Title: Virginia Clough
1Virginia Clough
- The Chester
- Anticoagulant Service
- Countess of
- Chester Hospital
2Coroner highlights prescribing error after a
patient dies from Warfarin overdose.BMJ 26th
October 2002
3The Chester Anticoagulant Service2002 team
- consultant haematologist - lead clinician
- clinical pharmacist ( covering colleagues)
- senior BMS 2 0.6 BMS 1
- clinical assistant 1 session
- anticoagulant nurse practitioner
- 1 part-time nurse (D) 2 part-time DVT nurses
(F) - 1.0 AC 3 0.5 MLA
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- Long term sickness of 1 of 2 consultants
- Clinical pharmacist ? promotion elsewhere
- Poor recruitment of pharmacy staff in the NHS
- Dosing 100 patients each afternoon
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7. Administrative and clerical staff are
not amongst the staff who can have authority
delegated to them under the terms of a Patient
Group Direction..I therefore think that
admin and clerical staff carrying out a dose
variation on the basis of any group delegation of
authority would be potentially open to
prosecution under the Medicines Act.Hill
DickinsonSolicitorsMarch 2002
- Establish a patient group direction for nurse
to issue and administer - Warfarin
- Vitamin K
- Low molecular weight heparin
- Establish a document of levels of competency
for the DAWN system
9- Q How do I know that the anticoagulant
- team are doing what I think I have
- trained them to do?
- Q How do I look at the quality of
- performance of individual dosers in
- the team?
10Chester Anticoagulant ServiceGroup Protocol
- STAGE 1 Run DAWN software with
- computer dose calculation
- Batch dose
- Print labels stick into books
- Pass to stage 2 operator for check
- Find INRs
11Chester Anticoagulant ServiceGroup Protocol
- STAGE 2 Accuracy check
- Check correct label in correct book
- Sign book
- Release to post
12Chester Anticoagulant ServiceGroup Protocol
- STAGE 3 Dose changes simple
- includes Dose changes due to fluctuation in
- INR without drug changes
- excludes New drugs or new clinical
information - INR lt1.3 gt5
- Cardioversion patients
13Chester Anticoagulant ServiceGroup Protocol
- STAGE 4 Dose changes complex
- includes New drugs or new clinical information
- INR lt1.3 gt5
- Immediate action for patients INR gt5
- problem patients
14Chester Anticoagulant ServiceGroup Protocol
- STAGE 5 Refer to Consultant Haematologist
- includes Review of target 3.5
- INR lt1.3 2 successive visits
- Any patient who is bleeding
15increasing competency
5 4 3 2 1
clinical problems
complex dosing
simple dosing
book checks and release
Pharm Cons
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18- Q How do I know that the anticoagulant
- team are doing what I think I have
- trained them to do?
- Q How do I look at the quality of
- performance of individual dosers in
- the team?
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22any questions?