2What were the causes of World War I?
- Militarism
- growth of military distracts people form social
tensions - Alliances
- 2 rival ones (Britain, France, Russia)
(Germany, Austria-Hungary Italy) focus on
Balkans - Imperialism
- no more territory to expand in
- Nationalism
- social tensions, Austria-Hungary trouble with
Slavic nationalism, Russia with workers peasants
3What was the impact of World War I on the worlds
societies economies?
- Russia revolution, Lenin communists into
power, lost land to Germany - weakens Europe internally and as a world power,
decreases birth rate, destruction of industrial
property ag land, post war instability,
inflation, loses export markets - change of ownership of colonies (temporary),
self-determination, conflict against colonial
rule - Ottoman Empire collapses changes in Middles
East (politically fragmented) - greater international competition, debts to U.S.
4What were the causes of the Great Depression?
- WWI inflation, loss of European export markets
- overproduction of food
- world dependent areas suffering, production
exceeds demand, prices in income down, cannot buy
manufactured goods - little world leadership, nationalismselfishness
- western nations insisted on debt repayment,
tariffs, protectionism
5What was the worldwide impact of the Great
- Russia little impact, internal development
inward looking - unemployment worldwide
- no ability to buy commodities, thus no export
income, thus no ability to buy consumer goods - Japan export based, bad harvests
- Latin America more state involvement in economy
- West welfare programs
- global no one country could get out on its own
6How were the diplomatic problems of World War II
- - United Nations true internationalism
- divided Germany
- dividing Europe between USA USSR
- divided Austria
- Japan occupied by USA
- Poland given part of Germany in return for land
given to USSR - Korea split
- 3 meetings in Tehran, Yalta Potsdam between
Roosevelt/Truman, Stalin Churchill
7In what ways did the period from 1914-1945 mark
the end of the old world order?
- Rise of the United States and Soviet Union
- world split between democracy communism
- colonialism on the way out
- stage set for decolonization Cold War
- nationalism with new independent states being
8What were the consequences of the ending of the
Cold War?
- arms limitations agreements
- decolonization many new nations created, align
with a super-power or non-alignment - economic interactions increase
- multinational companies produce all over the
world, especially where there was cheap labor - collapse of the Soviet Union (economics)
9Discuss the proposition that both the causes and
the outcome of World War II were the result of
problems created in the Treaty of Versailles?
- world not represented there only USA, Britain,
France Italy - revenge sought against Germany
- Italy wants more than it gets
- Japan wants more power (doesnt get it)
- USA isolationism (not join League of Nations)
Britain France fearful of future) - China loses land to Japan
- Germany beat into the ground loses land,
military, colonies, reparation payments - Russia loses land
- preconditions set up for future strife
10Discuss the influence of global wars and the
Great Depression on the destruction of Western
global dominion.
- economics loss of export markets, loss of
colonies as sources of raw materials and markets
for finished products - nationalism loss of land, colonies
- war loss of prestige, cannot take care of
themselves - regional conflicts regional identities
- rise of United States takes over European
countries in terms of power - regional trade blocs
- common commercial policies