Title: 5' Development
15. Development Strengthening of Rural Markets
2- Proposal
- To develop and strengthen 13 rural markets in
the NHM districts. - Justification
- To promote hygienic handling of Fruits and
vegetables - To minimise post harvest losses.
- Common facilities to be created
- Construction of Shops
- Farmers Traders Resting Place
- Canteen facilities
- Toilet facilities
- Concrete roads Street Light
- Drinking water sanitation
- Solid Waste Management
- Parking facilities
3Market Places to be strengthened
4Cost per market
( Rupees in Lakhs)
5Total Project Cost Rs.195 lakhs Pattern of
assistance from NHM- Credit linked 25 back
ended subsidy. Implementing Agency Tamil Nadu
Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium. Means of
Finance Contribution by Market Committee
48.75 Term Loan from Bank - 97.50 Subsidy from
NHM - 48.75
Implementing Agency Tamil Nadu Small Farmers
Agri Business Consortium.
6Summary of the Project based programmes
7Summary of Back ended Subsidy Programmes.
8Summary ( Rs. In Lakhs)
9Since we are in the fag end of this financial
year , we may not be able to incur the full
expenditure during the current financial year and
hence the unspent balance during the current
financial year will be spill over to the first
quarter of the next financial year .
10Thank You