Title: Words against reality
1Words against reality Sustainable energy
policy in CEE
Energia Klub does research, communication,
education on climate energy policy, energy
efficiency and renewable technologies for policy
makers, municipalities, manufacturers, households
- Ada Ámon
- November 7th, 2008
2Words against reality
- The Hungarian Energy Policy2008-2020
- Critical Assessment of Europes Energy Market
2008 - A review of Central and Eastern Europe,
Continental Trends and EU Legislation - (www.agreenet.info)
- energy efficiency and saving activities should
be stimulated with a special focus given to
energy use of buildings, transport and
transformation of energy. - ----------------------------------
- EPBD sabotaged (2012)
- Transport policy is still under construction
- Loss of electricity on transmission is over 10
- elaborate a comprehensive, national energy
efficiency strategy and national action plan and
implement them - -------------------------
- Strategy non-existent
- Infringement procedure
- State subsidy for natural gas consumption is
8-times bigger than the support given for
households sustainable energy investments
5District heating
- Assess the experiences of subsidizing district
heating consumers in order to ensure the
competitiveness of the industry - ----------------------
- Robin Hood tax
- 5 per household per month
- Incorporate the issue of rational use of energy
into the national curricula - ----------------------
- Energia Klub has a comprehensive educational
material on energy and climate and there are
similar initiatives no government effort seen so
7Renewable energy
- Keep tabs on the legal framework of energy
generated on the basis of renewable sources - -----------------------------
- Strange wording
- Unreliable and unstable legal framework
- Unsustainable investments (biomass)
8Summing up for CEE
- Great potential on both EE and RES
- Rhetoric has been learned
- EU requirements are formally fulfilled
- Low level of political commitment and real
support (e.g. EPBD) - Lack of stable legal framework for RES
- Missing institutional framework
- Lack of data and statistics
- Supply side oriented policy based on ever growing
demand curve
9Thank you for your attention
Energia Klub does research, communication,
education on climate energy policy, energy
efficiency and renewable technologies for policy
makers, municipalities, manufacturers, households
- Ada Ámon (director)
- Energia Klub
- www.energiaklub.hu
- amon_at_energiaklub.hu