Title: Starry Monday at Otterbein
1Starry Monday at Otterbein
Welcome to
- Astronomy Lecture Series
- -every first Monday of the month-
- May 5, 2008
- Dr. Uwe Trittmann
2Todays Topics
- How to find Life in the Universe
- The Night Sky in May
3On the Web
- To learn more about astronomy and physics at
Otterbein, please visit - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/weitkamp.asp
(Observatory) - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/ (Physics
4How to find Life in the Universe
- What is Life?
- How to detect Life?
- Where to look for Life?
- Life vs. Intelligent Life
5What is Life?
- Has a metabolism
- Uses energy
- Reacts to changes in the environment
- Reproduces
- Transforms its environment
- Changes to environment hopefully observable
6What kind of Life?
- Focusing on carbon liquid water based life
- Carbon as a chemically unique element
- (Liquid) Water as a powerful solvent and reactant
- Assuming lower life-forms, we cannot expect life
to actively produce signals - Look for life on the surface of a rocky planet
- Phase diagram of water dictates temperature and
pressure range for liquid
Minimal pressure 610 Pa
-18º C life on Earth exists
123º C life on Earth exists
8Where to look for Life?
- Where you can find (detect) it -)
- If carbon-liquid water based life exists on the
surface of a planet - Planet must have atmosphere for liquid water to
exist - Planet must receive enough energy from host star
to liquify water - ?Planet must be in the habitable zone (HZ) of its
host star
9Definition of Habitable Zone
- Region around a star where stellar radiation
maintains liquid water over a substantial part of
the surface of a rocky planet - Note planet must be big enough to hold on to its
atmosphere, and possibly replenish it through
outgassings from its interior.
10Extend of HZ depends on time
- Sun gets brighter as it ages
- Planets orbits change over time
- Planets rotational axis inclination changes
- Early Solar system
- Venus, Earth in HZ, Mars partially
- Now
- Earth, Mars in HZ
11Habitats beyond the HZ
- Temperature, pressure too low ? go to interior of
planets/moons - Earth 5km under surface liquid water can exist
- Tidal heating gravitational distortions will
heat interior of (soft) moons - Io ? Volcanism driven by Jupiter
- Europa ? liquid water under ice?
- Saturns Titan
- Methane/Nitrogen based geology/climate at -180C
Not on surface of Planet ? Hard to detect!
12Greenhouse Effect affects Climate
- Earth absorbs energy from the Sun and heats up
- Earth re-radiates the absorbed energy in the form
of infrared radiation - The infrared radiation is absorbed by carbon
dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere - ?Typically happens and stabilizes climate on
planet harboring life - ?Good, because life takes at least a billion
years to develop/ have effects on planet
13The biggest effect life had on Earth
- Shakespeare?
- Building the Great Wall of China?
- Explosion of the Hiroshima bomb?
- Transforming Carbondioxide into Oxygen!
- (Zero oxygen 3 billion years ago, now 21)
14Chances of detecting Life
- How far away is the nearest Earth-like planet? ?
19 ly (if 3 of stars have ELPs) - Is it habitable?
- Atmosphere
- Rocky
- Carbon/Water available
- shielded from heavy bombardment
15How to detect Life
- Life produces oxygen, methane
- Can detect ozone (made from O2), Methane via its
characteristic infrared radiation - Plants use photosynthesis chlorophyll rejects
colors not utilized (utilizes visible
frequencies)? IR red-edge - TV Radio signals
- ? 1992 Galileo spacecraft detects life on Earth
(and not on the Moon)!
16(Very) Intelligent Life
- Looking for extra-terrestrial intelligence, we
can relax our assumptions (neither carbon nor
water-base necessary) - We are looking for signals of civilizations
rather than signs of life
17Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- Detect radiation traveling from them to us
- detect their spacecraft/artifacts/them in our
solar system - Detect features of their planet/solar system
revealing technological modifications
18Classification of Civilizations
- Type I uses energy sources of their planet
including solar radiation arriving at their
planet (us!) - Type II uses a large part of the total radiation
of their sun (shows up as reddening of the stars
spectrum) - Type III uses a large part of the energy
production of their galaxy (might rearrange
19Galactic Exploration
- John von Neumann build self-replicating space
probe that builds many replicas of itself once it
finds suitable conditions, send them on their way - Can colonize galaxy in only 100 million years
(less than 1 of lifespan) - ONeill colonies
20Fermi Paradox
- If ETI exists it must be widespread
- If its widespread, why arent they among us?
- ETI must have had plenty time to occur
- Maybe they do not exist
- Maybe we didnt look hard/long enough?
- Maybe they are among us?
- Probably electromagnetic waves
- Easy to generate
- not exceedingly absorbed by interstellar medium,
planetary atmospheres - Information can be imprinted on them with minimal
energy cost - Travels fast (but not fast enough?!)
- We are detectable since 12. December 1901
22Green Bank (or Drake) Equation
- Estimated number of technological civilizations
present in the Milky Way galaxy is given by - the average rate of star formation
- ? fraction of stars having planetary systems
- ? average number of planets within the
habitable zone for various types of star and star
system - ? fraction of habitable planets that develop
life - ? fraction of life-bearing planets on which
intelligence appears - ? fraction of intelligent life forms that
develop technology - ? average lifetime of a technological
civilization - Could be 100 to 1 billion (?)
23Illustration of Drake Equation
24Time is of the Essence
- A lot of things can go wrong in cosmic
instances like a few thousand years - It is guesstimated that a technological
civilization might last about 3000 years
25Extinction of the Dinosaurs
- Possibly caused by impact of
- a large meteorite
- Large amount of dust thrown into atmosphere,
causing global cooling, disruption of the food
chain - Evidence
- Iridium layer found in fossil record at about
time of extinction of dinosaurs - Large numbers of species become extinct at about
the same time - Crater in Yucatan may be the one
- Are extinctions periodic?
- If average lifetime is 1 million years, then the
average distance between civilizations in the
galaxy is 150 ly - Thus 300 years for messages to go back and forth
- Communications via radio signal
- Earth has been broadcasting in RF range for most
of this century - Earth is brighter than the Sun in radio
- 1821 cm wavelength range good for interstellar
communication - SETI search is ongoing
- SETI_at_Home http//setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
- If they exist, should we contact them?
27SETI with Radio Telescopes
- Radio frequencies are used because
- Civilizations are likely to use these frequencies
- We can observe them from the ground
- Biggest radio telescope is in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
28CETI Talking to Aliens
- How can we communicate?
- Put up a big sign (?!)
- Send a (radio) signal
- Send a space probe with a message
- Should we try to communicate?
29Our Messages to the Aliens
- Golden plate with essential info on humans
- On board Pioneer 10 space probe
- Started in the 70s
- past solar system
30Our EM Message to the Aliens
- In 1974 sent radio signal from Arecibo to
globular cluster M13 (300,000 stars, 21,000ly
away) - Brighter than the Sun
- The signal, transmitted at 2380 megahertz with a
duration of 169 seconds, delivered an effective
power of 3 trillion watts, the strongest man-made
signal ever sent.
31The Night Sky in May
- Nights shorter and EDT gt later observing!
- Spring constellations are up Cancer, Leo, Big
Dipper - Mars, Saturn dominate early evening, Jupiter
early morning.
32Moon Phases
- Today New Moon
- 5 / 11 (First quarter Moon)
- 5 / 19 (Full Moon)
- 5 / 27 (Last Quarter Moon)
- 6 / 3 (New Moon)
33Today at Noon
- Sun at meridian, i.e. exactly south
3410 PM
- Typical observing hour, early May
- Saturn
- Big Dipper points to the north pole
- Saturn near Praesepe (M44), an open star cluster
- Oops, that was last year! Now Saturn is here!
- Spring constellations
- Leo
- Hydra
- Crater
- Sextans
- Canes Venatici
- M51
- Coma-Virgo Cluster
- Globular Star Clusters
- M3, M5
- Virgo and
- Coma
- with the Virgo-Coma galaxy cluster
40Virgo-Coma Cluster
- Lots of galaxies within a few degrees
41M87, M88 and M91
- Hercules
- Corona
- Borealis
- Bootes
- Globular Star
- Clusters
- M 3
- M 13
- M 92
43M13 Globular Cluster
These guys will know of our existance in 21,000
44Mark your Calendars!
- Next Starry Monday June 2, 2008, 8 pm
- (this is a Monday
) - Observing at Prairie Oaks Metro Park
- Friday, May 9, 2008, 900 pm
- Web pages
- http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/weitkamp.asp
(Obs.) - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/ (Physics
Dept.) -