Title: An Introduction to The John Rylands University Library
1An Introduction to The John Rylands University
2So whats on offer then?
- Lots of folk who can help you!
- Your own Faculty Team Librarian
- Library staff on your subject floors
- Books to borrow and some to read online
- Lots of print journals and many more online
- Databases to help you find journal articles
- 3 Computer Clusters/Wireless area
- Photocopying facilities
- Somewhere to study/relax/eat!
3The Main Library
- The Main Library
- sits in the heart of the University Campus
- on Burlington Street,
- off Oxford Road
- (between the Museum and the Student Union)
4However humble apologies!
- In June this year an ambitious refurbishment of
the Main Library Entry floor got underway - Due for completion in December 2009
5Temporary Entrance/Exit
- Entrance (Foot of Lime Street)
- Exit (Beside usual
6Location of Main Library
Main entrance - closed
Temporary exit Mon Fri, 9.00-5.00 Entrance too
at other times
Temporary entrance Mon Fri 9.00-5.00
7Using the Library Resources
- Your identity card is your library card and your
photocopy card and access into the library
- When you self register to use the computers. You
will also get your University email address and
Central username and password - You will also need a four digit PIN to self
issue/return or renew/reserve items online
8What can I borrow?
- Undergraduates - 20 Items
- Taught Postgraduates 25 Items
- Books could be recalled after 1 WEEK
- Fines increase each day for each item
- When is the library open?
- Times vary see opening hours flyer and library
webpages for further details
9Important Library areas
- Green Ground Temporary Entrance/Exit
- Blue 1-2-3 Computer Clusters/ Wireless area
- Blue 2 Human Communication books
- Medical/ Nursing books
- Psychology/ Social Science books
- Green 1 Clinical Sciences Journals
- Green 2 (Bookable) Group Study Rooms
- Orange Ground Social Science Journals
10Main Library Layout
No entry into Blue Ground until December 2009
Temporary Entrance/Exit
Temporary Entrance/Exit
(Copies of this plan available from Main Library)
11Borrowing books from the Main Library
- Self Issue Machines Blue 1
- Self Return Machines Green Ground
- You can renew books by phone or online (provided
you dont have a big fine!)
- Photocopiers are on most floors. All do A3 and A4
copies - Your library card is your photocopy card
- You need to have your card encoded before you
put money on it - You can photocopy in black and white and on some
machines colour. Some photocopiers will do back
to back (double sided) copies
13Printing from JRUL Computers
- There are two printing robots to credit your
computer printing account with money in the Main
Library - 5p a sheet for black/white
- 25p for colour
- Acetate sheets 50p
- There are also two e-payment machines on Blue 1
You can also pay for your printing and your
library fines online
Follow these links to find pages for your Subject
and further information about our Electronic
16The Catalogue
You can Reserve/Renew online and view your loans
etc. using your library card number and 4 digit
This links to your Reading Lists
You can search small sections of the catalogue
e.g. Journals, separately
The Catalogue gives details of hard copy and
electronic items
17Hard Copy Book Entry
Shelfmark details given here
18Electronic Books an example
E-books can be accessed off campus too
19Electronic Journals - an example
Follow the links.
.To find the full text
20Which Journal/s?
- It is difficult to merely wander round the
shelves to find what you want in journals - You need to use a database these are subject
specific and help to find journal articles for
your topic
21Electronic Databases
Databases help you find journal articles on your
They help you decide which articles are most
relevant to your study
Please note - Databases tell you what has been
published not necessarily what is held at JRUL
22Where can I find Databases?
or the JRUL subject pages.
Databases can be found on the A-Z list of
23Library Subject Pages
The JRUL Subject pages contain information on
library resources tell you who to contact for
further help advice
24Lots of Subject Resources
Explore these links to find further help
25Additional Resources
- Document Supply
- Any articles/ books etc.. you wish to read that
are not held in any of our libraries, can be
ordered from DSU - 2 per request
- You can also use
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Salford University
- Manchester Central Library
26Please dont Panic!
We know it sounds complicated!
27Help is at hand
- Look on the JRUL homepage and explore links for
help with electronic resources etc. - Many of the powerpoints and other library
induction material can be found on the JRULs
Subject pages under Trainings and Guides - Contact the library staff by email or telephone
- We are happy to help
28Remember the Information Desks
- If in doubt PLEASE ASK
- WE are here to help YOU!
29Thank-you for your attention!
Claire Hodkinson email claire.hodkinson_at_manche