Title: Grove Art Online www'groveart'com
1Grove Art Online www.groveart.com
From the Home Page, users can do a quick search
of headwords, or select one of the various
Advanced Search or Browse Options.
From the Home Page, select from two options for
searching images
2How to make the most of your subscription
Navigate through related materials
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Navigate longer articles using the Table of
Navigate through your search results or return to
search results page
3How to make the most of your subscription
Identifies location in article
Bibliographies provided for each major section of
4How to make the most of your subscription
Users can extend their research guided by a wide
range of related articles
5How to make the most of your subscription
Use the Article Search pop-up to search within an
article for a specific term
6How to make the most of your subscription
Over 40,000 links to hundreds of quality museum
and gallery sites around the world
7How to make the most of your subscription
Search over 100,000 images in the Bridgeman Art
Library using Quick or Advanced Search options
8How to make the most of your subscription
Do an Advanced Full Text Search using concept,
pattern, or boolean logic. Use context-sensitive
Help pages for search tips.
9How to make the most of your subscription
Users can also search Biographies,
Bibliographies, Links, and Captions from The
Dictionary of Art
10How to make the most of your subscription
Grove Art Online One of Library Journals 50
Sources for the Millennium the definitive
starting point for almost any art history
research. --Booklist/Reference Books Bulletin
a great resource for high schools with strong
arts programs. --School Library Journal A
remarkable step in the development of online
research material. --Choice