Title: YDC 35
1YDC 35 Presiding Chair and Room Coordinator
Volunteer Training
Program Co-Chairs
David Brother, DMD Timothy Hempton, DDS
Ray Martin, DDS Lisa Vouras, DMD
3Program Committee
Nathan Birnbaum, DDS Barry Brodil, DDSRichard
Brough, CDT Victoria Carr, CDAJames Cinamon,
DMDJean Connor, RDH Sandra Cove, DMD William
Dennis, DDS Debbie Eisen, DMDJo Ann Foley,
DDS Francesca Fusaro, RDH Ellen Gambardella,
CDA Mary Jane Hanlon, DMD Paul Hubley, DMD Rita
Johnson, RDH Ashim Kapur, DDS Justine Kelley,
DMD Samantha King, DMD
Frances McCarthy, DMD Mark Mizner, DMDJanis
Moriarty, DMD Catherine Moshirfar, DMDRobin
Murch, RDH Joseph Nelson, DMDMaria Noversa, CDA
Kevin Perruzzi, DDS John Pietrasik, DDS Alfred
Pooler, CDT Thomas Puschak, DMD Karen Roche,
RDHNorman Rogers, DDSLynne Rosenbloom,
CDA Michael Szarek, DMD Lakshmi Thalanki,
DMD Karl-Martin Wiklund, DMD
4MDS Staff
Dorrey Powers Director, Continuing
Education Alicia Wright Coordinator, Allied
Scientific Program Amy Jordan Coordinator,
Scientific Program Tammy Putney Volunteer
Coordinator Lisa Davis Meetings Assistant
5NEW this Year!
For the first time ever at Yankee, there will be
live dentistry instruction and classrooms on the
exhibit floor.
There will be 5 live dentistry workshops during
which skilled instructors will demonstrate
procedures on live patients.
A checklist of PC/RC responsibilities will be
posted in the back of every classroom. Please
refer to the list to make sure everything has
been completed.
6Presiding Chair Responsibilities
7Presiding Chair Responsibilities
8BCEC North Lobby
9Presiding Chair Responsibilities
10Room Coordinator Responsibilities
11Room Coordinator Responsibilities
ON SITE Bring Orientation Packet Pick up RC
packet and hands-on handouts _at_ the BCEC North
Lobby, 1 Hour before course (by course code
number) PACKET CONTENTS Lunch Ticket Free
Course List Problem Solving Card Room Filled
Sign Course Evaluation Form Room Evaluation Form
12Room Coordinator Responsibilities
13Continuing Education
14CE Credits
15CE Credits
16Free Courses
Name badge - Lecture guest Free course
list (in packet) - Minuteman (attendee
badges will be scanned upon each entry into the
course) Be early
17Audio Visual Tips
18Audio Visual Tips
19Where to Get Help
Technicians floating the meeting rooms Walkie
Talkie audio visual channel AV Hotline -
Please be patient during peak periods Creative
technology venue coordinators
HOUSE PHONE Info Booth Locate exit doors
21Find a Replacement
Inform day captain Contact show office if
during meeting
Gee, this is like pulling teeth.
22Scouts VIPS
Scout Pass or Meeting CREST YANKEE SPIRIT!!
Hi, Im the tooth fairy. Want to buy back some
of your teeth?
23Common Problems
24Thank You!!