Title: Regulation of Financial Advice The Game Has Shifted
1Regulation of Financial AdviceThe Game Has
- Peter Tzanetakis
- Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
- November 19, 2009
- What is different today?
- How are advisors directly at risk?
- Update on key regulatory issues
- Where have we made positive inroads
- Why do we need to step up to the challenges
ahead? -
- The Game Has Shifted!
3Vital statistics
- Threefold
- 53
- 30 million
- lt 1/30th
4What is different today?
- Global financial crisis
- Consumer reaction
- Fraud exposed
- Government response
- Sweeping reforms in US and UK
- Canada
5US regulatory reforms
- Investor Protection Act of 2009
- SEC to ban registered representatives of
broker-dealers from receiving commissions on
variable insurance products or other securities
products - Exposes investment advisors to increased
liability for being compensated for providing
personalized investment advice
6US regulatory reforms
- FINRA seeking to be SRO for investment advisors
- FINRA actively lobbying to expand regulatory
scope - Need for enhanced regulatory consistency between
brokers and advisors with respect to licensing,
advertising, sales practices and disclosure
7US regulatory reforms
- Regulation of financial planning
- Financial Planning Coalition
- Captures investment advisors, brokers and
insurance agents engaged in some aspect of
planning - Creates an SRO for all financial planners
- Limits designations to acceptable ones only
- Establishes a fiduciary standard for financial
planners - Removal of all conflicts of interest
- Re-structures compensation model
8UK regulatory reforms
- FSA Retail Distribution Review
- Consumer clarity on products and services
- More consumers to have needs addressed
- Standard of professionalism that inspires
confidence - Viable industry over long term
- Regulatory framework that doesnt stifle
innovation - Remuneration that works in favour of consumers
9UK regulatory reforms
- Remuneration
- Advisor charging an end to commissions
- Charging structure to be presented to client
- Menu of options, but no hidden costs /
commissions - Payment to include cost of
- Advice
- Product
- Ongoing servicing
10Canada National Securities Regulator
- Closer to reality than ever before
- Transition Office established
- Draft Act March 2010
- Implementation strategy July 2010
- 80 of Advocis member will be captured by new
entity - Advocis is at the table
- Principles-based regulation
- Business structures that work for small business
advisor - Regulation that is not skewed towards big players
- Review of SROs MFDA IIROC
- Advisor Panel
- Provincial input and accountability
11Canada - Pension reform
- Government priority
- Response to financial crisis
- Advocis Pension Task Force
- Advocis study on pension reform
12Key regulatory drivers
- Issue complexity
- Stakeholder considerations / alliances
- Jurisdictions
- Business models
- Political landscape
13Client Relationship Model
- CSA National Instrument 31-103
- Conduct rules
- Adopts principles
- Beginning to recognize Advocis in the policy
14MFDA Rules
- Rule 1, Sec. 25.4
- Making bulletins, policies and other instruments
binding and enforceable - Tantamount to more rules
- Suitability rules
- Changing of investor risk profiles
15Regulation of segregated funds
- Ten year process
- Joint Forum Intermediary Regulation Committee
- Minimize conflicts or undue burden
- Between segregated funds and mutual funds
- Promoting equivalent consumer protection
- Regulation of MGAs
16IIROC Financial Planning Regulation
- Dealer oversight of all aspects of financial
planning - Favours employer-employee relationship
- Independence of client-advisor relationship at
risk - Conflict of interest
- Non-investment aspects of financial planning
- MFDA next?
17IIROC Financial Planning Regulation
- Advocis action
- Approached CSA directly
- Meeting with securities regulators
- Raising policy development process with
politicians - Formed coalition
- Financial Planning Industry Task Force
- Establish alternative industry proposal
- IIROC not proceeding at this stage
- Other regulators appear disinterested
18Electronic Commerce Protection Act
- Bill C-27 problematic for all legitimate
businesses - Advocis position
- Need to balance legitimate business practices
with need to reduce unwanted communications and
fraud - One of the stated objectives of the Bill is to
facilitate e-commerce - This objective seriously at risk under current
draft of the bill - Bill has gone through Committee and is now in 3rd
19Electronic Commerce Protection Act
- Opt-in regime
- Need express consent
- Implied consent
- Existing business relationship (2 years from
termination point) - Non-business relationship
- Referrals not exempt
- B2B not exempt
- Conspicuous publication
- Publicize your email or provide your email to
person - Sale of book of business is exempt
- Can kill the DNCL
- 3 year transition period to obtain consent
- 3 year statutory review
- Penalties
- 1 million maximum offense (non-compliance)
penalty - 10 million for a corporation
20Bank Act Review
- In-branch insurance retailing up for review
- Two years earlier than scheduled
- New regulations anticipated before end of year
21Regulatory Landscape
- Companies (Insurers, funds, banks)
- Federal Dept. of Finance
- Provincial Superintendents of Financial Services
- Dealers / MGAs
- Superintendents of Insurance
- Federal policy
- Bank Act
- Anti-money laundering
- Privacy
- Do-not-call list
- Evolution of complex financial products
- Regulation of hedge funds, PPNs
- Know your product
- Provincial Regulators
- Provincial Securities Insurance Acts
- Financial Commission Insurance Council rules
- Securities Commission rules
Financial Advisor
- Designations
- Highest practice standards
- Meaningful continuing education
- Priority of the clients interest
22Regulatory Pressure Points
- Federal regulators
- Federal departments
- Finance
- Industry Canada
- National Umbrella Regulators
- Joint Forum
- Recognized SROs
- Provincial regulators
- 13 Financial Commissions / Insurance Councils
- 13 Securities Commissions
- 13 Provincial / Territorial Ministries
- Finance
- Government Services
- Financial Services Superintendents
23Regulatory pressure points
- Financial advisors are on equal footing with
companies and dealers in the eyes of regulators - Little interest in differentiation when
developing regulation - Serious repercussions for compliance costs on
small advisor
24Small business professional financial advisors at
- Compliance costs continue to rise sharply
- Consumer access to financial products, services
and advice diminishing - Barriers to entry for new advisors significant
25On the horizon
- Ontario Quebec Free Trade Agreement
- Financial Services Chapter
- Implications for
- Licensing
- Financial planning standards
- Distribution
- Disclosure
- 24 Month transition period
27Protecting advisors
- Advocis at the table
- However, regulators have the resources and time
on their side - Other stakeholders have deep pockets
- Political engagement a core competency of Advocis
28Ontario PAC
- Focus on government relations strategy
- Chapter engagement necessary
- Political activism / contact network
- Legislature days
29Political activity scorecard
- 2009 Queens Park Day
- Ministerial meetings
- Several follow up meetings with MPPs throughout
the year - Key relationships strengthening
30Stay Informed
- Advisor Voice
- A must read to stay on top of things
- Mailed out
- Advocacy update in FORUM magazine
- Advocacy updates at Chapter meetings
- Visit www.advocis.ca/regulatoryaffairs regularly
- Advocacy page includes regulatory submissions,
letters to government, tools templates, etc. - Send us an email at regulatoryaffairs_at_advocis.ca
31If not Advocis then who? Thank you