Title: External Debt Management Information Systems
1External Debt Management Information Systems
- Workshop on External Debt Statistics
- Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia
- 7 18 November 2005
2What this session will cover
- Why use computerised MIS?
- General Characteristics
- Functions (recording/processing/reporting/analysis
) - Data Quality
- Linkages data exchange
- Sound practices when using MIS
3External Debt MIS the Guide
- Chapter 18 External Debt Monitoring Systems
- Chapter 11 Government Public Sector Debt
Statistics - Chapter 7 Box 7.1 High Frequency Debt Monitoring
4Why use MIS?
- Structured data standard methodology
- Speed accuracy
- (computers can handle large volume of data and
calculate with high degree of precision (e.g.
Annuity Exchange rate conversion PV Accrual
yield duration etc.) - Ability to group and aggregate - slice and dice
- What if analysis
- Accessibility
5MIS for debt management
Debt Management objectives
Legal and Institutional Framework
Management Information Systems
6General characteristics
- Act as a central repository for all external debt
- Capture data instrument by instrument ( at
tranche level if applicable), transaction by
transaction - Database needs to be validated regularly
- Satisfy reporting analytical needs
- Integrated within debt management operations
- Must be documented, supported and must evolve
with changes in debt management
7Functions of MIS
- Debt Recording and Operations
- Reporting
- Debt Data Analysis
- Linkages data interchange with other systems
8Debt recording and operations
- Maintain an inventory of all external debt
- Record basic instrument details and terms
- Record restructuring terms
- Record actual disbursements and debt service
- Record other information (exchange interest
rates etc.)
9Instrument details
Source EDS page 100
Source EDS page 100
Source EDS page 100
12Data Requirements
13Management Information System
Projections of estimated flows
MIS for External Debt
Debt Stocks and flows
Payments Due
Linkages data interchange with other systems
14Debt Data Quality
- Data quality is crucial
- Many countries still face data quality issues
- Measures need to be put in place to validate
inputs, processing and outputs.
15Debt Data Quality Framework for external debt
- Look at external debt statistics in terms of
- Accuracy Reliability
- Source
- Validation
- Revision
- Serviceability
- Periodicity timeliness
- Consistency
- Revision policy practice
- Accessibility
- Data Accessibility
- Metadata
- Assistance to users
- Quality
- Legal and institutional environment
- Resources
- Relevance
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Transparency
- Ethical Standards
- Methodological soundness
- Concepts and definitions
- Scope
- Classification/Sector breakdown
- Basis for recording
- MIS should be flexible enough to produce a
variety of reports for internal and external use - Modern day facilities include
- Pre-defined as well as ability to write
customised reports - Selection/Filter facilities allowing
selection/drill down - Report Batches and Scheduler
- Export reports to Excel/HTML/PDF
- Graphics
17Types of Reports
- Individual instruments Loan Ledger/Transaction
journal - Aggregate reports broken down by various
categories - Analytical reports
- Other data (exchange interest rates)
18Dissemination of debt data
- Objectives
- Provide information
- Engender greater transparency confidence
- Dissemination should be on a frequent timely
basis - Concepts methodology, definitions,
classifications should be explained - Revisions should also be explained
- Many countries are developing an Information
19Reporting Internal External
- Internal users within DMO government public
corporations CSO Research institutions
universities press - External Users
- World Bank Data Reporting System (DRS) and World
Bank External Debt (WBXD) - External users (e.g. IMF/WB missions)
- Regular basis for monitoring and reporting to
management and PCs - Ad-hoc in other cases
- GDDS At least Annual SDDS Quarterly within
3mo. - Use built in electronic links-Quarterly
- Ad Hoc/Yearly (e.g. Article IV)
20Debt Data Analysis
- Portfolio Analysis
- Evolution and Composition of external debt
- Assessing impact of new borrowing
- Impact of debt restructuring
- Compute debt indicators based on economic data
(nominal and PV terms) - What if analysis (exchange interest rate)
- Link to debt sustainability and/or risk
management systems
21Linkages data interchange with other systems
Primary Market
Secondary Market
Electronic Trading Systems Bloomberg Stock
Exchange (DEX)
Central Depository System
Electronic Auctioning System
CS-DRMS 2000 Domestic External debt -
Reports - Management Tools - Links to WB
Debt Sustainability/ Risk Management Software
- Linkages to other Systems
- Accounting
- Budget
- Treasury systems
Electronic Payments System
22Linkages data interchange with other systems
Source Information Systems for Government Fiscal
Management, WB 1999
23Sound practices for MIS
- MIS needs to be managed professionally
- Need for trained IT staff
- Hardware and Maintenance
- Security aspects
- Disaster Recovery Procedures
- Procedures Manual
24Visit our web site at www.csdrms.org
Thank You!
- Workshop on External Debt Statistics
- Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia
- 7 18 November 2005