Title: Closing The Sale
1Closing The Sale
2Review Need for DI
- ? Income is the greatest asset
- ? Probability of risk
- ? Magnitude of risk
- ? Tell a convincing story
- ? Sources of replacement income
- ? DI to the rescue!
- ? Fact Finder
3Key Points
- ? Income is an asset
- ? Quantify the value of that asset
- ? No other reliable source of replacement income
- ? Verify facts on Fact Finder
- ? Has anything changed?
- ? Collect benefit booklets (if not already
4Personalized Income Protection Plan
- ? Chart
- ? Sales Illustration
5Case Scenario
- ? Corporate Executive
- ? 80,000 base 20,000 bonus
- ? 60 x base salary up to 5,000
- 90-day waiting period
- ? To Age 65 benefit period
6Review design from Lesson 4
5,200 Participation Limit 4,000 Gross LTD
Benefit x 80 (Adjustment for Taxes) 3,200
Net LTD Benefit 2,000 Available IDI
7Personalized Income Protection Plan
2,500,000 (Income Potential)
? Quantify the value of the asset.
90 days
To Age 65
? How well is this asset protected?? Protects
38 of monthly income after 90 WP and To Age
65 BP.
? How do you feel about your current program??
Compare to your home.
Would you protect only 38 of your home?
? Why are you content with protecting your income
this way? ? What pays for your home?
11? How do you feel about your current
program? ? Compare to your home.
90 days
To Age 65
? Extend the amount of protection.
? Add 2,000 base benefit.
? Add 3,133 ADL benefit.
? Add 4,000 GPIR options.
1 Year
? Add Inflation Rider.
? Add maximum potential benefit.
18- ? Sell from chart.
- ? Have illustration as backup to be given to
prospect when finished. - ? Use assumptive close and begin asking
questions. - ? Ask for the sale!
19Answering Objections
- ? No need.
- ? No time.
- ? No money.
- ? No trust.
20No need
Answering Objections
- ? If youve done a good job in developing the
case, this wont be an issue. - ? If it is an issue, review previous steps.
21No time
Answering Objections
- ? I want to think about it
- ? Address head-on
- ? Usually smoke screen
- ? Usually hidden objection
22No money
Answering Objections
- ? People will spend up to 2 on protecting
their income. - ? Compare to other expenditures (i.e. cost of
cable tv).
23No money
Answering Objections
- ? For 30 days, put extra change from the days
activities in a coffee cup. - ? After one month, have your prospect send it to
you. - ? Your prospect will not miss this money!
- ? Design a plan that supports that amount of
24No trust
Answering Objections
25Closing Techniques
The 6 Greatest Essential Expenses
26Closing Techniques
- ? 6 Greatest Essential Expenses . .4,550
- ? Net Group LTD benefit . . . . . . . ..3,200
- ? Shortfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 1,350
27Closing Techniques
? Ask Which of these essential expenses
would you not pay if you became too sick or
hurt to work? ? Point out that your prospect can
not cut back on essential expenses. ? There
must be at least that much in income.
28Closing Techniques
? 48 of all house foreclosures are the
result of disability, while 3 of all
foreclosures result from death.
Source Housing Home Finance Agency of the U.S.
Government, 1998
29Closing Techniques
The Money Machine
? If you had a machine that would give you
275 everyday, what would you do?
30Closing Techniques
- ? You do have such a machine its you!
- ? Make sure you protect your money machine
in case it breaks down. - ? You can help replace the income it is no
longer making.
31Two Job Story
Closing Techniques
- A B
- 100,000 99,000
- 0 60,000
? Which job would you take?
32Do you have health insurance?
- ? Who gets paid?
- Doctor?
- Hospital?
- Pharmacy?
- Ambulance driver?
- You?
- ? Income protection plan completes the picture.
33Keys to the Sale
- ? Develop the need.
- ? Understand the facts.
- ? Design a solution.
- ? Relate to protecting tangible asset.
- ? Ask for the sale!