PROJECTActivity III Project 2
- Influx of water through subsurface fracture and
vein systems intersects underground mine
workings. - As the water flows through the fracture system it
contacts sulfide ore zones.
- Reduce and/or eliminate the influx of water into
the underground mine system using select source
control materials.
- Eliminate water from the acid generation equation
- Eliminates transport mechanisms from mobilizing
the metals/nonmetals. - Long-term fix which is more cost effective than
treatment in perpetuity.
- Comprised of environmentally sound elements
- kaolinitic/illitic clays
- binders
- proprietary additives
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- Phase II was canceled (4/95).
- Technology developer claimed only 40 of the
grout injection was completed during Phase I of
the project.
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- Flow decreased by approximately 30 at the mine
portal. - The ASARCO earthen dam held a greater percentage
of water after the grout injection. - Core drilled areas (SITE/SAIC 1998) showed gt80
grout coverage. - Hydraulic testing (SITE/SAIC 1998) resulted in
"no flow". Only one area allowed flow of 4 gpm
in a grouted area.
22Underground Mine Source Control Demonstration
- Influx of water through subsurface fracture and
vein systems intersects underground mine
workings. - As the water flows through the fracture system it
contacts sulfide ore zones.
- Reduce and/or eliminate the influx of water into
the underground mine system using select source
control materials.
25Underground Mine Workings on Initial Investigation
26Miller Mine Located in Montana
Miller Mine
27Miller Mine Project Site
28Miller Mine Lower Adit
29Lower Settling Pond at the Miller Mine
30Drift W-2 Drift W-1
31Site Characterization
- Water Quality
- Monitored Weather Conditions
- Monitor Underground Flows within the Mine
- Underground Geologic Survey
- Performed Geophysical Survey of Surface and in
Underground Workings - Performed Water Injection Tests
- Performed Dye Tests
32Materials Testing
- 50 source control materials were tested to ASTM
standards when applicable. Material Testing
Included - 1. Permeability
- 2. Acid Resistance
- 3. Elasticity and strength
- 4. Injectability
- 5. Compatibility
- 6. Freeze-Thaw and Wet-Dry Cycling
33Materials Testing of Source Control Materials
34Field Emplacement
- Grout was placed over W-1 Drift
- Using Water/Dye Test predetermined the amount of
Grout Injected into each core hole - Core holes were drilled over and under the
underground mine workings and perpendicular to
the fracture system. - A closed-cell, expandable, Hydro Active Combi
Polyurethane Grout from de neef Construction
Chemicals, Inc. was selected for the Project
35Emplacement of the Grout Injection Rod and
Inflatable Packer System
36Grout Tank System
37Plan Map of the Miller Mine Underground Workings
38Drift W-2 Drift W-1
39Field Emplacement (cont.)
- Used inflatable packer system
- Injected water with grout at a 11 ratio
- Dyed grout blue for visibility in W-1 Drift
- Injection pressures between 60 - 160 psi
- Injected a total of 192 gallons of grout
40Dyed Grout
41Map Showing the Grout Injection Holes
42Application Problems and Causes
- Small drifts limited drilling locations
- The remote location required more
mobilization/prep time - The additional water was injected to activate the
grout - Colder underground conditions increased the grout
activation time
43Monitoring Results
- Decreased Water Flow from Drift W-1
- Water Quality of all Flows Remains Constant
- Flow from Drift W-2 remains Constant
44Flow at W-1 Flume
45Conclusion and Recommendations
- The application of the polyurethane grout did
decrease the amount of flow from W-1. - The water quality was not improved at W-1 due to
the grout emplacement. - The flow into the underground workings moved to a
non-grouted area. - Using a source control technology will reduce but
in most cases not eliminate the influx into the
underground mine workings.