Title: The Mathematics of ImageBased Modeling
1The Mathematics of Image-Based Modeling
- Eleanor Rieffel
- Senior Research Scientist, FXPAL
- 14 October 2009
2Will we model the world,and why?
- Yes. Because we can.
- Digital cameras everywhere
- Cheap to take pictures, even video
- Computational power improvements
- Rendering of 3D is fast, even for detailed models
- High bandwidth communications
- Photos, videos, and models easily shared
3Weve already started
- Building Rome in a Day
- University of Washington (S. Agarwal. Y.
Furukawa, et al.) - St. Peters Basilica
- 1,294 images, 530,076 points
- http//grail.cs.washington.edu/rome/
- Photosynth spatial image browser
- 296 photos
- http//photosynth.net/view.aspx?cid17c617f7-dfc8-
4FXPALs DOTS Surveillance System
A. Girgensohn, et al., DOTS Support for
Effective Video Surveillance , ACM Multimedia 2007
5FXPAL Collaboration with Tcho
M. Back, et al., High-tech Chocolate exploring
mobile and 3D applications for factories,
Siggraph 2009
6Other application areas
- Training
- Emergency response, military exercises
- Immersive telepresence
- Facilities
- Testing disaster plans, e.g. for hospital
- Virtual tourism and virtual tours
- Psychiatric treatment
- Post-traumatic stress, phobias
7The Mathematics behind Image- Based 3D model
8Locating correspondence points
9Might look like correspondence points, but
10Might look like correspondence points, but
11Obtaining correspondence points
- Handmarked by user
- Slow
- Error prone
- Automatic
- Sophisticated approaches
- Local feature matching
- Difficulties with surfaces all same color, esp.
black - Place markers with distinctive patterns
- Known size
12FXPALs Pantheia system overview
- Goal make it quick and easy for a person to
create a rough model of a space or object by
placing semantic markers and taking images - What the system does
- Estimates all marker and camera positions
- Deduces model from these estimates and the
semantics associated with the markers - Renders the object, and provides various ways of
viewing and interacting with the models
13What we can mark data types
- Vertices
- Edges
- Point-plane data
- point ,and the plane it is in
- Point normal data
- Point outward facing normal vector
- Goal reconstruct spaces and objects from small
amounts of marked data
15Motivation for the definitions
- We want to be able to describe the sets of
objects that we can reconstruct - We are only going to consider polygons and
polyhedra - It is easier to reconstruct shapes with nice
properties such as - Convex
- Orthogonal
- Simply Connected
- There isnt a standard definition!
- There are many!
- Definition A polygon is a closed, connected,
two-dimensional region of a plane whose boundary
consists of a finite set of segments e1, e2, ,
en called edges with endpoints v1, v2, , vn
called vertices (singular vertex). Furthermore,
every vertex vi is the endpoint of two edges, ei
and ei1, where the indexing is modulo n, and
nonconsecutive edges do not intersect.
17Whenever you read a definition
- think up a rich set of examples that fit the
definition, and a rich set of examples that do
18Examples of Polygons and not
- Draw
- Simplest examples you can think of
- Borderline cases that might confuse someone
- A complicated polygon
- Draw
- Simplest examples you can think of
- Borderline cases that might confuse someone
- Shapes that meet parts of the definition but not
19Polygons as I have defined them
- What are the simplest polygons you can think of?
- What complicated polygons can you think of?
- Can polygons have holes?
- What are some planar shapes that are not
polygons? - Can you think of a shape where there might be
debate as to whether it is one polygon or two? - What non-polygonal planar shapes might someone
think are polygons?
20Alternative definition of a polygon
- How would you define polygon if you wanted the
definition to polygons with holes? - Definition A polygon is a closed, connected,
two-dimensional planar region whose boundary
consists of a finite set of segments e1, e2, ,
en called edges with endpoints v1, v2, , vn
called vertices. Every vertex is the endpoint of
exactly two edges, and two edges can only
intersect in their endpoint vertices.
- There isnt a standard definition!
- There are many!
- Definition A polyhedron (pl. polyhedra, adj.
polyhedral) is a closed, connected,
three-dimensional volume of three-dimensional
Euclidean space whose boundary consists of a
finite set of polygons called faces such that
every edge of every polygon is shared with
exactly one other polygon and two faces may
intersect only at edges or vertices shared by the
two polygons.
22Polyhedra as I have defined them
- What are the simplest polyhedra you can think of?
- What complicated polyhedra can you think of?
- Describe or draw some shapes that are not
polyhedra? - What non-polyhedral shapes might someone think
are polyhedra?
23Shapes that are not polygons or polyhedra
24Convex and nonconvex shapes
- Convex the line segment connecting every pair of
points is contained in the shape
- Nonconvex there exists a pair of points such
that the line segment between them goes outside
the shape
Is this room convex?
- Orthogonal polygon
- All edges are aligned with one of the coordinate
axes - Orthogonal polyhedron
- All faces are aligned with one of the three
coordinate axis planes, the xy- , yz- , r
26Connected and simply connected
- Connected
- Every pair of points is connected by some path
that stays within the shape - Are there shapes that are convex but not
connected? - Are there shapes that are connected but not
- Simply connected polygon or polyhedron
- has no holes
- Any loop within the shape can be shrunk to a
point - Not simply connected
27Vertex DATA
28ORourkes Theorem
- Any orthogonal polygon can be unambiguously
reconstructed from its set of vertices as long as
it doesnt have any degenerate (180) vertices - Properties of such polygons
- From each vertex exactly one vertical edge
extends, and - Exactly one horizontal edge extends
29When you read ORourkes Theorem, ask yourself
- How would I reconstruct a polygon from the vertex
data? - Can I reconstruct in some simple cases?
- Some more complex cases?
- Do I see a general algorithm?
- Why is orthogonal required?
- Can I think of a counterexample?
- Why does he rule out 180 vertices?
- Can I think of a counterexample?
- What about the 3D case?
30ORourkes Algorithm
31ORourkes algorithm
- How would you go about reconstructing a polygon
from this set of points? - His algorithm is very simple (once you have seen
it) - While it is simple, it is not an ancient result
- ORourke published his paper in 1988
- There are all sorts of wonderful things waiting
for you to discover them!
32ORourkes Algorithm
33ORourkes Algorithm
34ORourkes Algorithm
35ORourkes Algorithm
36When you read ORourkes Theorem, ask yourself
- How would I reconstruct a polygon from the vertex
data? - Can I reconstruct in some simple cases?
- Some more complex cases?
- Do I see a general algorithm?
- Why is orthogonal required?
- Can I think of a counterexample?
- Why does he rule out 180 vertices?
- Can I think of a counterexample?
- What about the 3D case?
37Why is orthogonal required?
38Why is orthogonal required?
39Why is orthogonal required?
40Why are 180 vertices ruled out?
41Why are 180 vertices ruled out?
42Why are 180 vertices ruled out?
43Why are 180 vertices ruled out?
44Some comments on the 3D case
- ORourkes Theorem and algorithm can be extended
to three dimensions - No 180 degree vertices rules out many shapes
45Point-normal data
46Marker-per-face markup strategy
- Marker-per-face markup strategy
- User must place at least one marker per face
- Or otherwise obtain position and normal for at
least one point in each face - Works for any convex polyhedron
- How would you figure out the polygon from the
marker information? - Ambiguities exist for nonconvex polyhedra
- Can you think of an example?
- Ambiguities exist for multiple convex polyhedra
- Can you think of an example?
47Single Convex Polygon
- For every edge of the polygon, the entire polygon
is contained with in one of the half planes
defined by the edge - To reconstruct the polygon, take the intersection
of all of these half planes - 3D case?
48Ambiguity nonconvex case
49Ambiguity nonconvex case
50Ambiguity nonconvex case
51Ambiguity nonconvex case (3D)
Can extend to 3D by extruding orthogonally
52Ambiguity same topology
53Ambiguity same topology
54Ambiguity same topology
55Ambiguity for multiple convex polygons
56Ambiguity for multiple convex polygons
57Elaboration metadata
- Use marker semantics to indicate which faces are
the main faces of a convex shape - Elaborations are indicated by marker semantics
that say which face is being elaborated - Orthogonal extrusions (and intrusions)
- Can obtain unambiguous reconstruction for a wide
variety of shapes and scenes
59Kumo model
60Lab Room
Laboratory Room
Laboratory Model
61Pantheia model of an IKEA Cabinet
Actual Bookcase
Bookcase VRML model
62Thank you!
63Any Questions?
For more information http//blog.fxpal.com/ http
//www.fxpal.com/?prieffel rieffel_at_fxpal.com
Slide background a recoloring of a quasiperiodic
tiling John Baez created using Greg Egans
DeBruijn applet http//math.ucr.edu/home/baez/tili
ngs Cartoons courtesy of http//bligblug.blogspot