Title: MSL 401 Adaptive Leadership Course Overview
1MSL 401 Adaptive Leadership Course Overview
- Introductions
- Course Overview
- Course Syllabus
- Objectives
- Requirements and Assignments
- Schedule
- Grading Standards
- Discuss the state of the Cadet Battalion
3Course Outline
- Explore Military Professional Ethics and ethical
decision making facing an Officer - Gain practical experience in Cadet Battalion
Leadership roles - Demonstrate personal skills in operations and
communications - Evaluate and develop MSL III small unit leaders
and examine issues of force protection in the COE - Prepare for the transition to a career as an Army
4MSL 401 Course Objectives
- After Action Review (AAR)
- Elements of effective writing
- Staff Roles
- Leader Development Program (LDP)
- Composite Risk Management
- Unit physical fitness program
- Train the Force
- Mission Essential Task List (METL)
- Military Decision-Making Process
- Law of Land Warfare
- Rules of Engagement
- Stress Management Techniques
- Code of Conduct
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
- NCOER and OER Counseling Procedures
- Administrative Discipline and Separation
5BOLC Model
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Functional Training (ABN/Ranger, Scout Leader)
Ft Benning
Ft Sill
First Unit Assigned
6-14 Weeks of Tng
6 Weeks 35 Days of Tng
- Basic Familiarization
- Doctrinal Foundation
- Field Leadership Lab/
- Exercises
- Leader Development
- Assessment Course
Task Proficiency
Task Introduction
Task Understanding
Task Mastery
- Training Repetition
- Doctrinal Application
- Integration of OIF/OEF
- Lessons Learned
- Enhanced Technical/
- Tactical Skills
- Training Repetition
- Doctrinal Application
- Rigor and Toughness
- Confidence and Competence Builder
- Training Repetition
- Application of TTPs
- Leadership
- Experience
- CTC/Operational
- Experience
- Army Values
- Loyalty
- Duty
- Respect
- Selfless Service
- Honor
- Integrity
- Personal Courage
- Warrior Ethos Tenets
- Mission First
- Never Accept Defeat
- Never Quit
- Never Leave a Fallen Comrade
- Warrior Leader
- Flexible
- Adaptive
- Confident
- Competent
6BOLC I ROTC Curriculum Tracks
7End State As 2LTs, ROTC Graduates Will
Values Ethics
Personal Development
- Internalize and Model the Seven Army Values
- Embody the Warrior Ethos
- Exhibit Military Professional Ethics
- Incorporate the Law of Land Warfare and Derived
Rules of Engagement into All Tactical Operations
and Training - Describe, Honor, and Enforce Army Command
Policies for Interpersonal Relationships
- Establish Goals and Priorities for Action
- Organize Time Resources Appropriately
- Communicate Effectively with Commanders,
Subordinates, and Civilians - Develop and Manage Physical Health and Well-Being
of Self, Subordinates, and Families - Recognize and Manage Stress at Individual and
Unit Levels
8End State As 2LTs, ROTC Graduates Will
Tactics Techniques
- Embody All Dimensions of the Army Leadership
Framework - Make Sound and Timely Decisions
- Develop and Motivate Subordinates, Teams, and
Units - Derive Lessons Learned from Military History and
Apply Insights to the COE - Analyze, Manage, and Adapt to Change in Complex
- Plan and Execute Platoon Tactical Operations in
the COE - Successfully Accomplish Missions through
Application of the Troop Leading Procedures - Apply Land Navigation and Terrain Analysis
Techniques to Move Tactically in Small Unit
Operations - Demonstrate Proficiency in Individual and
Collective Tasks and Battle Drills - Maintain Operational Security, Force Protection,
and Terrorism Awareness While Conducting
Full-Spectrum Operations
9End State As 2LTs, ROTC Graduates Will
- Embody the Traditions, Customs, and Courtesies of
the Army - Apply the Principles of War to Offensive,
Defensive, and Stability and Support Operations
(SASO) - Analyze the Impact of Cultural Factors on Army
Operations - Plan, Execute, and Assess Training to Maintain
Unit Readiness - Understand the Force Structure of the Modern Army
- Identify Army Resources Available for Officer,
Soldier, and Family Support
10MSL 401 Requirements
- Reading
- Class Participation
- Quizzes
- Mid-Term and Final Exam
- Briefings and Presentations
- Lab/Mentorship/Cadet Staff
- Outside Class Activities
- PT / APFT 100
- Class Participation 100
- Homework / Quizzes 100
- Mid-Term Exam 100
- Presentation 100
- Outside Class Activities 100
- Lab, Mentorship, CoC 200
- Final Exam 200
- Solid performance in each area of evaluation will
be necessary to earn a grade of B - Grading Scale
- 900-1000 A
- 800-899 B
- 700-799 C
- 600-699 D
- 599 Below F
- All late assignments will receive a 10 reduction
in grade
13Course Design Format
- Experiential Learning
- Interactive Participation Expected
- Brief Lectures
- Group Discussion
14MSL 401 Leadership in a Complex World
- Mon/Wed/Fri 1000-1200
- Tues/Thurs By Appointment
- Coordinate with Teresa for appointments
- Changes
- Training Status
- Command Guidance
- Commanders Welcome
- The cadet battalion
- Your role by class
- Your role by position
18Cadet Role
- Cadets run battalion day-to-day
- Plan, prepare, execute
- Command, Control, Communicate
- Seek Command/Cadre guidance
- Recruit, retain, develop cadet leaders
- Officers of the battalion Lead!
- Supervise, plan, train, and evaluate
- Conduct weekly staff meetings
- Mentor, counsel and develop MSL IIIs
- Execute promotion and award ceremonies
- Execute Cadet-of-the-Month Boards
- Reinforce unit knowledge, history and traditions
- Execute Cadet Mentorship Program
- NCOs of the battalion
- Undergo leadership training (LDP)
- Mentor, counsel and develop MSL IIs
- Conduct battalion training as directed
- Junior leaders of the battalion (Team Ldrs)
- Focus on team building and organizational
leadership skills
- Newest family members
- Introduce to Leadership and Army culture
- Focus on individual leadership skills
- Still a cadet in ROTC
- Receive formal invitations to functions
- Support Labs and FTXs as required
- Line Positions
- Staff Positions
25Battalion Line Officers
Commander (LTC)
Company Commander (CPT)
Company Commander (CPT)
Company Commander (CPT)
Company Commander (CPT)
Executive Officer (LT)
Platoon Leader (LT)
Platoon Leader (LT)
Platoon Leader (LT)
Platoon Leader (LT)
26Duties and Responsibilitiesof Battalion
- The morale and esprit of the battalion
- The health and welfare of the battalion
- All training, operations, and plans
- All safety, discipline, and promotions
- Professional development of officers
- Maintain connectivity with lateral and higher
commanders - Everything the battalion does or fails to do
27 Duties and Responsibilities of Company
- The morale and esprit of the company
- The health and welfare of the company
- All training and operations
- All safety and discipline
- Professional development of officers
- Maintain connectivity with lateral and higher
commanders - Everything the company does or fails to do
28Duties and Responsibilities of Executive
Officer (XO)
- Logistic operations and plans
- Supply
- Maintenance
- Transportation
- Acts as Company Commander in the Commanders
29Duties and Responsibilities of Platoon Leader
- The morale and esprit of the platoon
- The health and welfare of the platoon
- All training and operations
- All safety and discipline
- Maintain connectivity with fellow platoon leaders
- Everything the platoon does or fails to do
30The Battalion Staff
31Executive Officer
- Directs staff tasks
- Conducts staff coordination
- Ensures efficient and prompt staff actions
- Oversees the battalion orders process
- Authority of commander in the commanders absence
32Duties Responsibilities of Coordinating
- Coordinate and supervise execution of plans,
operations, and activities - Authority is limited to advising, planning,
coordinating actions - Coordinate with and integrate special staff
officers into operations - Provide timely and accurate recommendations to
the commander
33Common Duties and Responsibilities of Staff
- Preparing plans and orders
- Processing, analyzing, and disseminating
information - Conducting staff coordination
- Conducting/supporting training
- Providing assistance to the companies
- Performing risk management
- Performing staff administrative procedures
- Supervising staff section and staff personnel
34Duties and Responsibilities of S1 Personnel
- Manning assignment orders
- Personnel actions (promotions and awards)
- Health and welfare programs and activities
- Unit functions
- Staff planning and supervision
- Monitors medical, legal, safety and public
relation issues - Coordination of staff responsibility for special
staff officers
35Duties and Responsibilities ofS2 Intelligence
- Military intelligence
- Counterintelligence
- Operational Security (OPSEC)
- OPFOR training and employment
- Intelligence training
- Disseminates weather information
- Map procurement/distribution
36Duties and Responsibilities ofS3 Operations
- Training
- Operations Orders and plans
- Force development and modernization
- Staff planning and supervision
- Coordination of staff responsibility for special
staff officers
37Duties and Responsibilities ofS4 Logistics
- Logistic operations and plans
- Supply
- Maintenance
- Transportation
- Services
- Staff planning and supervision
38Duties and Responsibilities ofS5 Civil-Military
- Civil-military operations
- Community relations
- Host nation support
- Staff planning and supervision
- Minimizing civilian interference with combat
39Duties and Responsibilities ofS6 Signal
- Plans and directs unit Signal operations
- Automation management
- Information security
- Staff planning and supervision