Title: POVRay Tutorial 2'
1POVRay Tutorial 2.
- A brief re-cap Some new details on Textures,
2Optional Libraries
- A number of pre-defined high-level functions are
provided in the optional libraries. - These are included as required using the include
directive - e.g.
- include colors.inc
- include shapes.inc
- include textures.inc
- Colours, Positions and Directions are represented
using vectors e.g. - rgb lt1, 1, 1gt //Red, Green, Blue
- rgbf lt0, 0, 1, 0.5gt //Red, Green, Blue,
(transparency) - translate lt0, 1, 1gt //x, y, z (or left, up,
forward) - colors.inc includes some named colors e.g.
Blue, White, Red. If you want to use this in your
model, insert the following at the start of the
file - include colors.inc
- Comments can be included in a similar way to java
script e.g. - texture
- pigment //this is a single line comment
- color Blue
- / this is a multi-line comment
- Still a comment
- Last line of comment /
5Camera Positioning
- The following is a simple set-up you can use for
now - camera
- Perspective
- location lt0, 0, -10gt
- lookAt lt0, 0, 0gt
6Light Source
- For any object to be rendered visible, we require
at least one light source or emissive object - light_source
- lt5, 5, 5gt // position
- rgb lt1, 1, 1gt //colour
- If you re-use large definitions quite often you
might want to assign a name to them e.g.
Then the code to draw 3 such spheres at different
positions is simply object
check_sphere translate -0.5
object check_sphere
translate -3.5
object check_sphere
translate 2.5
declare check_sphere sphere lt0,
0, 0gt, .5 pigment checker
rgbf lt1,0,0,.8gt rgbf lt1, 1, 1,.3gt
finish phong 1 phong_size
200 reflection .1
interior ior 2
normal bump_map gif
"bumpmap_2.gif" bump_size 3
translate lt-.5, -.5, 0gt rotate
90x scale 4
8Simple Objects
- provided in the shapes.inc library
- sphere lt0, 0, 0gt, 2
- Material properties and transformations can also
be included within the object description e.g. - sphere
- lt0, 0, 0gt, 2
- pigment rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- rotate lt4, 0, 0gt
9Simple Objects Planes
- Infinite planes are defined by a normal direction
and a distance from the origin e.g. - plane
- lt1, 1, 0gt, 2
- pigment Blue
10Simple Objects Cuboids
- Boxes are defined by a the positions of two
opposite corners e.g. - box
- lt-1,-1,-1gt, lt1, 1, 1gt
- rotate 30lt0, 1, 0gt
- pigment White
11Cone and Cylinder
- cone
- lt0, 1, 0gt, 0.3 // Center and radius of one end
- lt1, 2, 3gt, 1.0 // Center and radius of other end
- cylinder
- lt0, 1, 0gt, // Center of one end
- lt1, 2, 3gt, // Center of other end
- 0.5 // Radius
- open // Remove end caps
- torus
- 2, //major radius
- .2 //minor radius
For more shapes, see the helpfiles or shapes.inc
13Object Properties
- Object
- Parameters (depends on object type)
- pigment colour OR patter
- finish material shininess etc.
- normal bump map or normal map
- interior refraction index, caustics
- transformations
- The finish command specifies the objects
material properties such as shininess/gloss
(more on this next week) - texture
- pigment
- Red
- finish
- reflection 0.5
- phong 1 phong_size 250
- Objects material properties are defined in the
texture command which can be inserted into the
object declaration - The first part of the texture specifies the
object colour - texture
- pigment
- rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- POVRay allows you to take a shortcut and leave
out the texture part if you wish to just
declare a simple pigment - At the very least you need to specify a pigment
for each object you declare -
sphere lt0, 0, 0gt 1.5 pigment
agate //the texture name color_map
0.00 color rgb lt0.75, 0, 0gt 0.33
color rgb lt0.75, 0.75, 0gt 0.50 color rgb
lt0, 0.75, 0gt 0.66 color rgb lt0, 0,
0.75gt 1.00 color rgb lt0.75, 0, 0gt
- Some built in procedural texture patterns e.g.
granite, agate, marble etc.. Are available in
POVRay we just specify the texture by name. And
then provide a colour map (or pallette) that the
function uses to generate patterns. - For more types, see the POVRAY Online tutorial
- http//library.thinkquest.org/3285/language/pigmen
17 Colour_Map
- The colours in the colour map are used by povray
to generate the actual texture - Specify a list of colours (as many as you want)
- Attach them somewhere between a position of 0.0
and 1.0 - The intermediate values are interpolated
18 color_map 0.0 color rgb lt.8, .7, .5gt
0.3 color rgb lt.21, .21, .21gt 0.5
color rgb lt.51, .51, .51gt 0.6 color rgb
lt.41, .2, .0gt 0.8 color rgb lt1, 1, 1gt
1.0 color rgb lt.8, .7, .5gt
color_map 0.0 color rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
0.5 color rgb lt1, 1, 1gt 1.0 color rgb
lt.8, .7, .5gt
color_map 0.00 color rgb lt1, 1,
1gt 1.00 color rgb lt0, 0, 0gt
- The agate texture with the colour maps shown on
the previous slide.
19Built in patterns
- agate
- bozo
- wood
- marble
- brick
- checker
- hexagon
- radial
- mandel
Random marble like patterns
- pigment
- agate
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- 0.5 rgb lt0, 1, 0gt
- 1.0 rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
Default colour_Map
- pigment
- //rgbf lt1, 1, 1, 0gt
- bozo
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- 0.5 rgb lt0, 1, 0gt
- 1.0 rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
A smooth, random noise function traditionally
used with turbulence to create clouds.
22Aside Sky_sphere
- POVray has a built in tool for a sphereical sky
map. - sky_sphere
- pigment
- agate
- turbulence .3
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
- 1.0 rgb lt.7, .6, 1gt
23sky_sphere pigment
bozo turbulence 1 color_map
0.0 rgb lt.0, .0, .91gt
0.9 rgb lt.81, .81, 1gt 1.0 rgb lt1, 1,
scale lt.3, .21, .21gt
Code, color map and screenshot of bozo used to
generate a sky texture
24Sky sphere textures
- For some pre-built sky pigments
- include skies.inc
- sky_sphere
- pigment
- P_Cloud1
- pigment
- wood
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- 0.5 rgb lt0, 1, 0gt
- 1.0 rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
Concentric circles modeling growth rings in wood
26 pigment wood
color_map 0.0 rgb lt1, .81,
.5gt 1.0 rgb lt.7, .51, .30gt
27 pigment wood turbulence 1
color_map 0.0 rgb lt1, .81,
.5gt 1.0 rgb lt.7, .51, .30gt
28 pigment wood turbulence 1
color_map 0.0 rgb lt1, .81,
.5gt 1.0 rgb lt.7, .51, .30gt
scale lt2, .2, .2gt
- pigment
- marble
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
- 0.5 rgb lt0, 1, 0gt
- 1.0 rgb lt0, 0, 1gt
A very simple repeating gradient pattern
- pigment
- marble
- turbulence 1
- color_map
- 0.0 rgb lt.5, .4, .2gt
- 0.5 rgb lt.7, .6, .4gt
- 1.0 rgb lt.8, .8, .6gt
- scale lt2, 2, 2gt
31Image Texture
- pigment
- image_map
- jpeg "texture.jpg"
- Texture is just projected orthogonal on the x-y
plane. - The texture is projected on to a square 1x1 in
dimensions and repeats. - In order to avoid this, you have to scale and
translate the texture
- pigment
- checker
- Blue
- White
- pigment
- checker
- pigment agate
- pigment Black
- pigment
- brick
- White
- Red
- pigment
- brick
- pigment White
- pigment marble
- turbulence 1
- scale lt2, .2, .2gt
34Bump Mapping
A real bump distorts the directions of the
normals (this effects calculations of light
Fake bumps created by distorting the normals
although the geometry is still flat.
A bump-map texture applied to a flat polygon.
35Normal Maps
- We can add bumps, dents, wrinkles, ripples and
waves to our objects.
box lt -4, -.25, -4 gt lt 4, .25, 4 gt
pigment White finish
reflection .4 normal
//add normal pattern here
Sample Scene (no normal maps)
normal bumps 1
normal dents 1
normal wrinkles 1
normal ripples 1
normal waves 1
41Bump Map
- normal
- bump_map
- gif "bumpmap.gif"
- rotate 90lt1, 0, 0gt
- scale 8
42(No Transcript)
43Multiple Textures
texture pigment
rgbf lt1, 1, 1, .8gt
Filter value of 0 is fully opaque, 1 is fully
- texture
- pigment
- rgbf lt1, 1, 1, .8gt
- interior
- ior 3
- texture
- pigment
- rgbf lt1, 1, 1, .8gt
- interior
- ior 3
- caustics 1
47Constructive Solid Geometry
- Some interesting shapes can be formed by simple
operations on primitive shapes. - POVRay allows for union, difference and
union sphere lt0, 0,
0gt 1.5 pigment rgb lt1, 0, 0gt
sphere lt0, .8,
-.3gt 1 pigment rgb lt1, 1, 1gt
Union of two spheres (the other variables are
simple the center, radius and color of the
48Other Operations
difference sphere
lt0, 0, 0gt 1.5 pigment rgb lt1,
0, 0gt sphere
lt0, .8, -.3gt 1 pigment
rgb lt1, 1, 1gt
intersection sphere
lt0, 0, 0gt 1.5 pigment rgb lt1,
0, 0gt sphere
lt0, .8, -.3gt 1 pigment
rgb lt1, 1, 1gt