Title: Pesticide risk indicators in Belgium
1Pesticide risk indicators in Belgium
- How are these risks assessed and managed ?
2Hazard and Risk
- Hazard (danger gevaar)
- potential to cause a damage
- characteristic to a agent
- impossible to control.
- Risk (risque risico)
- probability for a damage to occur
- dependent of the circumpstances (does,
protection, susceptibility, ) - possible to control (prevention).
Cours de toxicologie industrielle MDTR 2111
3Pesticide use and risk
Risk assessment Poison is in everything, and
no thing is without poison. The dose makes it
either a poison or a remedy Paracelsus,
XVIth century
- Risk management
- we can deal with hazard if the risk is low
(acceptable) enough Cours de toxicologie
industrielle (UCL MDTR 2111)
4Risk valuation a question of treshold value
threshold ?
threshold ?
Cours de toxicologie industrielle (UCL MDTR
5Pesticides are generally used in an open
6 and have effects on numerous non-targeted
7Pesticides are wildely used
In Belgium, about 9 300 tons of pesticides
(active substance) were used in 2000 by
farmers professionals of nature
management communities railways gardeners.
NSPIU Not Sufficiently Precise Identified Use
8Pesticide distribution among crops in Wallonia
(year 2000)
9The Risk assessment is function of both toxicity
and exposure
Pesticide Risk Indicator
10The Exp/Tox ratio is compared to a norm
Measured exposure
Acceptable ratio
Damages exposure
11e.g. Which is the risk for fishes ?
a.s.surface water
LC50 fish
Uniform Principles CEE 91/414
a.s. active substance
12Risks are specific to particular compartments
- Pesticide Risk Indicators are to be specific for
- Human concern (consumer, farm worker, etc.)
- Flora fauna concern (fishes, birds, mammals,
earthworms, bees, etc.)
13Multi-compartimental indicators are adapted to
address more general question
POCER - 1 Pesticide OCcupational and
Environmental Risk indicator
(Vercruysse Steurbaut, 2002)
14Local ? General risk assessment
Presently, indicators are mainly devoted to
assess the risk at a local level
- For one component (fish, birds, )
- In one place
- At one moment
- With one active substance
- For a specific hazard
No risk aggregation
But, in general, question about pesticide risk
are very much global
- For many components
- In several places or a region
- At several moments, generally a year
- With several actives substances
- For several hazards
High risk aggregation level
15Risk aggregation is generally simplified by a
simple sum
- Index of loads (IL) for Belgium on bees, birds
and earthworms
16Such rough risk aggregation sheme provide very
global information
As, for example
- A general reduction of pesticide use would mainly
benefit to earthworms - A reduction of insecticides would be more
effective to reduce the risk on the three
assessed compartments (50 of the bees risk is
due to a single a.s.
17For more detailled information at a high
aggregation level this is another story
- There is a need of a detailled information for
exposure - Where are the pesticides applied?
- Which formulation (liquid, powder, granules, )?
- At which dose ?
- When ?
- The risk is then calculated for each specific
exposure - There is a need to aggregate the risk
- For components
- For active substances
- For locations
- For periods
- For hazards
18Information is now available for each Community
- Pesticide application (kg a.s. in 2000 at Ittre,
sandy-loam region)
19While pesticide quantities are easily summed ,
Pesticide distribution among regions in Wallonia
(tons) (year 2000)
20for pesticide risks, we must deel with a surface
Example of risk scores (ri) for a single
compartment (e.g. bees) from a same a.s.
application on three regions
Riskglobal ?
with wi weighting factor f(area pest. use )
21 a time aggregation,
Example of a risk assessment on a single
compartment from four same a.s. applications on a
same field.
year risk
- Year risk (risk ty) ?
- e.g. ? ri ? riki where ki f(DT50 ty-ti)
- ! riskshort-term gt risklong-term
22 the active substance aggregation,
Example of a risk assessment of a single
compartment from an application of a pesticide
with three active substances
- Global risk ? ri average (ri) max (ri) .
? - Is there synergy, antagonism, ?
23, and a compartment aggregation
Example of the risk assessment of a single a.s.
application on three compartments
- Risk global ?
- rbirds rbees rhuman
- max (r1, r2, r3)
- rc1wc1rc2wc2rc3wc3 where wc weighting
factors for compartment importance f(various
opinions) -
24And also,
- For Belgium, the risk approach is developped in
the PRIBEL (Pesticide Risk Indicator for BELgium)
with UGent. - At the European level, the same risk approach is
studied in the HAIR (HArmonised environmental
Indicators for pesticide Risk) research with 18
research teams. - There is also a place for societal interaction
into the pesticide risk assessment methods, this
aspect is studied in a BELSPO project named PEPAM
(PEsticide risk PArticipatory Model) in
collaboration with UA and ULG. - Pesticides risks are managed by several
agricultural methods in a BELSPO project named
LABEL realised in collaboration with UGent and