Title: Progress of implementation of RSBGY in Chhattisgarh
1Progress of implementation of RSBGY in
No of districts 16
No of district in which RSBY implemented 6
BPL Population in these six districts 5193322
Number of families 1010713
Estimated No. of non- Construction workers (25 of families approx.) 252678
No. Of overall beneficiaries 1263391
Cost of annual premium per family 569.33
Overall cost 71,92,86,540
Share of Centre (60 75 of (569.33-60))No of beneficiary families 55,84,15,774
Share of State (25 of (569.33-60))No of beneficiary families 16,08,70,766
Contributions from beneficiaries _at_ 30 per family 3,79,01,738
Net Cost to State 12,29,69,029
3Progress so far
- Scheme being implemented in 6 districts
- MOU between GoI and GoCG signed ( 15th October
2008) - Nodal officer appointed. Process for setting up
Insurance cell pending and under process. - Process for identification of Insurance agency
completed. ( Oriental insurance company selected)
Rate finalized and Agency communicated MOU with
IC pending and under process- (vetting from law
department pending)
4Progress so far-1
- State level orientation workshop held on 15th
October with representation from all stake
holders. - CMHO made District Key Persons.
- Agencies identified for compilation of BPL data
as per standard template. Data entry progressing.
5Activities Planned for the coming months
- Completion of BPL data base
- Organisation of 6 District level workshops.
- Formalizing MOU with IC.
- Smart cards