Title: What Makes Process Models Understandable
1What Makes Process Models Understandable?
- Jan Mendling (QUT Brisbane)
- Hajo Reijers (TU Eindhoven)
- Jorge Cardoso (Uni Madeira)
2Quality Issues in Process Modeling
- Need for appropriately qualified process modelers
increases with the size of the modeling
initiative (Rosemann 2006) - The cost of errors increases exponentially over
the development lifecycle (Boehm 1981, Moody
- What we know about model quality
- What we dont know about model quality
- What we learned about understandability
- What conclusions can we draw
- What we know about model quality
- What we dont know about model quality
- What we learned about understandability
5What we know about model quality (I)
- 1.) Theoretical description of what model
quality is
Krogstie, Sindre, and Jørgensen (2006)
6What we know about model quality (II)
- 2.) Pragmatic definition of modeling guidelines
Becker, Rosemann, v. Uthmann (2006)
7What we know about model quality (III)
- 3.) Quality issues in practice
Mendling (2007)
- What we know about model quality
- What we dont know about model quality
- What we learned about understandability
10Understandability (I)
11Understandability (II)
- 12 models, 4 models in 3 variants each
- 8 closed questions per model
- 73 BPM students
- What we know about model quality
- What we dont know about model quality
- What we learned about understandability
15Understandability depends upon model
16 but small changes have huge impact
If T is executed for a case, can U be executed
for the same case?
17Understandability depends upon reader
18 but education seems to be curial
- Deeper analysis of personal and model factors
- Investigate further factors
- Purpose of model
- Domain knowledge of reader
- Modeling language
- Visual layout
- Modeling education