Title: Single mode lasing by current injection in T-shaped QWRs
1Single mode lasing by current injection in
T-shaped QWRs
- Sample No. 8-4-05.22C
- By Shu-man Liu
- 2006/4/8
2Structure and composition
3IL at different temperatures
Fig.2a I-L curves recorded when decreasing
current 2b Threshold current and differential
quantum efficiency vs. temperature
Fig.1 I-L curves recorded with increasing current
4IV Curves at different temperatures
The derivative of the voltage versus injection
Current characteristic curve shows a high and bad
dynamic series resistance at 5K.
5Lasing spectrum at 40K
6EL spectrum at 5K
With increasing injection current, a new EL peak
at high energy appears, which is attributed to
emission from doped layer compared with microEL
and EL imaging results.
7Lasing peak energy vs. T
The lasing peak red-shifts with increasing
temperature. The solid line in Fig.(b)
represents the temperature dependenceof GaAs
band-gap energy which wasshifted to fit the QWR
peak energies. Thus, the red-shift is due to the
band-gapshrink of GaAs with increasing
8Lasing mode hopping
The mechanism of modeis not understand.