Title: Managing Uncertainty and Worry
1Managing Uncertainty and Worry
- Aurora Employee Assistance Program
2Challenging Times
- Objectives
- Explore the uncertainty - mental worry connection
- Identify the negative effects of unproductive
worry - Learn several effective coping skills to manage
ongoing uncertainty and worry
3The Uncertainty - Worry Connection
- Uncertainty arises from ones sense of not being
in control of a situation - Uncertain economy
- Stock market and 401k issues
- Job insecurity
- Personal issues
- Uncertainty leaves a void that mental worry
4Worry, A Definition
- Worry
- To torment oneself with disturbing thoughts, to
fret. Thoughts about situations not likely to
take place - To live in the future, fearing the worse
- Worry is our self-talk, what we say to ourselves
about unsettling situations, about uncertainty.
5Examples Of Worry
- The What ifs of life
- What if theres a depression?
- What if my 401k doesnt rebound?
- What if I lose my job?
- What if I lose my house?
- Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrows, it only
saps today of its strength. -Unknown-
6Why Do We Worry?
- To try to gain a sense of control over the
uncontrollable - We fear making a mistake
- Worry may give a false sense that we are
accomplishing something - The greatest mistake you can make in this life is
to be constantly fearing you will make one. - - Unknown-
7Worry As Chronic Stressor - The Physiology Of
- When we worry, the brain is fooled into the Fight
or Flight Response - Stress hormones are created
- An unpleasant physiological response occurs
- Feelings of anxiety /or anger are triggered
- Concentration memory are impaired, decision
making problem solving skills diminish - Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you
something to do, but it wont get you anywhere.
8The Thought-Feeling-Action Connection
- When we worry, unpleasant feelings such as
nervousness, anxiety, frustration or anger are
triggered - Thoughts feelings interact
- Intensity increases
- It becomes more difficult to choose positive
actions. - Impulsive reactions are more likely
9The Thought-Feeling-Action Connection
ACTIONS - The consequences of negative actions often leave
us with even more to worry about, leaving us
stuck in a negative cycle of worry - Its not the situationIts your reaction to the
situation. -Robert
10Attitude Is Everything
- Thoughts feelings combine together to create
our attitude about the uncertain situation - If attitude is negative, motivation to act
positively will be poor - Attitude and motivation affect our ability to
make good choices in our own best interest - Whether you think you can or think you cant,
youre right. - -Henry Ford-
11The Cycle Of Worry At Work
- Worry can become a vicious cycle
- The more we worry, the worse we feel
- Ability to function productively decreases
Once a decision is reached, stop worrying start
working. -William Jones-
12The Worry Control Grid
No Control
ceaseless striving
no action
letting go
giving up
13Breaking The Cycle Of Worry
- Coping With Worry
- Three Rules of Worry
- Do Something Different
- Deep Breathing
- Increase Your Physical Activity Level
- Writing Your Worries
- Worry Can Be Your Teacher
14Three Rules Of Worry
- 1) Never Worry Alone
- decrease isolation, reach out to others
- 2) Get The Facts
- obtain as much factual information as possible
- 3) Make A Plan
- problem solve, create an action plan
- -See Stopping the Cycle of Worry handout-
15Do Something Different
- Catch yourself when you are worrying
- Thought Stop
- Take slow deep breaths
- Focus your attention positively
- -See Stopping the Cycle of Worry handout-
16More Coping Skills
- The 5-Second Breath
- Increase Your Physical Activity Level
- find safe healthy activities or exercise
- Writing Your Worries
- taking control of worry
- -See Stopping the Cycle of Worry handout-
17Worry Can Be Your Teacher
Each time you worry, your mind offers you the
opportunity to learn practice 2 essential human
skills problem solving calming yourself
-See Stopping the Cycle of Worry handout-
18Making Choices - Coping Day To Day
- Try to use the uncertainties worries of your
life as opportunities to choose - Choose to practice good self-care by using
positive coping skills - Life is a journey, with each bump in the road
offering the opportunity to learn grow as a
person - Everything can be taken from us but one thing -
the last of the human freedoms - to choose ones
attitude in any given circumstance. - -Victor Frankl -
19Ongoing Assistance
Contact Aurora EAP for additional
assistance Aurora Employee Assistance
Program 800-236-3231