Title: Egypt
1Egypt the Egyptians
- Part II
- The 2nd Intermediate Period Hyksos (Dynasties
15-16) - The New Kingdom
- (Dynasties 18-20)
2The 2nd Intermediate Era(Dynasties 14-17)
- Dynasties 15-16 (The Hyksos Period
- (ca. 1640-1534?)
3Asiatics (rulers of foreign nations) Migrating
to Egypt (tomb paint at Beni Hasn, c. 1900 B.C.)
4Asiatics at Work in Egypt
5Get them Asiatics(from the 17th Theban Dynast
Kamose, c. 1560 B.C.)
6The New Kingdom Era
- Dynasties 18-20
- (1550-1075 B.C.)
7Wall Painting From Tomb of Unsou in Eastern
Thebes Sowing Harvesting (NK)
8New Kingdom EraUrban Housing
9 Glass Vases
1018th Dynasty The Thutmosid Dynasty
11Ahmose . . .(1550-1525 B.C.)Get the dirty
Hyksos out of here!
12First Pharaoh to be buried in KVThutmose
I (1504-1491 B.C.) Father of Hatshepsut
13Valley of the Kingsin Western
Thebes(Kings buried herebeginning with
Thutmose I (1504-1491 B.C.)
14Aerial of the Valley of the Kings
15Thutmosis II (1491-1479
B.C.)Hatshepsut was his sister his
QueenNote the family resemblenceamong all
16Queen Hatshepsut(1479-1458 B.C.)Daughter
of Thutmose ISister Queen of Thutmose
IIRuling Aunt of Thutmose III (co-regent
1479-1458)Dowager Queen (look it up!)
17Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri
18Thutmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.)There
is no way he could have been thePharaoh of the
exodus. . . unless, of course, he was! Which,
of course, he wasnt!
19Thutmose III(1479-1425 B.C.)
20(No Transcript)
21Lets not beostentacious . . .or is
that ostrich-a-tious
22Thutmosis IV (1397-1387 B.C.)
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Akhetaten Letters (Tell el-Amarna)Amenenho
tep III (1387-1350 B.C.) Amenhotep IV
(1350-1333 B.C.) (Akhenaten)
26Isnt this sweet?Akhenaten (Amenhotep
IV)(1350-1333 B.C.)
27(No Transcript)
28Different Face, but the same
tummy!Akhenaten (Amenophis IV)
29Worshipingthe Aten
30Amun of Thebes asthe Presenter and
Protector of Tutankhamun
31Tutankhamun (1333-1323 B.C.)
Burial Mask
3219th DynastyThe First Ramesside Dynasty
33An Aesthetic Sense Matters!
34Prince Ramses II Did he know Moses
in the palace?
35Ramses II Nefertari(They were a real item
1279-1256 B.C.)
36The Entrance toNefertaris Tomb (QV
66)(note the goddess Maat)
37(No Transcript)
38Colossi of Ramses II at Abu Simbel (on the
border with Nubia, just below the 2nd cataract)
39So let it be written,so let it be done
40Ramses II wearing the Blue Crown
(Khepresh) or War Crown
41Family Portraits Egypt Israel are linked
42Ramses II Takes on the Neo-Hittite Empire . . .
And Nearly Looses Everything
43Why Have a Dog Bark Yourself?
(securing good help in the afterlife)
44The Merneptah or Israel Stele
How many Israels do you think Egypt new
45Israel Stele Text(c. 1208 B.C.)
The (foreign) chieftains lie prostrate, saying
Peace. Not one lifts his head among the Nine
Bows. Libya is captured, while Hatti is
pacified.. Canaan is plundered, Ashkelon is
carried off, and Gezer is captured. Yenoam is
made into non-existence Israel is wasted, its
seed is not and Hurru is become a widow because
of Egypt. All lands united themselves in
peace. Those who went about are subdued by the
king of Upper and Lower Egypt . . . Merneptah.
46This fellow alsoknew Israel Close-Up
47Sea Peoples Problems in the Days of Ramses III
(1184-1153 B.C.)
48Detail from previous slide