Title: This s at est
1Origin of the anomalous Hall Effect in High-Tc
cuprates IR Hall angle, ARPES, and current
vertex corrections from fluctuating magnons
G. S. Jenkins, D.C. Schmadel, and H.D. Drew
University of Maryland, College Park
- Experimental
- A. Zimmers, Paris
- J. Cerne, Buffalo
- L. Shi, Maryland
- R. Greene, Maryland
- L. Rigal, Toulouse
- M. Grayson, WSI
- Theory
- T. D Stanescu, Maryland
- V. Galitski, Maryland
- P. Coleman, Rutgers
- H. Kontani, Nagoya
- A. Millis, Columbia
- V. Yakovenko, Maryland
- Materials
- I. Tsukada, CRIEPI, Tokyo
- Y. Ando, CRIEPI, Tokyo
- G. Gu, Brookhaven
- J. H. Cho, Pusan Un.
- P. Fournier, Sherbrooke
2High Tc Phase Diagram
Rigal PRL (93) 2004
Zimmers PRB (76) 2007
Jenkins, coming soon!
Jenkins, submitted, 2009
Jenkins, Draft avail. 2009
Schmadel PRB (75) 2007
Jenkins, PhD Thesis
Half filling x0
3Overdoped RCCO ARPES dc- RH
DC Hall Dagan et al., PRL (92) 2004
Lin and Millis PRB (72) 2005
Anomalous T dep. in h-doped cuprates too
Matsui et al, PRB 2007 NCCO
4IR Hall Effect
Jenkins, PhD Thesis (2003) www.irhall.umd.edu
5Experimental Block Diagram
Design and build experiment sensitive to E-field
Polarization modulation --- Unique sensitive
system in FIR!
Polarizer limitations Extinction Coef 10-5
6No magnet
In situ WP calibration
FIR laser Dielectric Input/output coupler Single
freq Gas system
7Ref. Bolo
Rotator Bearings and surfaces timing-type
belt opt encoders programmable PID servo
motor 1/10000 angular freq accuracy
WPs Broadband AR coating 1st order, entire
8/-8T, cold finger cts flow probe
Kapton windows
Sensitive slight pressure on table causes
measurable rotations!
9Sample Through-put reflectivity, substrate AR
coating (sxx d) FTIR characterization for FA to
HA conversion Edge effects Graphite Ap.,
spatial filtering Minimize motion Cu plates,
10(No Transcript)
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12FIR Hall angle - Pr2-xCexCuO4
10.5 and 5.25 meV
Divide discussion into overdoped and underdoped
13Overdoped RCCO ARPES dc- RH
DC Hall Dagan et al., PRL (92) 2004
Lin and Millis PRB (72) 2005
Slow tendency to return to h-like response
Proposed causal mechanism thermal fluctuations
Matsui et al, PRB 2007 NCCO
14FIR Hall angle - overdoped Pr2-xCexCuO4
Jenkins, submitted, 2009 arXiv0901.1701
Opt. Bi-2212 wH agrees with ARPES, essentially
same FS
Suppression of HA as T and freq increase, x
approaches xc
No thermal fluctuations in T? 0 limit
15FIR Hall angle - overdoped Pr2-xCexCuO4
Salient features captured as a function of
temperature, doping, and frequency!
16Kontani model description
Same model reproduces h-doped dc Hall Coef.
H. Kontani, Rep. Prog. Phys. 71, 026501 (2008)
17Underdoped RCCO ARPES dc- RH
DC Hall Dagan et al., PRL (92) 2004
P. Fournier et al., unpublished
Lin and Millis PRB (72) 2005
18Underdoped NCCO ARPES
Armitage et al, PRL 2002, NCCO
Matsui et al, PRB 2007 NCCO
19FS reconstruction zone diagonal order
h- and e-like FS segments
Motoyama et al., Nature 445 (2007), NCCO
Park et al, PRB (75) 2007, 14 SCCO
Lin and Millis PRB (72) 2005
20IR Hall angle Pr2-xCexCuO4
10 meV
Low T
ARPES data qualitatively describe the Hall data
Large unreconstructed h-like FS yields mH 2.3
21IR Hall angle Pr2-xCexCuO4
Paramagnetic state mH 2.3 from ARPES
22DC Hall Coef. Pr2-xCexCuO4
P. Fournier et al., unpublished
- We measure a new transport quantity, Re and Im qH
at finite frequency (low optical excitation
energies) - Overdoped PCCO
- Low-temperature finite-frequency strong
suppression of Hall angle rule out thermal
fluctuations as root causal mechanism - Fermi-liquid theory which include CVCs induced by
AF fluctuations well describe frequency,
temperature, and doping dependence of IR Hall
data - Underdoped PCCO
- IR Hall data is qualitatively consistent with
pocket topology/ARPES/SDW - Temperature dependence of Hall mass parameter
suggests CVCs from AF fluctuations in
paramagnetic state
H. Kontani, Rep. Prog. Phys. 71, 026501 (2008)
Jenkins et al., 2009, arXiv0901.1701