Title: IBM
- business machines
- punch cards
- electromechanical calculators
- slow introduction of electronic machines
2IBM 701
- Electronic Data Processing Machine
3IBM 701
- 2000 multiplications per second
- Plastic tape, not metal
- Williams Tube
- CRT for memory, not pictures!
- 1024 bits
5IBM 701
- Marketing
- 1954 election prediction
- English/Russian translation
- 19 systems installed!
6Sell or rent?
- IBM rented, not sold, their computers
- UNIVAC sold, not rented.
- Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- Engineering Research Associates
- Spinoff from Navy
- Build drum memory
- Navy Task 13
- Commercial Model 1101
- Ran out of money
- Bought out by Remington Rand
- same people who bought UNIVAC!
- Marketed 1103 for science
- UNIVAC for business
- conflict of interest?
10Drum memory
- Durable but slow
- (picture on page 39)
- Computer Research Company
- 102A computer
- Bought out by NCR
12Notice a Pattern?
- New company experiments with new technology
- Runs out of money
- Bought by established company as easy path to new
This is not a new phenomenon!
- Librascope/General Precision
- famous drum computer
- cheap (30,000)
- small (desk-size)
- Only I/O device for many computers
15Bendix G-15
- Another drum-based computer
- Fast but difficult to program
16IBM 650
- IBM's drum machine
- 1000 installed!
- Discount price for universities
17IBM 650
18Computer sales
- IBM 701 19
- LGP-30 400
- Bendix G-15 400
- IBM 650 1000
19How do you write a(non-infinite)loop withouta
break condition?
202 Reminders and 1 Announcement
- Enigma homework due tonight at 730pm
- ENIAC assignment due next Friday!
- No school on Monday
21Test Question
- On a scrap of paper, write a question that
encapsulates one of the points from today's
class, and turn it in. - (Put your name on it!)