microtubule associated proteins,
free polysomes are excluded from axon - Molecular mechanism of sorting is not known
- No "sizing" barrier evident
53Initial Segment
- Region of axon adjacent to hillock
- Microtubules form characteristic bundles called
fascicles - Distinctive plasma membrane
- Electron-dense "coating" separated by 5-10 nm
from inner surface - Highest density of membrane channels
- Most action potentials originate here
- Child branches have comparable diameter as parent
branch - Branches can be proximal
- Cortical axons may have "recurrent" branch that
innervates local area, and another branch that
travels far - Branches can be distal
- Motorneurons branch to innervate many muscle
55Axon terminals
- Specialized area where neurotransmitter is
released - Multiple terminals may innervate a single neuron
- Terminals may contact widely dispersed neurons
(ramified) - Recurrent collaterals
- Projections to same layer as cell body
- En passant synapses - in passing
- Axonal protrusions forming synapses prior to the
- Produced by glia
- Oligodendrocytes in CNS
- Schwann cells in PNS
- Surrounds many, but not all axons
- Absent from local circuit neurons
- Prominent for long range connections
- Acts as electrical insulator
- Increases conduction speed
57Myelin - EM
- Tight wrapping of cell membrane around axon
- Cytoplasm of glial cell is gradually squeezed out
as cell wraps around - As many as 20 wraps
- Result is concentric layers of closely apposed
membrane - Alternating light and dark bands on EM
59Myelin in PNS
- A single Schwann cell is 1 mm wide, wraps single
axon - Long axons have multiple Schwann cells
- Gaps between Schwann cells
- Nodes of Ranvier
- Several micrometers wide
- Huge effect on speed of action potential
60Unrolled Schwann Cell
61Myelin in PNS
- Schwann cells secrete extracellular matrix
components - Associated collagens (produced by fibroblasts)
prevent compression damage to nerves passing
between muscles or around joints - Respond to injury (as astrocytes), remove debris
after injury
62Myelin in CNS
- Oligodendrocytes wraps several axon segments
- Reduce number of glia required
- Have nodes of Ranvier (similar to PNS)
- Lamellae are 30 thinner than in PNs
- Minimal extracellular space or matrix
- Do not respond to injury
63Myelin in PNS
- Major integral membrane protein is P0
- One immunoglobulin-like domain
- One transmembrane segment
- Highly charged cytoplasmic domain
- Membrane phospholipid head groups are highly
charged - P0 neutralizes charge and allows close apposition
of membrane layers
64Myelin in PNS
- Major integral membrane protein is proteolipid
protein (PLP and DM-20) - Four transmembrane segments
- Axonotropic function
- Replacing PLP with P0 in rodent enhances axonal
degeneration - Demyelination and subsequent axonal degeneration
is cause of multiple sclerosis