Title: ZOO 115 Invertebrate Zoology
1ZOO 115 Invertebrate Zoology
2Arthropoda Subphylum Crustacea
- 42,000 species
- Major trophic link between primary producers
(phytoplankton) and higher level consumers - Mostly aquatic
- Three part brain
- Two pair of antennae
- Tactile
- Chemosensory
- Many legs
- Mostly separate sexes
3Subphylum Crustacea
Shrimps and shrimp-like animals
4Subphylum Crustacea
Lobsters and crawfish
5Subphylum Crustacea
6Class Branchiopoda Order Anostraca
- Can tolerate desiccation and high salinity
- 15-30 mm in length
- Elongate shrimp-like bodies without a carapace
- Have stalked compound eyes
- Most are suspension feeders
- Swim ventral side up
- Use their thoracic appendages for capturing food
particles - Food is passed to a central groove, encased in
mucus and moved forward to mouth. - Gonochoric
- Nauplius larvae
7Class BranchiopodaOrder Notostraca
- Tadpole shrimps
- None occur in oceans
- Feed on organic matter in sediments some are
predators or scavengers - Characteristic broad shield-like carapace and
long caudal rami - Triops considered a major pest in rice fields
8Class BranchiopodaOrder Diplostraca
- Clam shrimps and cladocerans
- Mostly freshwater
- Scavengers, predators, detritivores, and
suspension feeders - Well developed clam-like carapace
- All have a dorsal organ that could function as
- Salt gland
- Neck Gland
- Adhesion
- Swim with their powerful second antenna
9Class BranchiopodaOrder Diplostraca
- Sexes
- Hermaphroditism
- Gonochorism
- Type of reproduction
- Monosexual -Parthenogenesis
- Bisexual reproduction - normal sexual
reproduction - Eggs
- Summer - thin-shelled
- Winter - resting
10Cladoceran reproductive strategies
Stable conditions
11Cladoceran reproductive strategies
Unstable conditions
12Subphylum CrustaceaClass Malacostraca
- Appendages
- Head - sensory and feeding
- Thoracic - crawling or grasping
- Abdominal (unique to this Class and Remipedia) -
swimming and copulation
13Class MalacostracaOrder Stomatopoda
- Mantis shrimps
- Specialized predators
- No cephalothorax
- Head, thorax and abdomen
- Two large stalked compound eyes and a third
medial naupliar eye
14Class MalacostracaOrder Stomatopoda
- Has abdominal gills like isopods
- Enormous digestive cecum
- Very well developed heart and hemal system
15Class Malacostraca Order Euphausiacea
- Krill
- All pelagic
- Major source of food for whales, squids and
fishes - Thoracic gills external to carapace
16Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
- Shrimp-like
- IO Caridea (shrimp)
- SO Dendrobranciata SF Penaeoidae (prawns)
- IO Stenopodidea
- Lobster-like
- IO Astacidea (lobster)
- IO Palinura (spiny and slippery lobster)
- IO Thalassinidea (ghost shrimp)
17- Crab-like
- IO Brachyura (True crabs)
- IO Anomura
18Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
- Feeding
- 6 pair of feeding appendages
- 1 pr Mandibles
- 2 pr Maxillae
- 3 pr Maxillipeds
- Most predators and/or scavengers, some suspension
feeders, some detritivores, some herbivores, some
19Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
20Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
- Sense organs
- Legs
- Antennae
- 1st
- Stalked compound eye
21Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
- Chromatophores
- Shrimps especially good at changing color
22Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
- Reproduction
- Most separate sexes (gonochoric)
- Sperm transfer indirect (spermatophores)
- Many have copulation
- Bachyurans may block fertilization for up to a
year following copulation
23Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
24Class MalacostracaOrder Decapoda
25Class Malacostraca Order Mysida
- Mysid shrimps
- Most 2-30 mm
- Gnathophausia - 35 cm
- Omnivorous suspension feeders
- Well developed carapace and tail fan
26Class Malacostraca Order Isopoda
- Isopods, pill bugs
- 10,000 sp
- 0.5 50 cm
- Virtually all habitats
- Flattened dorso-ventrally
27Class Malacostraca Order Amphipoda
- Amphipods
- 8000 sp.
- 1mm-25 cm
- In almost every habitat
- Flattened laterally
- Carapace absent
- Gills thoracic