Title: Twisting Wire Actuator
1Twisting Wire Actuator
Prof. Moshe Shoham Oded Salomon
2Twist vs. Length
MRL Technion
3Experimental system and Linearity
MRL Technion
4Theoretical vs. experimental results
MRL Technion
5The displacement slope can be determined by the
diameter and length of the twisted wires, given
by D2/L
MRL Technion
6The shown 2 DOF system, can be easily constructed
as 6 DOF.
MRL Technion
7Actuation characteristics
This actuation was known to achieve
We have shown that this type of actuation can
- High pulling forces
- Small displacements
- High speed
- Low inertia
- Large workspace
- Sub-micron displacement
- Linearity
- High positional accuracy
These characteristics are achieved without the
use of gears, sliders, or high precision lead
screws, thus contributes to
- Simplicity
- No friction
- No stick-slip effects
MRL Technion