Title: Interdisciplinary Science and its Impact on Information Professionals
1Interdisciplinary Science and its Impact on
Information Professionals
- Carol Tenopir
- University of Tennessee
- ctenopir_at_utk.edu
- web.utk.edu/tenopir/
Special Libraries Association June 2009
2Branching of science is a natural process
Carol Tenopir
3Disciplines are grafted
Carol Tenopir
4Then blended into a new discipline
Carol Tenopir
5From research..
- Growth in journal publishing and range of
readings sources - Reading patterns of Interdisciplinary readers and
interdisciplinary readings - DataONE (an NSF DataNet project)
Carol Tenopir
6Growth of Peer-Reviewed Science Journals Based in
the USA, 1965 1995
Tenopir and King, 2009. The Future of the
Academic Journal.
Carol Tenopir
7All scholarly/academic journals (from ulrichs)
Carol Tenopir
8More sources, more interdisciplinary reading?
- In 1977 researchers read on average at least one
article from 13 journals - In 1995 that number had increased to 18
- By 2003 that number was 23
- By 2005 it increased again to 33
Carol Tenopir
9Average number of article readings per year per
university science faculty member in the US
Average number of article readings per scientist
311 with outliers, 2005,n932 2000-03, n397
1993, n70 1984, n865 1977, n2350
Carol Tenopir
10 Average Minutes per Reading by University
Faculty Member
Average Minutes Per Article
Year of Studies
Carol Tenopir
11Ave. readings yearly by faculty in US and
Australian Universities by academic
discipline (n1674)
Subject Discipline
Carol Tenopir
12Ave. Minutes per reading per faculty by academic
discipline in U.S. and Australian Universities
Average minutes per reading
Subject Discipline
Carol Tenopir
13- interdisciplinary readings and readers are
different in some ways.
Carol Tenopir
14Interdiscipline readings (U.S. and Australia)
more likely to be Electronic
Carol Tenopir
15Format of Last Reading(U.S. and Australia)
Carol Tenopir
16Interdiscipline Readings (U.S. and
Australia)More likely to be from the library or
Carol Tenopir
17When reading outside their discipline, faculty
areless likely to get information if original
not available (U.S. and Australia)
Carol Tenopir
18Interdisciplinary readers (Finnish Universities,
- Are slightly more likely to find e-articles by
following citation links - Value scientific monographs and conference
proceedings more, textbooks less - Are more likely to be older than 36
Carol Tenopir
19Comments from university faculty (worldwide)
- I am able to look up secondary references that I
might have over-looked when not available on
linehas greatly affected my ability to be more
knowledgeable and inclusive. (U.S. university) - I read and cite a wider range of material,
especially material outside my discipline, and I
feel more confident that I am engaging with the
relevant literature. (Canadian university)
Carol Tenopir
20- This access has made collecting research
resources infinitely more efficient it has also
facilitated interdisciplinary research. (U.S.
university) - The system allows me to save a lot of time and
to update knowledge especially from areas of
research that otherwise remain practically
ignored. (Western European Research Institute)
Carol Tenopir
21- Having access to a much, much wider range of
English-language resources than before isa huge
change for the better, as an English-speaking
researcher in Japan. I have always crossed
disciplinary boundaries in my own research, but
this is much easier to do with access to
electronic resources. (Japanese university)
Carol Tenopir
22Information Professionals leading
interdisciplinary science...DataONE (Data
Observation Network for Earth) P.I., Bill
Michener, University Libraries, Univ. New Mexico
Carol Tenopir
23Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access
Network Partners (DataNet)
- NSF Division of Cyberinfrastucture
- Will create exemplar partners to address one of
the major challenges of this scientific
generation how to develop the new methods,
management structures and technologies to manage
the diversity, size, and complexity of current
and future data sets and data streams.
Carol Tenopir
24 DataNet will build new types of organizations
that will
- integrate library and archival sciences,
cyberinfrastructure, computer information
sciences, and domain science expertise to - provide reliable digital preservation, access,
integration, and analysis capabilities for
science and/or engineering data over a
decades-long timeline
Carol Tenopir
25 engaging diverse partners.
- Libraries digital libraries
- Academic institutions
- Research networks
- NSF- and government-funded synthesis
supercomputer centers/networks - Governmental organizations
- International organizations
- Data and metadata archives
- Professional societies
- NGOs
- Commercial sector
Carol Tenopir
26Interdisciplinary challenges
- Environmental science challenges
- Cyberinfrastructure challenges
- DataONE A solution
- Building on existing CI
- Creating new CI
- Changing science culture and institutions
Carol Tenopir
27(No Transcript)
28Data loss
- Natural disaster
- Facilities infrastructure failure
- Storage failure
- Server hardware/software failure
- Application software failure
- External dependencies
- Format obsolescence
- Legal encumbrance
- Human error
- Malicious attack by human or automated agents
- Loss of staffing competencies
- Loss of institutional commitment
- Loss of financial stability
- Changes in user expectations and requirements
Carol Tenopir
29Scattered data sourcesfinding the needle in the
- Data are massively dispersed
- Ecological field stations and research centers
(100s) - Natural history museums and biocollection
facilities (100s) - Agency data collections (100s to 1000s)
- Individual scientists (1000s to 10,000s to
Carol Tenopir
30Distributed framework
Flexible, scalable, sustainable network
- Member Nodes
- diverse institutions
- serve local community
- provide resources for managing their data
31Organizational participation
Libraries, research networks, agencies can
- Become a Member Node in DataONE
- receive data-life-cycle software and updates
- get access to training materials, curricula, and
best practices - join in establishing data preservation and
related standards - Join the DataONE International Users Group as an
institutional member - set future directions for cyberinfrastructure
support and education - join the software development community
- contribute curricula and training materials
Carol Tenopir
32 Information professionals
- Provide collections and access that facilitate
interdisciplinary work - Can also take a leadership role
Carol Tenopir
33We can assist and lead in moving science from
- Unidisciplinary - researchers from a single
discipline work together to address a common
problem - Multidisciplinary - researchers from different
disciplines work independently or sequentially,
each from his or her own disciplinary-specific
perspective, to address a common problem - Interdisciplinary - researchers from different
disciplines work jointly to address a common
problem and although some integration of their
diverse perspectives occurs, participants remain
anchored in their own fields - Transdisciplinary - researchers from different
disciplines work jointly to create a shared
conceptual framework that integrates and moves
beyond discipline-specific theories, concepts,
and approaches, to address a common problem
(Rosenfield, 1992)
Carol Tenopir
34Reaching across the aisle and helping others to
do so.
Carol Tenopir
35- Thank you!
- Continue the discussion.
- ctenopir_at_utk.edu
Carol Tenopir