Title: Water Framework Directive an overview for
1Water Framework Directive an overview for
- Kevin Prior
- 26th September 2003
2Some Global Water Facts
- lt 1 of the planets water available for human
consumption - gt 1.2 billion people have no access to safe
drinking water
3European Water Situation
- 20 of EU surface water is seriously threatened
by pollution - 65 of EU drinking water from groundwater sources
- 60 of EU cities overexploit their groundwater
4Time scale
- 22nd Dec 2000 - WFD came into force
- 22nd Dec 2003 - brought into force in U.K.
- 22nd Dec 2009 - Programme of measures to be
established River Basin Management Plans
published - 22nd Dec 2012 - Programme of measures to be
5Key objectives (Article 1)
- Prevent further deterioration, protect and
enhance the status of aquatic ecosystems and
associated wetlands - promote sustainable water consumption, and
- contribute to mitigating the effects of floods
and drought.
6Overriding quality objective (Article 4)
- Good surface water status
- Good groundwater status
7Key elements
- The introduction of water management based on
river basin districts - Programme of measures to improve water quality
- Ecological quality will be key in assessing
8Main Changes
- It is a Framework - NOT a set of rules
- River Basin Management system
- Abstraction Control - includes prior
authorisation requirements - Pollution reduction
- Recovery of costs for water services
9How to achieve good water quality
- Integration of different policy areas by EC
- Diffuse pollution - minimise remove persistent
compounds in chemical formulations - IPPC - clean production techniques
- Consumers - environmental friendly products
- All inland surface waters,
- Ground waters,
- Transitional waters ( inc. estuaries and lagoons)
- Coastal waters
- integrate quality and quantity
11Indicative List of Main Pollutants
- Organohalogens.
- Organophosphorous cpds.
- Organotin compounds.
- Endocrine disrupters, .
- Persistent hydrocarbons and persistent and
bioaccumulable organic toxic substances. - Cyanides.
- Metals and their cpds.
- Arsenic and its cpds.
- Biocides and plant protection products.
- Materials in suspension.
- Substances which contribute to eutrophication
(including NO3 PO4). - Substances which have an unfavourable influence
on the oxygen balance (and can be measured using
parameters such as BOD, COD, etc.).
12Areas of Concern
13How to address those concerns
- Reduce diffuse pollution
- Tighter Discharge Consents
- More Direct Toxicity Assessment
- Environmental Friendly Products
- More recycling / reuse of water
14Who does it affect ?
- The water industry
- Agriculture
- Development Construction Industry
- Abstraction Licence holders.
- Direct Discharges to controlled water
- Trade Effluent Consent holders
- You and me !
15Where WFD impacts BACS
Discharge Consents / Incidents
Discharge Consents / Incidents
Good Water Quality
16Issues for You
- How does this affect your products / services?
- What are the implications for your customers ?
- What does that mean for you ?
17Real Example in Consumer Goods
- Product Specification
- reduces diffuse pollution
- reduces persistent compound
- reduces eutrophication tendency
18Use of EDTA phosphonates
- Very effective chelants - wide range of uses
- EDTA Non-biodegradable, so persists in the
environment - Phosphonates promote algal growth and hence
oxygen depletion - Nearly all chelants end up in rivers
- Concerns about long term adverse effects
19EDDS - an Alternative Chelant
- S,S-EthyleneDiamineDiSuccinate (EDDS)
- Naturally occurring
- Readily Biodegradable
- Classed as non-hazardous
20EDDS - Readily Biodegradable
21Other Opportunities
- Increase reuse of water
- Increase recycling
- Augmented Technical Services
- Process Optimisation
- Product substitution
- Inventory Management
22Other reports
- Towards sustainable products a contribution to
the UK Government strategy on sustainable
consumption and production - Report by the Advisory Committee on Consumer
Products and the Environment (ACCPE)
23For more information
- www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/wfd/ faq.htm
- http//europa.eu.int/eurlex/pri/en/oj/2000/1_32720
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