Advanced Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advanced Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete


in the Deceleration Phase. Overhead Pitching. Abbreviated deceleration phase (either trunk or arm path) ... Deceleration. Windup Phase. Overhead Tennis Serve ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advanced Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete

Advanced Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete
  • Brian Matson, MPT, CSCS
  • PT Plus
  • Christiana Care Health System

PurposeThe purpose of this lecture is to
understand the key elements in safely and
effectively returning the most commonly injured
overhead athletes to play. Those key elements
  • Understanding the demands of the sport
  • Understanding the sport-specific biomechanics of
    the injured area
  • Execution of a thorough evaluation
  • Development of a comprehensive plan of care
    including advanced rehabilitation and functional
    training for the entire kinetic chain

ObjectivesAfter the following lecture, you will
  • Have an understanding of the biomechanics of the
    overhead tennis serve, freestyle swimming stroke,
    and overhand pitching motion.
  • Be able to recognize common mechanical faults
    that often result in sports related upper
    extremity injuries.
  • Be able to perform comprehensive evaluations of
    the athletic shoulder.
  • Have an understanding of the development of a
    physical therapy plan of care for the athletic
    upper extremity with emphasis on advanced
    rehabilitation and functional training for return
    to play.

Biomechanics of Overhead Pitching
  • The overhead baseball pitching motion
  • can be broken down into 5 phases
  • Windup
  • Cocking
  • Acceleration
  • Deceleration
  • Follow-Through

Windup PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Places the pitcher in a balanced position on the
    foot of the throwing side, preparing the pitcher
    to throw. Begins at the initiation of movement
    and ends at foot contact.
  • The non-throwing side is closest to the target
    and the non-throwing side foot strides toward the
    target as the arms move away from each other.
  • Very little energy is generated in this phase
    (potential energy)

Cocking PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Begins at foot contact as both arms are abducted
    to approx 90 degs, elbow is flexed approx 90
    degs, and the pitching arm is horizontally
    abducted 20-30 degs behind trunk.
  • Ends as the hips and trunk rotate toward the
    target, the pitching arm horizontally adducts to
    about 15 degs and reaches max ER at approx 165
    degs. The pitching arm maintains approx 90 degs
    of ABD. Sidearm pitchers have less contralateral

Acceleration PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Begins at max ER and ends at ball release
  • The elbow begins to extend immediately after max
    ER secondary to the centrifugal force generated
    by trunk rotation and is at about 25 degs of
    flexion at ball release. High stress placed on
    UCL in this phase.
  • The shoulder internally rotates up to speeds of
    7000 degs/sec and maintains approx 90 degs of ABD
    (relative to trunk). The trunk flexes forward
    and toward the non-throwing side. The shoulder
    maintains a 90 degs ABD position in the side-arm
    pitcher but the trunk does not lean to the
    non-throwing side.

Deceleration PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Begins at ball release and ends at max IR
  • Pronation and extension of the elbow continue
    after ball release as does shoulder IR and HADD.
    Large eccentric activity is noted in the
    supinators, elbow flexors, scap stabilizers, and
    posterior rotator cuff musculature. Undersurface
    tears of the supraspinatus are blamed on the
    repetitive tensile overload of the tissue during
    this phase.

Follow-ThroughOverhead Pitching
  • Begins at max IR and continues until the pitcher
    assumes a balance fielding position
  • Important part of pitching motion because needs
    to dissipate energy generated in the acceleration
    phase by using long arching arm path and larger
    muscle groups (trunk and legs)

Mechanical Faults in the Overhead Pitching
MotionOverhead Pitching
  • Things to remember
  • Should all pitchers be taught to pitch alike?
  • I read that a guy figured out the proper
    pitching motion. The guys in the big leagues are
    doing it all wrong.
  • Focus on mechanical fault with greatest
    implication for injury.
  • Mechanical fault, weakness, or tightness causing
    injury may be further down kinetic.

Mechanical Faults in the Windup PhaseOverhead
  • Momentum of body not going directly toward the
    target places additional demands on the upper
  • Foot placement crosses target line forcing
    pitcher to throw across their body placing
    additional stresses on decelerators secondary to
    the affects of the follow-through posture, that
    relatively shortens the available time to
    dissipate forces. Inhibits trunk from helping
    produce power within the movement. Foot
    placement on non-throwing side of target line
    prematurely rotates trunk/hips to non-throwing
    side (opens) and places shoulder and elbow in
    more precarious position and forces upper
    extremity to produce more of the power for ball

Mechanical Faults in the Cocking PhaseOverhead
  • Trunk/hips open prematurely
  • Excessive shoulder ABD increases risk for
  • Excessive lean backwards and/or to throwing side
  • Hips drifting prematurely towards target
  • Poor arm action creates number of problems in
    acceleration phase

Mechanical Faults in the Acceleration
PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Decreased horizontal adduction, which leads to
    dragging throwing arm increasing anterior shear
    forces to shoulder. May contribute to additional
    valgus stress to elbow
  • Not keeping chin on target pulls body off target
  • Not getting enough extension through release
    places greater demands on shoulder/elbow
  • Lack of emphasis on lower half and trunk

Mechanical Faults in the Deceleration
PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Abbreviated deceleration phase (either trunk or
    arm path) increases eccentric impulse to
    posterior rotator cuff and elbow flexors by
    requiring them to dissipate the same amount of
    energy in a shorter period of time.
  • Excessive horizontal adduction moves shoulder
    into impingement position considering internal
    rotation combined with excessive horizontal

Mechanical Faults in the Follow-Through
PhaseOverhead Pitching
  • Abbreviated deceleration phase (either trunk or
    arm path) increases eccentric impulse to
    posterior rotator cuff and elbow flexors by
    requiring them to dissipate the same amount of
    energy in a shorter period of time.
  • Excessive horizontal adduction moves shoulder
    into impingement position considering internal
  • Poor follow-through with stance leg gives
    indication of improper usage of lower half during

Common Physical and Training Components that
Contribute to Injuries in Pitchers
  • Excessive anterior joint capsule laxity requiring
    increased workload from the glenohumeral dynamic
    stabilizers. Can lead to tendinopathy or labral
    pathology secondary to repetitive microtrauma.
    Humeral torsion?
  • Tight posterior capsule increasing risk of
    internal impingement increased risk of labral
    pathology and additional valgus stress at elbow.
  • Weak or deconditioned scapular and glenohumeral
    stabilizers unable to meet demands of the
    throwing motion.
  • Weak or deconditioned trunk and/or legs requiring
    upper extremity to provide more power for ball
  • Excessive medial elbow laxity that could lead to
    valgus extension overload or presentation of
    osteophytes in the posterior/medial olecranon
  • Tight LE musculature making it impossible to
    execute proper mechanics Just keep your
    balance point!!!!!, says the frustrated parent
    to the equally frustrated athlete.
  • Excessive training/performance demands placed on
    athletes, namely number of pitches per calendar
    week (player may be expected to pitch for more
    than one team), and types of pitches.

Biomechanics of the Overhead Tennis Serve
  • The overhead tennis serve can be broken down into
    four phases
  • Windup
  • Cocking
  • Acceleration
  • Deceleration

Windup PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • This stage begins with the initiation of the
    serving stance and ends when the ball is tossed
  • Low EMG activity of the shoulder musculature

Cocking PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • Begins when the racquet is brought upward and
    ends when the shoulder is elevated and fully
    externally rotated in preparation for the
    acceleration phase.
  • Moderately high EMG activity of the ssp, isp,
    subscap, bi, and serratus ant
  • Mm activity is necessary to stabilize the
    scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joints
  • Max ER has been measured as high as 150 degs
  • Shoulder ABD (_at_ time of elbow 90 flexion) is
    approx. 80-90 degs.
  • Contralateral trunk lean and scapular ABD
    contribute to the apparent vertical orientation
    of the racquet arm during the cocking and
    acceleration phases

Acceleration PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • Begins when trunk rotation and glenohumeral
    internal rotation are initiated in an act to
    strike the ball and ends at ball strike.
  • High EMG activity of pec maj, isp, subscap, lat,
    serratus ant, delt, trap
  • Mm activity necessary to develop arm speed to
    impart extreme force on ball (Roddick .22 secs,
    Sharipova .24 secs)
  • Internal rotation angular velocities have been
    measured in excess of 2000 degs/sec

Deceleration PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • Begins immediately after ball strike and
    continues through the follow-through until
    service motion ends.
  • High EMG activity of ssp, isp, teres minor,
    serratus ant, bi, delt, and lat
  • Mm activity is mainly eccentric and necessary in
    decelerating the humerus and keep glenohumeral
    joint stability as well as decelerating the
    forearm at the elbow joint

Mechanical Faults of the Overhead Tennis Serve
Leading to Injuries
Mechanical Faults in the Windup PhaseOverhead
Tennis Serve
  • Tossing ball directly overhead leads to increased
    glenohumeral ABD and/or excessive contralateral
    trunk lean and/or lumbar hyperextension to strike
    ball in acceleration phase

Mechanical Faults in the Cocking PhaseOverhead
Tennis Serve
  • Trunk orientation too vertical in sagittal plane
    places excessive demands on shoulder ER and elbow
  • Trunk orientation too vertical in frontal plane
    forces excessive glenohumeral ABD and increases
    risk of impingements

Mechanical Faults in the Acceleration
PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • Excessive ABD coupled with internal rotation
    increases risk of impingement and labral
  • Rigid wrist/hand at impact places extra demands
    on forearm musculature and also places extra
    demands on shoulder to produce force

Mechanical Faults in the Deceleration
PhaseOverhead Tennis Serve
  • Abbreviated follow-through places extra demands
    on forearm musculature, biceps brachii, and
    posterior rotator cuff / scap stabilizers to
    decelerate arm in a shorter time period
  • Racquet arm following through on the ipsilateral
    side places unnatural stresses on shoulder
    secondary to excessive internal rotation

Physical Components That Commonly Lead to Upper
Extremity Injuries in TennisOverhead Tennis
  • Weak, deconditioned scapular stabilizers and
    rotator cuff musculature decreasing dynamic
  • Weakness or deconditioned trunk and/or legs
    placing additional stress on upper extremity
  • Excessive glenohumeral external rotation compared
    to nondominant side may indicate increased laxity
    of anterior and inferior joint capsule which
    leads to less stable joint
  • Tight glenohumeral internal rotation can lead to
    internal impingement or peel-back labral
    pathology, both placing additional stress to
    medial elbow
  • Poor choice of equipment including heavy racquet,
    excessively large racquet, wrong grip size, and
    high string tension can lead to additional
    stresses to the elbow and shoulder
  • Fast court surface leading to higher impact
    forces on ground strokes

Biomechanics of the Freestyle Swimming Stroke
  • All swimming strokes can be broken down into two
    basic phases
  • Pull
  • Recovery

Pull-Through PhaseFreestyle Swimming Stroke
  • Hand Entry - the hand enters near midline the
    shoulder is externally rotated and abducted the
    body roll begins
  • Mid Pull-Through the shoulder is at 90 degs.
    ABD and neutral rotation body roll is 40-60 degs
    from horizontal
  • End of Pull-Through the shoulder is fully
    internally rotated and abducted body returns to
    horizontal position
  • Richardson (1980)

Recovery PhaseFreestyle Swimming Stroke
  • Elbow Lift shoulder begins ABD and ER body
    rolls begins to opposite side from pull-through
  • Midrecovery shoulder ABD to 90 degs and
    externally rotated past neutral body roll
    reaches max of 40-60 degs breathing occurs to by
    turning head to recovery side
  • Hand Entry shoulder is externally rotated and
    max ABD body roll returns to neutral
  • The kick is continuous and an important part of
    swimming technique. It aids in propulsion,
    reduces drag (keeping the body horizontal), and
    serves as an anchoring mechanism for the body
  • Richardson (1980)

Mechanical Faults of the Freestyle Stroke That
Leads to Injuries in Swimmers
  • Pull-Through Phase
  • Hand-Entry the hand enters across midline or
    moves across midline in early pull-through,
    possibly as a result of excessive body roll.
    This increases degree of impingement and
    decreases stroke efficiency (leads to greater
    number of strokes for given distance)
  • Mid Pull-Through Head down position may lead to
    deeper arm pull adding more stress to upper
    extremity during pull-through. Crossover leads
    to additional vascular insufficiency to the
    rotator cuff
  • Insufficient kick increases drag, makes body roll
    less consistent

Mechanical Faults of the Freestyle Stroke That
Leads to Injuries in Swimmers
  • Recovery Phase
  • Elbow Lift Insufficient elbow lift may cause
    hand to stay submersed during the initial
    recovery phase, delaying ER and fatiguing
    external rotators
  • Midrecovery less than 40 degs of body roll
    places greater demands on shoulder to externally
    rotate and ABD. Abduction will also be out of
    the plane of scapula. Continued IR position of
    arm past midrecovery leads to impingement
  • Insufficient kick increases drag and makes body
    roll less consistent

Common Physical and Training Components that
Contribute to Injuries in Freestyle Swimmers
  • Tight posterior shoulder capsule which increases
    risk of internal impingement.
  • Excessive laxity of anterior and inferior
    shoulder capsule that places extra demands on the
    glenohumeral stabilizers. Most swimmers execute
    flexibility program emphasizing anterior and
    inferior capsule stretches although most swimmers
    already display excessive laxity in those areas.
  • Weak and/or deconditioned external rotators that
    inhibit timely ER during recovery phase
    increasing chances to cause impingement.
  • Tight of anterior shoulder / chest mm
    (particularly pec minor) worsening postural
    positional faults (scap, etc.) and result in
    hyper HABD in midrecovery.
  • Weak and/or deconditioned trunk and leg
    musculature that provide anchoring system for
    body roll, provide propulsion, and keep body
  • Training methods emphasizing ultralong distances
    and anterior mm strength as opposed to higher
    intensity interval workouts with strengthening
    goals emphasizing musculature balance.

Review Evaluation of Athletic Shoulder
  • Subjective
  • Objective
  • Observation/Palpation
  • Strength
  • Joint Capsule Assessment
  • Special Test
  • Mechanical Assessment
  • Assessment
  • Plan
  • Think Return to Play

Manual Techniques and Therapeutic Exercise
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation
  • Prone mid trap, prone low trap, ECC elevation for
    overactive upper trap
  • Rhythmic Stab for glenohumeral joint and scap
  • PNF D1/D2 flex and ext, scap diagonals

Manual Techniques and Therapeutic Exercise
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Closed chain scap ex thumb tacks, t-ball circles
  • T-band scap/RTC ER, IR, Rows, shld Ext,
    lawnmower, no money, reverse throwing
  • DB S/L ER, prone mid trap/low trap (4 phase -gt
    table -gt t-ball -gt w/ hyper (static then
    dynamic), full can, RTC blast
  • Plyos prone ball drop (table -gt t-ball -gt
    hypers), ball drop throw on hypers, seated ball
    toss on t-ball, ½ kneel reverse throw

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