Title: Ch' 6 Feature in manufacturing 6'2'3 6'4
1Ch. 6 Feature in manufacturing6.2.3 6.4
MAE548 Feature based modeling
- Soonhung Han
- shhan_at_kaist.ac.kr
- http//me.kaist.ac.kr/newcourse
26. Feature in Manufacturing
- 6.1 Manufacturing feature
- 6.2 Issue and Alternative Approach
- 6.3 Generation of Manufacturing Features
- 6.4 Group Technology Coding
- 6.5 Feature-Based Process Planning
- 6.6 Feature-Based Assembly Planning
36.2 Issue and Alternative Approach
- Level of Abstraction
- Level of Specialization
- Dimensionality
- Completeness of Feature Model
- Feature Relationships
- Temporal Ordering
- Product Family
46.2.3 Dimensionality6.2.4 Completeness of
Feature Model
- The dimensionality of manufacturing features is
also related to the relationship between features
and process models - Whether all the geometry of a part belongs to a
feature? completeness of feature model
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66.2.5 Feature Relationships
- To perform geometric reasoning ? information on
the geometric relationship of the feature
dimensioning, tolerancing relationship - Planar, Coplanar, Offset, Parallel, Orthogonal,
Collinear, Angular
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96.2.6 Temporal Ordering
- Temporal ordering of features unique in
manufacturing - Precedence relation
- End-start relation
- Start-start relation
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116.2.7 Product Family
126.3 Generation of Manufacturing Features
- 6.3.1 Interactive Feature Identification
- 6.3.2 Design by Manufacturing Features
- 6.3.3 Design to Manufacturing Feature Mapping
- 6.3.4 Manufacturing Feature Recognition
136.3.1 Interactive Feature Identification
- Manufacturing features are identified
interactively by picking geometric elements of a
geometric model displayed on computer screen.
146.3.2 Design by Manufacturing Features
- First-Cut System (Cutkosky 1990)
- By assuming that the designer creates the part
model directly in terms of its manufacturing
features ? no conversion or extraction of
manufacturing features - HutCAPP System (Mäntylä et al. 1989)
- Chapter 11
- Only negative features are available ?
destructive solid geometry
156.3.3 Design to Manufacturing Feature Mapping
- Ideally designer should be given the freedom to
design in terms of features most convenient for
design. - Chapter 7
166.3.4 Manufacturing Feature Recognition
- Complete separation of concern between design and
manufacturing - The recognizer can create several alternative
models of the part. ? give the planner freedom
of choosing the best plan
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186.4 Group Technology Coding
- Group technology(GT) exploits similarities among
parts to classify parts into part families. - Hyde 1981
- GT can effect considerable cost saving by
- eliminating design and process plan duplication
- automating part data retrieval
- reducing the number of changeovers in tooling and
fixturing by scheduling similar parts together
19- GT schemes are developed for specific
applications. - GT coding is basically a case analysis of
possible part shapes.
Sample part for GT coding 11106
20- GT schemes are usually partly or fully
hierarchical ? decision tree - DCLASS (Allen 1979)
- Parts can be classified differently by different
people because of the way a person responds to a
question. - The process is not automated.
- ? Application of feature for GT coding